Tag: family

Moments Preserved

TUESDAY, P.M. Dear Carl I’m so glad you came over the other night; it was so very nice being with you, and may I say you’ve never looked so pretty nor been more charming – which is saying a good deal! Best Maurice It was the last day of my book tour in New York. […]

Geography of the house

Early last week, as the festivities were slowly winding down, as we had just said goodbye to the big kids who returned to their school in Iceland, France was shaken by terror. I was working on a long overdue new blog post that I planned to publish later in the day when news of the […]

Duck burger & cherry clafoutis

It’s officially the summer holidays in Médoc.  We’ve been longing for hot sunny days, sun-kissed hues and al fresco meals everyday.  The feeling is free and easy,  I am happily compiling the recipes for my book, writing away under my favourite trees.  My office is very simple. I usually place a table under a tree, […]


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