
This onion and bacon tart takes me back to my college days in Paris, when my friends and I would finish class and rush to St Germain-des-Près for drinks and a Flammekueche. Perhaps it was a 90’s kind of thing, but we loved eating this delicious Alsatian speciality. This pizza style tart topped with a mixture of crème fraîche, fromage blanc, onions and bacon strips … Continue reading Flammekueche


Whenever I cook a ratatouille, my kitchen smells like a Provençal market, filled with Mediterranean scents. Even though ratatouille is a grand classic French dish, you won’t often come across it in the restaurant menus. This is a true ‘home-cooked’ meal, to be eaten in the best traditional way, with a golden fried egg on top. I always feel invigorated when I cook this meal, … Continue reading Ratatouille

Gratin Dauphinois and Cigalines

I was queuing at our local butcher the other day, and overheard a woman standing next to me saying – ‘Oh, I want the same as last time because ‘Je me suis régalée’ – meaning she really ‘deliciously’ enjoyed… her cigalines. I had never heard of cigalines before, and I was so intrigued that I asked Michel the butcher what it was: ‘It’s a specialité! … Continue reading Gratin Dauphinois and Cigalines

Veal liver with caramelised shallots and balsamic vinegar

When I am in the mood for a robust traditional meal, there’s nothing more satisfying than a pan-fried veal liver with caramelised shallots and balsamic vinegar. This recipe is inspired from one of my favourite restaurants in Paris, ‘Au Moulin à Vent’, 20 Rue des Fossés-Saint Bernard 75005. They have a ‘foie de veau à la Lyonnaise'(veal liver à la Lyonnaise’) that melts in your … Continue reading Veal liver with caramelised shallots and balsamic vinegar