About me


Ever since I was a little girl I have been deeply passionate about food. My childhood was largely spent scurrying between the restaurants of Hong Kong, where I grew up, and the bistros of Paris and the south of France where we spent our holidays at my French grandmother’s. Food was constantly on my mind, I’m the girl who was always happiest at the table. After a life full of adventure and travel, a career in fashion, media and television, I settled down in Paris with Oddur, my Icelandic photographer husband, and we have been busy making babies ever since. We were already off to a good start, we each had children from before, I one and he two and now we have three together and one on the way. A big family needs a lot of space, not least when you have 4 terriers in Paris of all places. So we went looking for a bigger place to live, and found one … in Médoc. Moving to the country was not planned at all, but we took the leap and it’s been some sort of fairytale ever since – you should try it! I’ve been doing a lot of cooking in these last four years, to glowing reviews (my family are very kind) and around 2 years ago I felt the need to share my culinary experiences with some friends and perhaps a few others. So Manger was born and while the rest may not be history it’s my story and my family’s. We are as happy as ever, up to no good, living with 14 amazing dogs, Fox Terriers, Jack Russell’s and one chocolate-colored German pointer called Gertrud. She thinks she’s a terrier by the way.
Is has been and continues to be such an amazing ride, I was fortunate enough to be asked to host a cooking show here in France on Cuisine+ based on the blog and one of my childhood dreams came true when I wrote cookbook called A kitchen in France. The book is published by Clarkson Potter/ Random House in New York
The book is still in the oven, so to speak, but all the cooking is done and now it just needs to rise. I’m very proud of it and it’s even available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The big day (publication date) is October 28 2014!

Note: All the photos are taken by my husband Oddur Thorisson.

'A kitchen in France' by Mimi Thorisson
‘A kitchen in France’ by Mimi Thorisson

For all television, commercial & media inquiries, please contact me:

[email protected]

You can find me on Manger by Mimi Thorisson on Facebook, Mimi Thorisson on Pinterest and mimithor on Instagram.

471 thoughts on “About me

  1. What a wonderful change of lifestyle for you. It must have been quite the move, but it all looks so beautiful. Your recipes and the photos are great. Lots of love Claudia (from Hong Kong) x

      1. Hi Mimi I a man italian girl who just discovered you on pinterest. I like your pictures may I use some of yours please?

          1. Quelle émission magnifique ! Je viens de la découvrir. Est-il possible d’avoir vos recettes rédigées en français ?
            Merci d’avance pour votre réponse.
            Sincères salutations. Hélène

  2. Found you today on Womens Room blog..I would love to use some of your Floral cakes on my blog where I do floral anythings that take my fancy….all connected back to you of course ..

  3. hello Mimi,
    I’m french and I love cooking.
    I’m very impressed by your blog.
    Your recipes and photos of french food give us a really good idea of the french food more than most of french blogs ;-))
    I’m now a regular follower of your blog 🙂

  4. Mimi, this space you have created is absolutely beautiful! I found Manger by way of Bernadette at Decade Diary, another magical online place. While I’ve never been much of a cook (my husband is more of that) I have always been a great fan of the home food ritual. Thank you for sparking more of my interest!

  5. So thrilled to have found your blog! The recipes, the photography and your family are beautiful!. I’m going to feature your lovely blog on my own. It’s too good not to share with my readers!

  6. I just discovered your blog. So beautiful inviting pictures and mood. Will be your newest reader. Also a lovely written about me-story. Cheers Susanne

  7. Dear Mimi, what a beautiful blog you have. The food looks delicious and the photos are wonderful! I’m looking forward to your next posts 🙂 Greetings from Holland

  8. Good morning, Mimi.

    Very nice that I found this lovely and delicious blog, recipes and more recipes, I got your recipe: Magret de canard with peaches and potatoe cake, and all hints. I’ll try it tonight and definitely I’ll let you know about.
    I’m a brazilian cook living in Manhattan, trying new cuisines, and french now is my challenge. Thank you for sharinhg this incredible blog.
    All the best for you and family.

    Marcos Gouvea.

  9. Hi Mimi

    I have just discovered your blog from Miss Moss, and I am so happy I have! It just brings so many wonderful memories back from the time I spent in France and Belgium, unlike some French food blogs which can seem a bit stuck in cliche. But this is just as it was, and it makes me so happy to read through it. I hope you’re well, and I look forward to following your posts.

  10. I just found your blog – and instantly fell in love!
    Can’t even find words to describe it… I love EVERYTHING about it!

    love-greetings from Germany!

  11. Bonjour, Mimi!

    Je suis ravie de trouver votre blog ce gris matin d`automne, c`est un vrai rayon de soleil! Je suis russe et j`adore cuisiner. Vos recettes sont excellentes! Vous etes une trez belle femme! Je vais visiter votre blog chaque matin pour etre toujours en bonne humeur!

    From Russia with love!

  12. Oh my gosh – look at you BEAUTYFUL … I’m stunned and in LOVE! Your dishes are delicous and look even better! I adore your big family and way of STYLE – thank you so much for all the great inspiration. A HUGE german FAN – Chiara

  13. Dear Mimi,
    I just cant say how much I love this blog. With every picture my heart wants to be in france and my tounge and also my stomach want me to eat and to cook ALL that stuff! This ist all so damn gorgeous! 🙂

    But I have one question: What dogs is your husband breeding? Only Fox Terrier? Or Russel Terrier? Or anything else? Is there any further information about your dogs?

    Love and greetings from germany (not so far to the french border)

  14. Hi Mimi,
    Having lived 20 years in Hong Kong and now living, still cooking and photographing, in Paris, I’m thrilled to have found your beautiful blog. Such lovely photographs and delicious recipes, which sound way too good not to try! Looking forward to many more happy mornings reading your pieces.

  15. I was just introduced to your blog today, and I am in love! I’m an American lover of France, and very much enjoy your descriptions and your husband’s photos. And the recipes! Soon, very soon, I must visit Médoc!

  16. If this doesn’t inspire anyone, then I don’t know what will! This is a beautifully kept blog and I haven’t even begun to read it! Were you in Singapore as a child or an adult? What was your favorite dish there? I’m Singaporean of course.

    1. Hello from Médoc! Thanks for visiting my blog! I lived in Singapore when I was 18 and had a fantastic time. My favourite dishes were Hainan chciken rice at Chatterbox, black bean and chili crab at the seafood stalls on th eairport road, dao fu fa (bean curd pudding) with ginger sauce (can’t remember the name of the place, but it was really traditional and near rear the Indian quarter), and Taiwanese food at Goodwood hotel. Such good memories! Mimix

      1. You had the best stuff then. A new kind of bean curd pudding from Hong Kong (with Coffee Mate as the secret ingredient) has been all the rage and the famous ones are at the Old Airport market you remember. It’s time for a visit. Tell your husband his photos are as inspiring as your recipes. What a combo!

  17. Hi Mimi,
    I thought, “who better to ask for advice than Mimi T” – we have a family lunch planned soon with 8 adults and 6 children (my French husband’s family) to celebrate 2 of our childrens’ birthdays. All guests, being French, are passionnate about good food and the women are talented cooks. Scary stuff, I’m unused to cooking for such numbers but am using your fabulous recipes for inspiration. I love to make desserts so am planning on the Italian pear and choc/crème de marron cakes, the French onion/comté soup for starters but am completely stuck on the main course. I am vegetarian and would like a fish-based meal which could preferably be made in advance. Wondering if you could suggest anything? I was thinking possibly a scallop/St Jacques recipe as they’re appearing in the markets….PS. hopefully, if time permits, I could freeze some gougères…PSS. how do you cope with large dinner parties, do you aim for simple or sophisticated?!

    1. Bonjour! When I have a large number of guests, I usually prepare the ‘osso buco tout nu’ (it’s on my recipe list). It’s always a crowd pleaser, served with polenta and lots of juicy sauce. Since you are a vegetarian, how about a bouillaibesse Marseille style? Otherwise, a couscous is always popular – it’s an easy dish suited for vegetarians and meat-eaters. I hope this helps! St jacques sounds great, I love to serve them with braised endives with butter. Mimix

  18. Dear Mimi, thank you very much for sharing this all with us.

    Your recipes are very nice and I am going to try a few.

    And it is true that we live in a beautiful region 🙂

    – alice

  19. Hello Mimi, Thank you so much for sharing your recipes! I love cooking and baking things that are beautiful and everything you share is lovely. I am learning the French language and hope to travel there one day as well.


  20. Bonjour Mimi,
    Maman a vécu à Bordeaux; à la house, et elle en garde un excellent souvenir. Elle m’a parlé d’un salon de thé ‘Le Couroucoucou’ dans un grand magasin rue Ste Catherine, où elle allait avec ma grand-mère, existe-t-il toujours?

  21. Just discovered your beautiful blog through a picture I found on Tumblr. I’m already in love. I love the photographs, and the food looks delicious. Cannot wait to keep reading! x

  22. J’ai dėcouvert votre blog ce soir et je suis admirative devant sa qualité, que ça soit au niveau des textes, fins et émouvants, que des photographies vivantes et sensuelles, pareilles à des natures-mortes d’Abraham Mignon.
    Étant également eurasienne, l’expérience et le souvenir familier de deux types de cuisine, asiatique (dans mon cas vietnamienne) et française font particulièrement écho en moi. Merci et bravo! :-))

  23. Chère Mimi,
    Bravo et surtout mille mercis étoilés pour vos magnifiques recettes et photos.
    Mon moral avait grand besoin de vos beautés et ma fille adore!
    Les amis et amies vont bientôt en profiter eux aussi.
    Bonne continuation avec votre famille : )

  24. Hello Mimi,
    I have just discovered your blog and congratulate it’s marvellous..the recipes the pics everything after reading it
    I felt that we have lots of in common…such the love toward plum, pomegranate etc and I cook great dishes every day..My hubby says very often to our friends that when I don’t like what I eat I know it is weekend

  25. Formidable !! votre blog est splendide !! les textes, les photos, vos plats qui mettent l’eau à la bouche !! c’est un régal ! tout est beau !! merci pour votre travail ! c’est un bonheur pour les yeux et cela fait du bien ….
    je repasserai souvent ….

  26. Wow! Just came over to your blog via EOS. Your blog is so inspiring and enchanting! I’m so looking forward to reading more of your recipes…and thought sharings….

  27. Mimi…
    Your Blog is really beautiful!!! It has charm, love and good taste!
    I’d love to use a couple of photos from your blog and of course talking about you!!
    May I?
    I’m brazilian but half japonese!!
    At the moment I have been living in Germany!!
    And like you… living in small city!!! No stress and more time to enjoy the family!! 🙂
    Thank you for your lovely Blog!!!!

  28. Dear “Manger”,
    I’m Mirco of blog L’orto di Michelle

    I wrote a post on pomegranates and I reviewed your photos and your link. I
    hope this is acceptable to you. (I reported your copyright and clicking on your
    name you open your blog)
    I have also noted your link on my links page. Your blog is beautiful and
    interesting and congratulations for the photos.
    Best regards and happy new year

    L’orto di Michelle

    1. Bonjour Luca! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Hopefully you will find some time to cook a recipe. As it is very cold these days, I often make the garbure des Pyrénées, the ratatouille or the duck parmentier. As for sweet delights, you should really try the calvados apple tart – it’s a heartwarming dessert:) Bonne hournée, Mimix

  29. You two. make a SPECTACULAR team. This blog oozes beauty and authenticity – what a perfect way to meld your love and passion for food and your husband’s artistic eye, and, well, the fact that you live in one of the most beautiful (culinarily and otherwise) places I’ve ever set eyes on. The fact you can do it while being a mom is great too. You are right that some of our best memories center around meals. Your kids will have such wonderful memories!

  30. I am also a newcomer to your blog.
    Marvelous et merci (that is the extent of my French)
    Others have said all of the superlatives so I will just send a warm smile

  31. Wow. I recently discovered your blog and I must say it´s amazing. Love pictures and recipes. Both of them are gorgeous! I see your pics and I wanna try the recipe inmediatly. So much inspiring! You have my vote on AT. Congrats!

  32. Just discovered your blog – it is beautiful and inspiring. The recipes look heavenly can’t wait to try some.

  33. I love your blog!!
    Please subscribe me. I ‘ve try to do it, but can’t find a please where I can sign in . You have my email already.

    Keep up the wonderful job.

    1. Thank you so much! To follow ‘Manger’ and get emails for each posts, all you have to do is click on the bottom right of the front main page. There should be a grey box saying ‘follow’. I hope this helps! Bonne soirée, Mimix

  34. Just discovered your blog…..I am so excited to try your recipes. I couldn’t find out where to sign in to subscribe, so if possible please subscribe me. This is my email. Thank you

    1. Bonsoir Victoria! Thanks for visiting Manger! To follow ‘Manger’ and get emails for each posts, all you have to do is click on th ebottom right of the front main page. There should be a grey box saying ‘follow’. I hope this helps! Bonne soirée, Mimix

  35. Bonjour Mimi,

    Lovely to discover your wonderful blog.
    Gorgeous photos and recipes and I look forward to visiting again.
    Having travelled to the Medoc, know how beautiful it is there.

    Happy week

  36. Mimi—I cannot stop scrolling your pages, such a breath of life and fresh air. What model camera do you use? Your photography is absolute perfection…

  37. The recipies and photography combine to create a wonderful impression of your idyllic Medoc life. Thank you for such a wonderful site and I look forward to trying out new culinary delights.

  38. Mimi, I’m so addicted to your blog! Every post is simply a delight, and Médoc looks perfectly wonderful.
    I’m traveling abroad for the first time, to Paris, this summer. By any chance are there any cafés or brasseries that you suggest I go to?

    Thank you for such a wonderful blog!

    1. Hi Kaelin,

      Thanks for your kind words! Hope I am not responding too late! For your Paris trip, here’s some of my favourite places: Café de Flore, Brasserie Lipp (for the atmosphere one evening, I love), L’ami Jean(my kind of big, rustic food) Carette (in Trocadéro), Vivant… Enjoy! Mimix

  39. Tonight, home late from work, I took some parmesan cheese and wanted to turn it into a soup. So I did. And ate it. Now I’m looking up how to really do it. Wow. Great recipe, cool blog. Thanks

  40. Bonjour Mimi!
    I live in India, and I am in love with your blog! The photographs are absolutely gorgeous! Do keep writing and posting, it is very inspiring!

    Lots of love!

  41. I discovered your blog a couple of days ago and fell in love with it! I can’t even remember now how I found it but I was probably searching for tips for my upcoming vacation to Paris. Such a beautiful family and great food. Oh my.

    My mom’s American and my dad’s Korean. I was brought up in Seoul and now live in NYC. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Reading your blog made my weekend beautiful.

  42. hi Mimi, i came across your blog a few days ago. What beautiful images and recipes. You and your family lead an idyllic lifestyle. How do you juggle everything, 4 children, 2 step children, 14 dogs, husband & gorgeous blog written by a beautiful woman?

  43. Hi Mimi – what a wonderful blog, the combination of your cooking and writing, and your husband’s photography, is exceptionally good. Having only just discovered your blog, I settled down comfortably this afternoon with a cup of coffee to browse through, but – horreur! – found that I’m unable to see photographs for your posts prior to Christmas. Do you know if it’s a problem on your page? Clicking on the text that takes the place of the missing photos, the computer starts thinking about taking me to the photo, but is timing out. Hope you can fix, it feels like having a good book taken away just when you were beginning to get into it.
    Well done, a beautiful blog, keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Judith! Thanks so much for visiting Manger. Regarding the technical issues, I believe there was a disturbance on the site caused by the servers of ‘Cloudfare’ (it’s a content delivery network). Hopefully it has resolved. If not, please let me know! Thanks! Mimix

  44. Just spending a beautiful spring day here on East Cost, dreaming about new things from One Kings Lane and I stumbled into your blog. Gorgeous pages and photos! I’ll put you on my blog roll right away!

  45. Enjoyed viewing your blog. The photograph is great. Can’t recipes wait to try your recipes. But tell me, how do you manage to stay so slim and beautiful cooking all that food.

  46. Mimi, your blog is inspiring! I have moved to France just over two months ago and have just started a little blog about learning to be a little bit French. I see that I can learn a lot from you – cooking, family, a life of sheer beauty and simple elegance. I will be an avid reader! I can’t wait to try out some of your recipes. All the best to you! xxx

  47. Bonjour Mimi,

    J’ai trouvé votre blog par hasard sur le site de saveur.com (toutes mes félicitations d’ailleurs d’être l’une des finalistes de Best Food Blog!). J’ai vecu en France pendant 8 ans (à Paris et à Bordeaux) et ayant déménagé à Singapour depuis 2 ans, la belle-vie en France me manque énormément. Vous représentez la douce vie de campagne en France dans votre blog d’une si belle manière que cela me rend chaud au coeur de revoir toutes ces images du Sud-Ouest de la France (bravo à votre mari photographe). J’ai aussi hâte de goûter quelques unes de vos recettes. Elles ont l’air si délicieux! En tout cas, ravie d’avoir fait connaissance de votre blog!

  48. Dear Mimi, I was sent to your blog by Elisabeth Thomas, a blogger friend of mine. I must say I was very impressed by your work. You put so much soul into every post. I am also very happy I found you because we are neighbors. I live across the river from you guys in Libourne… I am new to the blogging world and I have yet to meet a fellow blogger in person to share ideas and experiences… Maybe you’ll do me the honor of visiting my blog and if you like it, the honor of agreeing to have tea sometime. My blog is not nearly as beautiful as yours and I want to take it to the next level. Meeting you in person would be such fun…

    1. Bonjour! It’s a pleasure to meet you here Stéphane. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It was a pleasure visiting your blog – I loved the warmth, charm, honesty and humor in your posts. And what a talented gourmand chef you are! My husband and I would be delighted to meet you one fine day! A bientôt, Mimi

  49. u got the whole world,amazing life,hope u have enough clouds to make a beautiful sunset in your life

  50. Dear Mimi, i just discovered Manger through the saveur winners and I must say you should be the winner of all! I’ve been following food blogs for a while now but am amazed by your posts of deliciously, honest food, your beautiful family – your life seems like a fairytale. True beauty.
    My husband and I are big baguette fans as well which is not easy to find here in Mexico so we are still working on our perfect dough.:)
    Best. Christiane

  51. Dear Mimi, we had exchanged e-mails 2 or 3 weeks ago about maybe having coffee together to exchange ideas and best practices about blogging… I live in St Emilion and can cross the river any time :0) I was wondering if maybe you’d be free sometime next week… Maybe late morning or in the afternoon on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday… Please let me know if that’s at all possible. I love your work and your style so very much and can’t wait to meet you! All the very best, Stéphane.

  52. Your blog is simply splendid. Have you considered adding a “style” section with resources for clothing? You have such a wonderful sense of stlye.

  53. I was browsing around, and found your blog, Mimi. I live in California, and was intrigued to see so many familiar types of produce, foods, and recipes- very much like home to me! I will return to your blog soon!

  54. Hi Mimi,

    I have read a report of you and your blog in the German Magazine Lust auf Genuss 07/2013.You make it so beautiful here and you are a beautiful woman with a great personality. I ‘ll follow you.
    Many greetings
    Yvonne from Germany

  55. Hi, just discovered your blog and find it simply magic. And you happen to have lived in the places I love. Reykjavik was one of my most amazing trip, so in addition to the French/Asian flavours I’m sensitive to, this was a funny coincidence! I’ll follow your blog, thanks for sharing it really is a beautiful place and life! Good day!

  56. Hi, I am from Hong Kong and I fell in love the moment I stumbled upon your blog! The photos are just beautiful!

  57. the photographs are wonderful. of the blog, everyone has said so many wonderful remarks, i repeat everyone, and add if i were to live all over again, i’d like to live in medoc, with 14 dogs and 6 or 7 children… but,
    actually, i would like to know what type of camera or film your husband uses. i only take photos for myself, but i like his results a lot, and would like to try for something similar.

    1. Bonsoir Joy-Marie, Thanks so much for dropping by – it’s never to late to move over to Médoc – we are waiting for you ! 🙂 My husband uses a Canon EOS and uses mostly natural daylight. All the best, Mimix

  58. Hi Mimi – I’m collecting my favourite 5 Food Blogs to feature in my annual Food Week and I would absolutely love to include as one of my most inspirational bloggers. All fully credited and linked of course… would that be ok? Hope so! Bethan x

  59. Dear Mimi,

    this blog is simply wonderful ! I work in finance and my beloved balancing hobby is cooking ! Everyday ! For me cooking is a way to conjure the emotions you want to feel so I am constantly in search for new culinary inspiration. Your blog is a new jewel in my collection and I planned the next 2 weeks to try your dishes 😉 I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this inspiration and I wish you and your family all the best !!! Anastasia

  60. I have been following you on Instagram and your pictures are amazing as well as the food design. Thank you!

  61. Hi Mimi, I feel very lucky for finding your blog on net. In the sea of cooking blogs this is absolutely the best! Everything is like the fairy tale…that we can only imagine…I will become your regular blog/friend. You are very blessed to have and to do the things you love the most.
    Big embrace from Serbia 🙂

    1. Bonjour Jelena! Thank you SO much for such kind words – I am blessed to have such wonderful readers like you! Merci for such encouragement 🙂 Best, Mimix

  62. the window into your life is so exquisite, lush and delicious!
    Thank you for sharing your stories and recipes!
    a reader foodlover designer from Portland, Oregon

  63. This is probably the most beautiful blog I’ve ever visited! I will try out some of your recipies but for now I am feeding my eyes with these amazing photographs that look like baroque paintings!

    Greetings from Bolivia:)

  64. I hesitate to admit this because it makes me sound slightly insane, but I found this blog via saveur.com today, and I’ve actually spent nearly four hours (so far) reading back through your entire blog. The pictures are as much a feast for the eyes as the stories are for the heart, or the food for the stomach. Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us – I look forward to attempting many of your recipes in the future! Much love from this instantaneous fan. xo

  65. Stunning… absolutely stunning Mimi ! Your writings and photos are beautiful, inspiring and informative. I have enjoyed meeting your blog today and catching up on your posts. Hoping to get back to France this year to brocante shop for my store in here California. Your authentic styling has me wanting to make my plane reservation today! Thanks
    All the best, ~Jen

  66. Just discovered your beautiful blog and what a delight it is! I’m a complete Francophile and often dream of living in France so visiting you blog was pure bliss. Keep up the wonderful work you and your husband do! Truly inspiring. Xo.

  67. Congratulations ! Pleased to be joining your followers ! So glad to have found your blog !

  68. I am absolutely thrilled to have come across your wonderful blog just now! The photos are beautiful and so are you 🙂 I will visit regularly.

  69. been off computer for some time but Saveur had you listed..cudoos to you and your husband..love your website; also what makes it so special above all is the fact the your readers are not bombarded with advertisements…won’t even go some some as overwhelmed with ads and many not to even do with food. Thanks so much for the pleasure of being to armchair travel and cook.

  70. so glad to have come across your blog! Nice to know you’ve lived where I live, Singapore(: You are stunning and so are the recipes. They inspire my own blog and my own take on culinary lifestyle xx

  71. Dear Mimi,

    This is the first time for me to visit your blog. It is a amazing!!! I love the beautiful photos and wonderful recipes! And your life in France looks like a dream…

    I am a Chinese who is living in Germany for years. Good food and photography are my passions. I just started my blog which focuses on “East meets West” recipes. It would be a big honour for me if you could stop by and take a look. 🙂

    May I put your link on my blog?
    Thanks for sharing so much beautiful moments of your life!


    1. Thank you so much for saying hi Qin! So lovely to meet a fellow food lover – I am always a fan of East meets West cuisine – your blog is so lovely – thanks for the introduction – I am honoured 🙂 Always happy to share! Happy summer – Mimix

  72. wow, really amazing blog. I can’t believe I am just seeing it now. Your recipes are mouthwatering AND gorgeous and how lucky of you to have your very own photographer 🙂
    I’ve just recently visited France…and I want to go back already. In the meantime, I can always look at your blog.

  73. Hello Mimi, you have a beautiful texts, photos and recipes! I think the best food blog. Greetings from Slovakia 🙂

  74. Coucou, Mimi. I began following you somehow on Instagram (I am @sarameli) and have been enjoying your lovely photos for over a year now. They have the unique ability to make me terribly nostalgic for my past life in France, and tremendously hopeful for the family and domestic life I am just beginning. Every day I see your photos, I wonder how you balance your work, life as a wife and mother along with your domestic life, and, how you find time to take care of yourself? Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who does need to do much sport to stay fit, but I can’t quite figure out your secret to managing it all, and with a serene smile. I wish I could discover your secret before my husband and I have children! With my best wishes and thanks, Sara

    1. Hi Sara! It’s so lovely to see you here! Thanks for saying hi 🙂 I really enjoy getting getting out of the ‘social media’ network and getting to know everyone better. Where did you live in France? Do you come back for visits? I wish you all the very best for your new life – may it be filled with love, happiness and lots of good home-cooked meals 🙂 To answer your question about balancing my life, I feel that the key is passion. My husband and I made a choice and chose to live the life we want, doing the work we love, and raising our kids. We want to be with them as much as possible, they grow up so fast! My work is at home, where I cook and write, and try to involve my children frequently. I am fairly organized, and manage my schedule so I can also take care of myself. Because I live in the country I don’t get the chance to follow pilates or yoga classes (something I love in the past), but I make up for it and go on long walks with the dogs. That’s my sport these days. I always have this motto – ‘If you can do it, do it now!’. It saves a lot of time and it works! 🙂 Best, Mimi x

  75. oh quel joli blog!
    c’est une joie de vous découvrir, vous êtes une si belle famille.
    les photos sont très jolies, comme vos recettes qui nous invitent à les préparer à notre tour, c’est si gentil de les partager avec nous.
    Je vous souhaite le meilleur
    bonjour de marseille en provence

  76. I just found your blog this weekend and have been gushing about it to my coworkers. I cannot wait to cook some of your recipes. Your husband takes gorgoues photo’s too. I hope to live in France at some point in my life so you’re an inspiration!

  77. Hi . My name is Oksana and I am happy to read your blog, because your blog is simply a miracle. I am also a food blogger and and you inspire me. Thank you for what you’re doing 🙂

  78. Hi Mimi,
    I have been following your blog for quite some time now. You are living my dream, I love your blog, your recipes and photos that your husband takes! They are absolutely adorable! Just a few days I was flying back home from NY and grabbed Bon appetit magazine on my way. I jumped in my seat when i saw an article featuring you. I am so happy for you, you prove to everyone that if you have a passion about something everyone will feel it and recognize it! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comment – I am so happy to hear you enjoy the blog! Merci for being so kind – I hope you enoyed the feature on Bon Appétit – it was such fun being part of it! Best, Mimi x

  79. Hello Mimi,
    Your blog is really beautiful ! Congratulation for this magnificent work. Look forward reading you !

  80. I also learned about your blog from Bon Appetit. Absolutely beautiful!!
    I look forward to reading new entries, and being inspired.

  81. oh la la, how I love your site, I am quietly here constantly gathering yummie ideas to cook & eat, so decided to drop a line ~ the photography is simply divine and delicious ~ merci beaucoup ~ xo

  82. Have recently come across your blog, my love of cooking has been further inspired by your beautiful recipes, I currently have a Teurgoule in the oven as I write! Thank you for sharing!

  83. OMG! What a beautiful blog! Overwhelmed by the beautiful photographs, recipies stories and care that goes into every detail of your blog. I just kept showing everything to my husband and 2 daughters. I will definitely follow something so tastefully done. Looking forward to your recipie book.Congratulations!

  84. Hello
    I live in south korea ,seoul kangnam
    It’s very nice food n home page
    Everything is nature
    I envy u

    Good luck!

  85. Just discovered your blog after noticing a recipe posted on Facebook. Can’t wait to make the vegetable tarte tatin and leisurely peruse through your site.
    Thank you!
    Tallahassee FL

  86. Beautiful blog! More pictures of Gertrude please! The one thing I loved more than good food was my darling German Shorthaired Pointer, Slim, who we lost last year. Will make something yummy from your blog in her memory!

  87. I love your blog. I’m getting ready to move to a smaller town and reading your blog gives me alot of encouagement to embrace the more simple life..To buy local and cook everyday.. Thank you for your beautiful photographs and recipes…..

  88. I was perusing your blog again; looking for previous winter entries in search of recipes for our Holiday entertainment …Wishing for a ‘search’ option on your blog or a chronological list of entries … 🙂
    Thank you!!!
    Love your blog and recipes!

  89. Hi Mimi, what a wonderful place to discover the food and your life! I am Chinese, lived in France for 3 years, now back to shanghai. I really inspired from your blogs, the dishes are as beautiful as you!

    Bon courage et Bonne année!

  90. Hello Mimi! First of all I have to tell you that I’m really pleased to discover your blog. The way you write it is really nice and the photos and dishes are beautyful 🙂 are you originally Chineese? I also really enjoy your way of living. I’ve been in love in French countryside since I remember and always dreamed of a house in place like that and my own vineyard 🙂
    I’ve got one more question to you, Mimi. Would you mind telling me how your eating looks like daily, because you look so great and you’re thin despite having so many children:) are you one of thise lucky one who can eat a lot and still look wonderful or it’s the matter of a balance?

    1. Thank you for your kind words Monica, happy new year! My father is Chinese, my mother is French. Regarding my eating habits? I am a passionate eater! I allow myself pretty much anything, but always in moderation. I guess I am so also lucky with my gormand ‘genes’ 🙂 Mimi x

  91. Hello Mimi,

    The day is off to a sunshiny start after discovering your blog and the lemon tart recipe! (among other delights, here!) Wonderful to read about your love of food, family, and animals. My husband is a winemaker and we live near Bandol, with our almost grown kids, two goldens retrievers and two cats. Off to bookmark your page now and then to go and pick some lemons for that pie! Thank you.

    1. I hope you will enjoy teh tart – it is so simple and truly delicious! How lovely to hear you live in Bandol, making wine and living a happy life! Wishing you a avery happy new year! Mimi x

  92. Just discovered your blog today and I can’t wait to explore. I am already in love with that photo of you and everything about it (the bare feet? Just perfect.) Cheers!

  93. Bonjour Mimi!!!!
    J’ai récemment découvert ton blog et j’ai tout adoré!!! Felicitations!!! Nous on est espagnoles et on a laissé notre vie á Madrid pour vivre aussi entre vignobles (mon marie il fait du vin) dans la Provence. C’est peut-être pour ça que j’ai adoré ton blog depuis le premier instant!On a des vies parallèles! Aujourd’hui on a fait un post spécial sur ton blog et vos photos (impressionnants!!)
    Si tu veux le voir je t’invite dans le lien suivante!
    Un gros bisou!et felicitations!

    (désolée…c’est en espagnol 😉 )

  94. Appena scoperto il suo blog…incantevole, così come le foto e le ricette!
    Quando sarà stagione, proverò a fare il soufflé alle more…
    Saluti dalla Toscana.

  95. Bonsoir Mimi,
    Nous avons manqué ta recette du boeuf Wellington au endives braisées. Pourrais-tu mettre cette recette en réponse. Toutes tes recettes que j’ai cuisinées sont excellentes et je voudrais essayer celle du boeuf. D’avance merci et à bientôt sur cuisine+. Amicalement. Barbara

    1. Merci Barbara! Voici la recette: bon appétit! Mimi x

      Bœuf Wellington et endives braisées
      Environ 1 kg filet de boeuf
      250g de champignons de votre choix (cèpes, girolles, champignons de Paris), hâchés
      3 échalottes
      1 gousse d’ail
      2 petites truffes (facultatif)
      60g de beurre
      1 branche de thym frais
      1 cas cognac
      100ml / 3 ½ oz de vin rouge
      12 tranches de jambon de Parme ou Bayonne
      500g de pâte feuilletée,
      3 cas huile d’olive
      1 cas de farine
      2 jaunes d’oeufs battus avec 1 cuillère à café de crème
      Sel et poivre noir
      Faire chauffer l’huile et le beurre dans une poêle. Faire doré le boeuf, assaisonnez. Retirer de la poêle et laisser refroidir.
      Dans la même poêle rajouter du beurre. Faire revenir les échalotes et l’ail et le thym. Ajouter les champignons, déglacez avec le cognac et cuire jusqu’à ce que tous le liquide s’évapore.
      Ajouter la crème, le sel et le poivre. Continuer à chauffer doucement jusqu’à ce qu’il soit réduit en purée épaisse. Laisser refroidir complètement.
      Préchauffer le four à 230°C.
      Rouler la pâte pour s’adapter à la viande de bœuf et de jeter deux des crêpes sur le dessus, faisant se chevaucher légèrement. Étaler une bande de pâté de foie de volaille à travers le centre des crêpes – à la même largeur que le filet de bœuf.
      Etaler la pâte feuilletée en une abaisse de 3 mm.

      Sur une couche de film alimentaire, poser 6 tranches de jambon de parme, étalez la moitié de la farce, et poser le filet de boeuf dessus. Etalez la farce sur le dessus du filet, poser les tranches de truffe et enrobez avec le reste du jambon. Refermer la pâte feuilletée sur le filet (souder les bords avec de l’eau), dorer avec un jaune d’oeuf battu.

      Badigeonner les bords avec un peu d’eau. La place de joint vers le bas sur une grande plaque à pâtisserie. Décorer le dessus avec de la pâte supplémentaire, puis badigeonner avec l’œuf battu.
      Enfournez dans le four pendant 10 minutes, puis réduire le feu à 190C et poursuivre la cuisson pendant encore 20 à 25 minutes, jusqu’à ce que la pâte soit dorée.
      Retirer du four à une planche à découper et laisser reposer pendant 10 minutes. Servir en tranches épaisses.
      Endives braises
      5 grosses endives
      2 cas beurre demi-sel
      Sel et poivre
      Coupez les endives et les rincer à l’eau. 

      Faire chauffer le beouf dans une petite cocotte, ajouter les feuilles d’endives, assaisonez et faire cuire à feu vif 2 minutes. Couvrez la cocotte et continuez de cuire à feu doux 15 minutes.

  96. Dear Mimi – thanks for a fabulous website. As two french people living in Brooklyn, it’s nice to be able to use your website as our reference for ‘home’ cooked meals. I wanted to ask you about a white dress you are wearing in the last photo of this article – http://momfilter.com/we-want-to-know-more-about/marie-france-thorisson. I am getting married this summer and this is exactly the type of simple yet classy summer dress i’m looking for. Would you mind sharing which brand it is? thanks!

  97. Hi Mimi!

    I just wanted to thank you for providing all these delicious recipes for us and for keeping us posted! I really appreciate it 🙂

    Also, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! (I know it’s tomorrow, but I thought I would forget to post this tomorrow, so just wanted to wish you an early New Year’s!)

  98. I am so addicted to your beautiful blog Mimi. The food all looks so delicious and the pictures are stunning. I can’t wait for your cookbook to come out, I will definitely be buying a few copies I think!

  99. What a delicious site you have! The pictures are beautiful and I am glad I got to your site through the Garlic Soup posted on Huffington Post. Thank you! Su Lin

  100. Merci Mimi,
    Je vais essayer la recette demain.
    Toute la famille attend déjà avec impatience.
    Encore merci

  101. Dear Mimi,

    what is the brand of this super-beautiful bowl shown at minute 0:45 in your youtube video for Mr. Porter?
    I would really appreciate if you would let me know!

  102. Bonjour Mimi,
    I am so happy to find your blog, so excited cooking and baking with you. Love your style, elegance and simplicity.
    I am in US now, how can I watch your show ? I went to Canal plus but it seems that they don’t save past shows. ?
    Happy to have you teaching me in my kitchen:)


  103. Just read an article about you in the Aftenposten D2 magazine section (Norwegian). Your husbands photography compared to other photographs about others in same article were in a class of their own and the food covered the bottom of the plates. The article had the recipe for Pears with Almonds & Salt Caramel…but no salt mentioned in the recipe. I will try it. Have spent some wonderful holidays in Pau.

      1. Hello Mimi, fortunately I cut out the recipe from the D2 magazine because I could not find in your recipe section. Yesterday I made the pear & carmel sauce and now see the link to the original recipe in you reply above. My wife (an electrical engineer) is an excellant cook & baker and it’s her kitchen but I do a few things in there too. We work as a team when entertainig.
        I had a problem when I removed the melted sugar from the stove and slowly poured in a little cream. It turned to brown concrete. My daughter (who can’t boil water) put the pan back on the stove and stirred feriously until it melted, then I poured in the cream and salted butter while she stirred. I asked her how she knew to do that and she said she made caramel potatoes in Iceland. She trains horses in Iceland and obviously makes caramel potatoes.
        The pear & caramel sauce was excellant and “easy” to make.
        My reward: First thing my wife said to me this morning was I can’t believe how good that caramel sauce was:-)!

        1. Hi Richard! Well thank you so much for your comment. It always makes me so happy to hear a recipe was truly enjoyed, and even though you had a bit of a frantic moment with the caramel, it worked out thanks to your daughter! Temperature is key when making caramel, and if the cream is a bit on the cool side, or the sugar slighlty too hot, then you can get into a ‘sticky’ situation! But attempting to melt the caramel again is certainly the best tip! Caramel potatoes are very popular in Iceland, my mother-in-law always makes them along with a creamy gravy during festivities. So glad you enjoyed the recipe! Mimi x

  104. Hi Mimi,

    My husband introduced me to your blog. You have a beautiful and very romantic style of writing. I can imagine reading one of your novels based in Medoc. Thank you for a lovely read! :0)

  105. Bonjour MIMI, j’adore vos émissions sur cuisine TV, et votre site et superbe, dommage que les recettes ne sont pas en Français se serait GENIAL non ?

  106. Bonjour Mimi,
    I read about your blog in a Dutch women magazine (Blos by Libelle). What a beautiful blog you have! I’am Dutch. Since 2006 I’am living in the French countryside: Auvergne where I am -together with my sister-running 3 own build and decorated gites (holiday homes) and a webshop with timelessly beautiful home textiles (also kitchen textiles!) Of course I am going to follow your blog and your Facebookpage because I love true food, a country life, a nice glass of wine, family, dogs …. 🙂
    Enjoy the good life! Warm regards, Gerti van Stijn

  107. Hi Mimi, I just discovered your blog and I’m in heaven. I will be a regular follower from now on and starting this week, I’m trying a couple of your recipes. Yum! Are you working on a book? Do you have one already? I’d love to buy it. Thanks.

  108. Really great stuff, Mimi, wonderful photographs. I am inspired that you use so many photos. Now I feel better about using as many as I do on my blog on Spain. Suerte, Gerry

  109. Love your blog and the food makes me want to try the recipes right away- the photos puts me in such a mood and your writing makes me imagine a life in France – so relaxed, so easy and so natural. It feels so at home, so healthy- even if it does take a lot of work. I see the love behind. Chet

  110. Bonjour Mimi,

    Et félicitations pour ce blog et ces photos magnifiques. La France est à l’honneur 🙂 Est-ce possible de savoir quel appareil photo utilise votre mari pour les photos? Elles sont ci belles! Merci d’avance. Bonne continuation, Mathilde

  111. Hello Mimi,
    Last night I tried the saltimbuco recipe, (used chicken cutlets) and, your instructions were so easy to follow. It was a hit in my home. As it seems that your recipes and tastes agree with my family I went to Amazon to preorder your book and as an added justification for purchase, my birthday is Oct 29 and it releases the day before. Yeah! looking forward to the book recipes! Also, taking a cue from your Fave Bean posts, I did brussels sprout with pancetta and fava beans! Very good.
    Have a great day.

  112. Bonjour Mimi, my best friend sent me the link to “manger”. Repeating others praise your blog is so good, no, superb!
    I grew up in Paris with a Cordon Bleu chef, my godmother, who gave me a love of everything French. Though we live in California we go to France often. This year we’ll be in the Dordogne. At 75 I was getting a wee bit tired of cooking every day but after reading your blog &
    loving your recipes, I am so inspired! Looking forward to your cookbook. I have pre-ordered it. So mille mercis , newly re-inspired, cvtutu

  113. Hello from the west coast of the U.S.! I love your blog – everything about it. I am about to launch a line of classic basics for women made in Los Angeles. I am wondering if your husband does freelance photography? Obviously we would pay his rate plus travel and accommodations. I just love the way he uses contrast, light and how he captures such beauty in everyday life…. Thank you for your gorgeous work and inspiration! Katie

  114. I just stumbled on your site. The photography, your home and your beautiful surroundings drew me in. I am very excited to follow you, learn and to be inspired.

  115. I just discovered you!!! I LOOOOOVE this page!!! You are an inspiration. I love food and photography so I will be spending mutch time here.

  116. I have been following you on instagram for a while, in love with your pictures. First time here, just want to say I love this page so much, thank you for sharing all the beautiful things in you life with us.

    Greetings from Hong Kong : )

  117. Hi, I just discovered your blog and want to thank you -a lot- for sharing your exquisite view of life through Manger and through media in general. I feel truly inspired by you. Best wishes from Mexico

  118. Found you tonight. Your writing is captivating, as are the beautiful photographs. I am a teacher at a bilingual school for children aged 3 to 9. I adore Paris. When we visit we stay near Rue Montorgueil. Next time I hope your restaurant will be open and we will have a little trip to Medoc!

  119. Hi, I discovered your blog today and I’m reading it non-stop. You create an amazing atmosphere, even the reader can feel it.
    I also love cooking and homegrown food and wine and cheese and France, so you have one more frequent fan, waiting for inspiration 🙂

    Keep up the good work! I wish you and your family all the best and may the newborn baby bring even more sparkle around you.

    Greetings from Bulgaria.

  120. I love your blog! I would love to go to your new place to sample your cooking and join your cooking course too. Please let me know schedule of courses in the future. I am from HK too:-) Best regards!

  121. I am truly amazed of your choices in your life and I am trying to do a similar “escape” from Munich to a rural area in Greece where I come from along with my lovely wife Maria and our baby girl Eleni. I am a travel expert and Maria is a superb cook with a passion about food and freshly cultivated ingredients.

    Keep up your great influence to us.

    by the way take a look on my new project and if find it interesting you could suggest it to anybody interested…




  122. Bonjour mimi et bravo pour vos émissions culinaires pleinent de fraicheur, de joies et surtout d’anthenticité…vos recettes sont simples et conviviales comme je les aime!!! Peut être nous croiserons nous un jour je vais souvent dans le Médoc mes parents y vivent, terre de gourmandises et de bons vins!!!
    Bises et continuez à nous régaler pendant longtemps

  123. Bonjour Mimi,
    j’aimerais savoir si votre jolie famille s’est agrandie.
    Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur !
    Je vous embrasse affectueusement

  124. Hello Mimi
    Simply filmed (although camping table is a little wobbly), and the recipes are tasty without rhetoric professional … a lovely family, you give us the taste of happiness. thank you

  125. Loving the cherry tomato recipe, will try it, I found some wonderful spoons for you that are engraved Manger, sent the sight to you, maybe you didn’t get it, if you would like it I can resend…perhaps the flatware hasn’t sold yet! thought of your blog when i saw them! ox

  126. Dear Mimi!

    Your blog fantastic! Beautiful and delicious dishes!
    There was a delicious cookie recipe (chocolate chip cookie maybe) which I can’t find anymore. Could you please write down the ingredients?
    Thank you very much and have a nice day 🙂

  127. Bonjour Mimi,
    Je viens de tomber sur l’article qui parle de vous dans le Elle et m’a donné envie d’aller visiter votre blog! Je ne suis pas déçue… Photos magnifiques et recettes alléchantes! Je reviendrai 😉
    Une petite question: d’où vient votre magnifique service de table bleu et blanc? Brocante? Boutique? Famille?
    Mille mercis
    À bientôt

    1. Merci amandine – et bienvenue à mon blog! Le service de table bleu et blanc vient d’une brocante, celle qui se trouve à St Christoly qui s’appelle ‘Coté Gironde’. Bon week-end! Mimi x

  128. Mimi,
    I love your blog! I will definitely try your recipes. I can only wish I’m in your shoes living in a French countryside,
    a dream I hope will come true someday for me and my family 😉 You are an inspiration, thank you. All the best!

  129. Bonsoir Mimi
    Je suis votre blog avec beaucoup d’intérêt et je vous trouve trop mignonne avec tous vos chiens et vos enfants.
    Mais pourquoi ne l’écrivez-vous pas en français ??

  130. Wow your pictures and recipes are divine and definitely spark my passion for the French family table. Thanks for your wonderful work, can’t wait for your book!

  131. I just found your blog and realized I buy my candles because you recommend them! You were featured in some magazine, don’t remember which. Your life seems magical. I hope it remains so.

  132. Beautiful introduction on your new book and home life.

    Congratulations from the U.S.A. looking forward to it on the release date.

  133. Hi!! Levina told me about your new adventures… Congratulations! A long way from our Turner days! I now live in Paris with my French hubby and 2 boys. If you’re in Paris, please get in touch!

  134. Dear Mimi,

    Since I discovered you last year, I’ve been enamoured with your blog, photos, and lovely stories.

    Congratulations on the two “babies” this year. I’ve just pre-ordered the book, which I KNOW will be a treasure in my home.

    Thank you! xo Debra

  135. Hi Mimi,
    I discovered you through this month’s issue of InStyle magazine, and what a delight to have done so! Your recipes (made the onion tart last night, and coq au vin tonight) are thoughtful, home-y, yet elegant and what I always think of what food should be. To have found your blog is even more outstanding! The pictures are absolutely stunning. Congratulations on your book, I can not wait to have my copy!

  136. Dear Mimi, you’re a true inspiration and one teenage girl’s rolemodel 🙂 Stay charming and creative! xoxo

  137. Hi Mimi, im following you so time ago, firt on the blog, later blogloving and instagram, and today its going to be the first time i write you.

    I made a preorder on amazon, and cant wait to arrive to my home.
    Im sure he is going to be perfect on mi kitchen, on my living room, on my bedroom because when i receive it, i feel that i cant going to stop to read it, , to have it, touch it and smell it.
    Im so ansious to have it, the way you show us your récipes on the blog, the strong of the photography. of your husband, your lovely family and of course all your dogs.

    I’ ll take care of it, Thanks so much for sharing this Little things with us, and sorry my english, but i hope you can undestand me.

    kisses from Spain.

  138. HI MIMI

  139. Bonjour Mimi,
    Your cookbook is in English as well as your blog. You do have a show on the French TV that we cannot watch in the States. Any plans to get the rights to put it on Youtube for example? I am French myself, and I watch the shows I can on the France TV websites (Les Maternelles, La Maison France 5, les JT, etc.) but your show is not “watchable” from the States. Not sure how a TV network decides on what show to allow viewing from the States or not, but yours isn’t. And it’s a bummer. Please let me/us know if/when this is in the works. TIA! Love the book by the way.

  140. Hi! I came across your blog when I was trying to find a recipe to use up over ripe pears. I am so grateful for your Italian Pear Cake recipe. Delicious! Thank you.
    Love your blog and I will look out for your cookbook as I love them too.

  141. just discovered your blog, beautiful pictures and recipes!
    Thank you for your wonderful work.
    looking forward to reading more 🙂

  142. Hello Mimi,

    I wanted to congratulate you on a beautiful and well written book. I moved recently and just now had the opportunity to crack the pages and dig in. I’m excited to try these jewels this coming winter. Thank you and wishing you continued happiness and success! muareen

  143. Mimi,

    Just discovered the blog via a review of the cookbook! Both are simply divine! Thank you so much for welcoming us into your world and sharing your delightful worldview, sense of style and cooking skills w/ the rest of us. Clearly a trip to Medoc should be on everyone’s list of things to do. In the meantime, you provide a delightful window into that world that we can all enjoy wherever we might be!


  144. Hello Mimi,

    I found your site when looking for black truffles recipes. I am Mexican and one of my passions is cooking. I live in Michigan and one friend gave me a black truffle so this will be my first time on it. I am not sure if I would be able to use the whole 16-gram piece, so I may put some slides in two or three small jars and infuse them in olive oil and give to other friends. I hear they don’t last too long.

    I am very happy to find your blog and I will keep an eye on your recipes. You are a nice person and have a beautiful family.

    Saul Mtz

  145. Hi Mimi
    I emailed you about your cookery course in March a few weeks ago but have not heard back from you. I would very much like to book it for myself and a few of my friends who need to travel from the States so need clarification before they book.
    I have your cook book and am an ardent fan , I live in Menerbes in The Luberon.
    Thank you

  146. I’m not into blogs. Never have been. But, I’m insatiably curious – esp where excellent cuisine is involved. So, … when the byline read: “Cook like a Frenchwoman” – I had to look. I have a few French women friends – so, I know that this statement isn’t an idle one. I was enthusiastically surprised at the quality of the blog. Love your story; love your message. Merci beaucoup ! I’ll follow your exceptional stories.

  147. I am FED UP with all these cooking shows everywhere… but yours is so refreshing! I love it!! Second, as a former pro photographer let me (me too) say bravo to the person behind the camera, bravo the the choice of angles, decor, ambiance. C’est formidable. jfk

  148. Hello Mimi! I received my art print today, on my birthday! It’s lovely and happens to be my favorite of the three, though I would have been pleased with any of them. I may hang it in my kitchen. We have lotus trees here (Kentucky, USA) too and I am excited to use them this coming year. I adore your blog and have very much enjoyed your cookbook.

    1. Hi Jennifer, I’m glad you finally got your print (sorry for the delay) and that you are pleased with it. Can’t wait for spring and the blossoming of trees 🙂 Mimi x

  149. Love your cookbook. It’s beautiful, inspirational and aspirational all at the same time. My favourite Christmas present!

  150. Mimi…..this is AMAZING…….delighted to have found you through the two things that beside my family I love most…..great wine and great food.

  151. Aurons nous la chance d avoir la traduction en langue française de vos sublimes recettes.
    Merci et Happy new year

  152. Bonjour Mimi

    I found your blog a couple of weeks ago via Lonny Magazine and fell in love with it. I feel connected to your lifestyle in so many ways that I won’t bore you with at the moment, save to say that reading about it and looking at your husband’s photos has brightened for me the beginning of a cold, dreary winter here in Ontario, Canada. (Will be making lots of warming soups, now with a French twist) I have been thinking of you and your friends in the last few days upon hearing of the tragic events in Paris. I wanted to offer my heartfelt condolences – we experienced our own shock in October when our parliament buildings were assaulted. It certainly makes one think about the luxuries of freedom of expression and the nature of one’s people when something like that happens so close to home. All the best and comfort food for all.

    1. Thank you Natalie. It has been quite depressing lately – I was so touched to see the enormous gatherings in France and around the world. In these uncertain times, the best thing we can do is gather and spend quality time with loved ones and friends. All best, Mimi x

  153. Bonjour Mimi! What a wonderful find on Pinterest. Reading your journey was such a pleasure and inspiration, thank you for sharing your passion and love of food, life and France. Love Michelle x

  154. Mimi, you are beautiful. You remind me of Sophia Loren and I think you are just so talented. You probably know all of these things already but I myself love France and I hope to move there one day and cook for my family and friends. Thank you for this wonderful blog you have, your food, photos and words are like a summer filled with love.

    Ti bacio, Mimi.


  155. Hello Dear Mimi, i’m French and my english is not very good. Your recipes are always in english!! Never in french?
    Nice to read you.

  156. Hi, Mimi, It’s Amy from Beijing China, I love the way u choose to live, very warm, loving… May I share your stories and photos to Chinese moms? And I wonder if you would like to accept an interview from our e-magazine?
    Wish you have a nice day.
    Looking forward for your reply.

  157. How wonderful to meet you, Mimi!
    You and your family sound as big fun to be around! Can’t wait to tell my friend about this wonderful blog.
    And now I am heading straight to the Amazon store to check your books.

  158. I’ve been reading your blog & can’t get enough of it. My husband & I visited Medoc & St. Emillion in 2000 & fell in love. We returned last year in celebration of our 20 anniversary. Both times we could not find information in book form on the Bordeaux area. Will you be putting together a guide in the future? I’ll be the first to purchase!

  159. I love your blog and look forward to reading your cookbook. How I wish I could sign up for one of your workshops! Someday…


  160. Dear Mimi,
    just learned about your blog through Mothers&Daughters. I am enchanted by the lovely pictures and stories. In my twentieth I lived in Washington and Santiago de Chile, my son lives in L.A., I live in a rural area of Germany now and I don’t miss the big cities at all.

  161. Hi, Mimi.
    I’m a Chinese girl from Canton, I really appreciate your lifestyle, your attitude towards life,and I like your children they are so pretty.
    I want to buy your book but I found one with different cover, there are some cakes with barries,I want to make sure whether is a genuine product?

    1. Hi Amanda, thank you for your kind words – all you need to do is click the follow button in the bottom right corner on the blog and you will receive new posts 🙂 Mimi x

  162. There’s one word to describe how I feel for all you’ve given to us…enchanted! I pour over your beautiful cookbook to escape to your life! France, your farmhouse, the kids and animals, cute husband and the glorious food! Can I come over and stay a while?, no, really! I’ll bring the Bordeaux!

  163. I have had many requests for the recipe of your chocolate meringues which I have made with much success. I always refer people to your cookbook. However, tonight I have posted a blog with the recipe, and have given you credit for the recipe in addition to the name of your book. Is this permissible? If not, I will remove it. Thanks!

  164. Hi Mimi,
    Your blog is very inspiring. I love it ! Your recipes are fabulous. When could I buy your book in French?
    Your pics are great, You have a beautiful house, beautiful kids, and a healthy way of living…it makes a perfect blog! Thank you for sharing these pictures! Cécile

  165. Hi Mimi.

    I saw your trailer here in Austria at RTL living.
    And i was so impressed about you, your work and your life. What you are doing. What perfection you do have.
    Also how sweet you handle these lovely children. My god. I wish i had such a good woman on my side.
    I am so pleased to see, hear from you and im gratefull to know you.
    Blessings for you and your family.

  166. Vous etez manifique! C’est juste une fete seulement vous regarder. Je me suis tombe amoureux de vous 🙂 Je vous souhaite tous du bonheur et de l’inspiration! Vous etez la Vraie Femme, si l’on peut le dire..:)

  167. Hello Mimi! Gratuluję świetnego bloga, od kilku miesięcy śledzę go z zainteresowaniem i próbuję Twoich przepisów. Niedawno kupiłem także Twoją książkę (niestety tak się spodobała mojemu rocznemu synkowi że jest ona teraz w kilku częściach… 😉 ). Bardzo fajna w odbiorze, ozdobiona pięknymi zdjęciami, obecnie jedna z moich ulubionych 🙂 Mam nadzieję że któryś z polskich wydawców wyda ją w moim ojczystym języku.

    Pozdrowienia z Polski

  168. Hello from Chicago, i have been trying to get in contact and have been leaving msg’s. in the comment box to no prevail. do i need to sign up for THIS> UGGGHHH… would love to schedule a workshop next summer, me and my husband, i thought you might be able to recommend a chateau close by and also close to the beach,(and outdoor pool) about 500 US dollars a night. i look forward to hearing back from you Mrs Mimi P.S. been loving the photography, the dishes, and the food.BELLA BELLA

  169. Just to say hi and thank you. I wanted to let you know how inspiring your work has been to me. My husband knew your cookbook as a birthday gift will be a hit, and it really was the only thing I need it… flowers and chocolates on the side of course!!
    Best wishes! Dev.

  170. I just read the article about you in Food and Wine magazine and was so impressed, I had to order your cookbook! You look fabulous…7 kids?! 🙂
    Would like to subscribe to your blog or be on an email list…

  171. Bonjour. Je souhaiterai vous interviewer pour une sélection de bonnes adresses bordelaises à paraître sur le blog Zoom On. Pourriez-vous me transmettre une adresse email directe svp? Merci d’avance.

  172. Just discovered your beautiful and amazing blog compliments of Kings Lane. The next best thing to being in the Medoc in your wonderful kitchen.

  173. What a beautiful life you created. I’m very happy for you. I have a great life myself but it is not a dream life. I don’t know how to “jump” into another life where it’s like my dream; cooking food with family and pets feeling free and fully expressed. I want to experience that.

  174. Dear Mimi,
    Coming to cooking late in life, finding your web site and recipes has been truly insperational.
    When I was a teenager, my father bought a barge, and I had glorious summers on the Rhone Sete, Midi canals back in the 80’s. Your recipes have brought back such wonderful memories to me, of those times, the food, the marches, the living.
    Thank you, and bless you.

  175. Bonjour Mimi,

    J’adore lire votre blogue, vos recettes, les photos, tout fait rêver et donne vraiment envie de partir vivre à la campagne! Mon mari et fils de 15 mois habitons Montréal au Canada et visiterons Soulac-sur-mer ainsi que Bordeaux à la mi juin. Je me demandais si vous voudriez bien partager vos endroits à visiter (vignobles, pâtisseries, boulangeries, brocantes, restos…) dans les environs? J’ai déjà noté quelques adresses à Bordeaux, que vous avez mentionnées dans des billets précédents. Merci à l’avance!



  177. Bonjour Mimi,
    I love the book. I normally cook Creole, Cajun, and southern food for my large family (seven children here as well), but the pictures in your book are convincing me to expand my horizons a bit. I’m looking forward to the next book already. And, of course, your children are gorgeous. Congratulations on your success.

  178. I bought your beautiful cookbook last month and absolutely love it. There are so many recipes I plan to try. You are amazing. Indianapolis, IN (USA)

  179. Bonjour,

    I stumbled upon you on German TV , and I was enchanted from the first moments..your doing a magnificant job projecting you love for food. I am very delighted to have found this page your book and yourself as a cooking inspiration.

    Cheers from Germany

  180. Complimenti Mimi, per il blog!!!!
    Ho acquistato anche il tuo libro scritto in Italiano edito da Malvarosa.
    Ti seguo con grande piacere

    Romina Sada

  181. Dear Mimi,

    I’m really inspired by you! Moved from the Netherlands to Belgium (Brussels) a couple of months ago and now I know that good food is important! Just as important as a good moisturizer with SPF 😉 I will definitely buy your book. For now, thanks for your great blog and wonderful pictures.

    Kindest regards,

  182. I love your blog, you truly have the most beautiful photos. They make me want to be a part of your world – which is the epitome of photography for me. Thank you.

  183. Bonjour,

    mon nom est Frédéric Roche, je réalise des reportages pour l’émission “30 millions d’amis” et différents articles ont attiré mon attention sur vous, votre famille, votre choix de vie et bien sûr vos nombreux fox terriers.

    Nous présentons régulièrement des races de chiens avec des maîtres passionnés. Dans le cas où vous et votre famille seriez partants pour participer à un tournage, j’aurais souhaité avoir quelques précisions sur votre histoire avec les chiens.
    S’agit il d’un élevage? Qu’appréciez vous dans cette race? Comment se déroule la vie avec 13 chiens? Avez vous d’autres animaux? Quels sont les plaisirs du quotidien? Ballade, baignade, jeux? Ont ils un régime spécial, cuisinez vous pour eux?,…..

    Dans l’espoir que ce projet vous intéresse, je vous souhaite une belle journée.


    Fred Roche
    Tel: 06 83 04 26 43


    1. Merci de votre message. Notre famille de fox n’est pas un élévage, simplement une grande passion. Je vous répondrai via email. Merci de votre patience et bel été à vous! Mimix

  184. Chère Mimi
    Je vous découvre aujourd’hui à la télé que j’allume si peu et quelle surprise !
    Je vais essayer la tarte chocolat ce soir !
    Plus que votre simplicité, l’esthétique aérienne mais si classique de votre blog, j’ai adoré découvrir votre vie de maman et épouse. Je viens d’avoir un bébé et c’est inspirant et touchant de vérité…Très éloigné de ce que l’on médiatise sur la vie de famille moderne.
    Bravo pour votre travail
    All the best

  185. Très chère Mimi
    je suis tombé amoureux de votre blog.
    Je suis tombé par hasard sur vos émissions et j’ai tellement aimé votre univers, votre manière d’expliquer les recettes, que je me suis précipité vers le blog!!
    Mon anglais n’est pas assez fluent j’aurai adoré avoir le même en version française…
    Aujourd’hui j’ai essayé votre gâteau d’anniversaire à la fraise. J’ai un peu raté la crème mais il était quand même très bon! Merci de nous faire rêver par vos jolies photos et vos émissions culinaires!
    à bientôt

  186. Bravo! Un blog d’exception! Je suis Mexicaine et j’habite à Genève, je suis très touché par votre blog, je le rajoute tout de suite a mon favorite list! Keep on going this is beautiful and for me too, food is an obsession 🙂 Take care

  187. Bonjour Mimi,

    Je suis ton blog depuis le Japon, il me rend un je ne sais quoi nostalgique.
    J’ai bosse dans la fi a HK avant d’atterrir au japon ou j’ai ouvert un cafe brasserie…comme quoi la vie reserve bcp de surprises. Je passerai MANGER chez vous! Bonne continuation.

  188. Bonjour Mimi,

    Je vous ai découvert il y a peu avec l’émission “les desserts de Mimi” sur les desserts scandinaves. Aujourd’hui je suis votre travail et je vous remercie pour ces recettes inspirantes et pour votre manière de faire la promotion d’un art de vivre chaleureux, familial et accueillant.

    Très bonne continuation


  189. Dear Mimi,

    I love your blog and all the great pictures.
    Where did you get your tableware and flatware? They look so vintage and gorgeous, all add to the beauty of the food.

    Warm regards,

  190. Dear Mimi,
    I followed your blog for several years and also own your cookbook. Suddenly your blog stopped coming. How do I sign up,again. I miss you.

  191. Thank you so much for your blog. I discovered it yesterday and immediately my “mental health improved. It is almost medicinal and I’d like to prescribe it to all my friends and whanau. My question though is….
    Is there a way that I can navigate by date? ..ie oldest to newest post.I don’t see a sidebar to do so.Your seasons are different to ours in New Zealand .I’d like to be able to navigate from the blog. If I can’t that’s absolutely fine .Its just each entry is so gorgeous and wonderful to read. I get terribly distracted and lose site of the task at hand.ie Finding a seasonally relevant recipe.
    I am very keen to get to Medoc and attend one of your workshops…purely for medicinal reasons of course.
    Thank you Family Thorisson for coming into our home.

  192. hi Mimi,

    I am a reader from china in shanghai, love your new book which I have just received today, hope to visit you in France in the near future 🙂


    Amy Wang

  193. Your book has just arrived.I had to buy it from Australia.II would very much like your permission to put a few photo’s up on my blog to show all my friends.I have already directed them to your blog. .New Zealand is in Spring just now so the first pages of your book bought much delight…Thank you again

  194. Bonjour Mimi,
    Vous m’avez redonné l’envie de cuisiner pour toute ma famille grâce à vos recettes délicieuses et simples. J’espère que l’on vous reverra bientôt sur Canal +, les émissions étaient suberbes. Juste une petite chose : dommage que votre site ne soit pas en français !! 🙂 Bien à vous. Cdt

    1. Merci chère Carole! Je suis si touchée par votre gentillesse! Les émissions sont en ligne, et mon livre ‘Ala table de mimi’ vient de sortir en français (Hachette). A très vite, Mimi x

  195. Awesome site, awesome pics, awesome place. Hoping someday to be there – sipping something wonderful and red.

  196. I’m creating my own blog, (travel blog) which will be published this Monday. Just wanted to tell you that your “about” section probably the best I’ve read so far! I just love how it flows and it seems so honest and natural. Im using it as an inspiration for my own “about” section. Plus your photos are a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Regards from Greece 🙂

  197. Bonjour mimi,
    je vous ai découverte en regardant canal plus, depuis je suis votre blog et ce que j’aime par dessus tout c’est comment vous mettez la campagne en valeur. Comment vous arrivez à allier le chic et le rustique dans vos plats ainsi que dans la présentation, la vaisselle… J’habite en Dordogne et je retrouve ce que j’aime quand je regarde vos émissions, vos recettes sur le blog, ça change de ce qu’on voit la plupart du temps. Je me retrouve dans ce que vous faites, alors un grand merci et je vous souhaite de continuer très longtemps!

  198. Hi,

    Wow, your cooking looks amazing! My 2 favourite combinations: Food & Art. What’s interesting is that your background reminds my of myself, sort of. I’m half Chinese (from my dad side) and half Polish ( my mom side), and I grew up in HK too! Wandering through the foodie scene, hahah! Now, I’m at university in England, and I’m cooking random dishes for all my friends. I’m such a passionate foodie, that your journey is such an inspiration. 😀 😀 Long live the foodie life, hahha 😀

  199. Bonjour Mimi,
    En tant que Française expatriée aux Etats-Unis, suivre votre blog est un réel remède au mal du pays ! Vos recettes et photos me remplissent de souvenirs d’enfance de repas interminables et de goût des bonnes choses.
    Félicitations pour votre travail ‘seemingly effortless’ toujours impeccable et chapeau à votre promotion de l’art de vivre à la française revisité par votre touche internationale.

  200. Hi Mimi,

    Hello from India! I came across your blog recently and I absolutely love it!!! It’s so inspiring and more than anything transports you to a different world! I’m hoping that I can come to Medoc on one of my travel adventures! 🙂

  201. Hi Mimi.
    Thank you for sharing your recipe and life with us.
    Your blog is very inspiring. It’s a sort of a peaceful place and I cannot wait your new cookbook.
    Thank you again, Cris

  202. Mimi, I follow your blog religiously. It allows me to escape to France and food whenever you add a new post. I just ordered your book as a birthday present to myself. I can’t wait to get it in the mail! It’ll be a mini-vacation!

  203. I need your new address for a Christmas card…….I know I saw it published here on the blog but can’t find it……..shoot me a quick email or better yet have a child do it!!

  204. Hello,
    Congratulations on ALL your accomplishments! I just finished your book and had to find your blog. Now I am on a quest to learn and use from your glorious adventures you share including the food. Thank you so much!

  205. I just happened to flip the channel yesterday morning and glued to your TV show. (on German channel)

    It is in German voice over but I decided to record every segment from now on.

    I love to cook your recipes but German voice over sometime skip the instructions and details. So I ordered your book from U.S. tonight.

    your TV cooking show is almost like beautiful Cinema. Love you fashion and how you use antique tea cups and plates to show the ingredients.

    Very creative. ( unlike German cooking show)

    I am looking forward to cooking your recipes!

    Guten Appetit!
    (Von Zürich, Suisse)

  206. Vous êtes une femme merveilleuse, vous m’inspirez énormément. Continuez de nous émerveiller, je ne me lasse pas de regarder vos vidéos en collaboration avec Canal+.
    Merci mille fois!

  207. Hello Mimi,

    many thanks for your website! I have been a reader for quite some time, and I have drawn lots of inspiration from your site.

    Furthermore, I do fancy your dogs very much. I was wondering, what you would do, in case they get puppies. Would you be willing to give them away (i.e. sell one of them)?

    Many regards,

    1. Hi Natalia, Thank you for your kind words 🙂 We are expecting a litter in late February (you can follow that on Instagram) and we are only keeping one puppy, the rest will find new homes. We don’t know how many there are though and I think my husband already has some requests but if you are really interested you should contact him at [email protected] Mim x

  208. Mimi, would you consider adding us to your Links & Friends page? We are an award-winning site dedicated to the art of entertaining and have been covered by everyone from Town & Country and Veranda to NBC’s Today show and Real Simple. We have even featured your fabulous book on our site. I think your readers would love to know about us. Thanks so much for considering it! Best, Carla.

  209. Hi! Love your recipes and shows very much. You bake such gorgeous desserts, they always make me hungry:) And you’re so pretty by the way, more chefs like you need on TV:) Wish you the best, Adrienn

  210. Hi Mimi,
    I’ve been following your blog for more than a year and i love it but your show just started airing on local tv where i live and i’m totally in love.
    just like you, i love books especially cook books and i would love to buy yours but was wondering did you originally write it on english or french because i’d like to buy the original version please. lots of love all the way from the middle east.

    PS. how can i find out when your next workshop is?

    loulou x

    1. Hi Loulou! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! To answer your question, I originally wrote the book in English. My next workshops are all on the post on the blog called ‘workshops 2016’ (just scroll down to older posts). We have about 2 to 3 per months, however not in the summer July/August. Mimi x

  211. Hello madam Thorisson!

    My name is Valnea and I’m from Zagreb, Croatia. Our national television is broadcasting your cooking series and since I saw it, You became a role model to me. Your beautiful house is amazing,and my friend and I are delighted with it. Your recepies ar simple, and you cook with such ease, and calmness. I wish more tastefull recepies from you, more cookbooks, and please share more beautiful pictures of your house and dogs! I wish the best for you and your family!


  212. Hi Mimi,

    You might get used to people discovering your blog on daily basis, and no suprise i am one of those people. I feel happy to see blog like this, for me, food is an art and it is a warm feeling always. When i see your cooking show. I see not only the art of food, i also see an art of life, an ordinary-look-like life but yet it is more than that. Thanks for sharing all these, cheers! Ai-Chu

  213. Hello, it’s such a lovely site, thanks for sharing it. I love the photography. If you’d be so kind, what cameras and glass are being used? The lighting looks lovely and natural. They’re really nice pictures, and I keep coming back for them. Thank you!

  214. Dear Mimi, This is the first time I send a message to a blogger, but I feel the need to congratulate you. I bumped into your blog just yesterday and today I share it with my colleagues. A women team. And now its not just me, we all adore you, your writing, your recipes, your family, your dogs! I just want to ask you for one information, and I don’t know if you will read this message, I just hope you do and you are so kind to share it, its so very simple: what camera do you use? All the best from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Victoria

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog Victoria, I hope you will enjoy th erecipes. My husband uses Canon eos 5D for all the shots, and for Instagram it’s our Iphone 6. Best, Mimix

  215. you are so beautiful and very inspiring. looks like everything’s easy for you 🙂 how is it possible to stay as slim as you are despite pregnancies, sugar, cream and wine?? lucky you.
    I love the way you cook, very rural and with traditionnal french recipes. c’est un plaisir de parcourir ton blog. bravo mimi pour cette belle réussite tout en délicatesse !

  216. I have just discovered your blog. Why has it taken me so long? I am in love with everything – the food, the dogs, the evocation of mood, and most of all the wonderful, wonderful photography.

  217. As if you discovered the secret to simple and yet happy life. You seem to have it all; love and support of your family, beauty and peace within. Everything looks great from here. What has been your philosophy or religious practice that has helped you to achieve it all. I hope you don’t change and I hope you continue with your lovely life style. Although my family and I have a great life in L. A., but is not simple and has full of over achievement energy in it every day. It’s never enough. Your life seems it is enough which is beautiful.

  218. Congratulations for your blog, which follow religiously. It makes us trip to France everytime. We also love your cookbook! One little question: is your ‘table d’hôte’ going to open again this summer?

    1. Thank you so much Hermann! I am so touched. 🙂 My table d’hôtes will open for a few weeks this fall, in october, and I will announce dates later this summer. Best, Mimi

  219. Bonjour Mimi. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and love your first cookbook. I’m traveling to Paris this summer with my husband and one year old daughter, and I’m wondering if you have any advice on dining in France with a young child. I see your photos in Parisian restaurants with your kids, and I’m hoping you have some suggestions for me so that servers don’t find us an obnoxious American family! Thank you!

  220. hello there, you have a wonderful blog, i am new to medoc, i am from Whitstable near London England, i am looking for wildlife conservation work ideally but my french is very poor. I wondered do you know of anyone who gives french lessons in medoc? I moved to Houtin plage with my boyfriend who has lived in france for 13 years i left behind my family and friends whom i miss dearly, i really need to improve my french so i can get out there and make some friends! x

    1. Hi Kari, I don’t know anyone in particular who will teach French lessons, but I am sure if you go to the local townhall, they will give you a good list if tutors and teachers. Good luck, Mimi

  221. Greetings,
    I am inquiring if you are having any cooking courses in June 2016 or any restaurant openings? Many thanks in advance!!

  222. Thank you for very interesting programs now also sent to Norway. The cuisine interest in Norway are high, maybe because of good results at Bocuse d’or. But: I have a “non-food” question; the opening music of the show ( mentioning Mimi, isn’t it Frank Sinatra? What is the name of that tune?

    Also please, how about a “foreign program with a French twist”, from the coastline of Norway (fish but also, Norwegian lamb are top quality…)
    Thanks a lot, Yngvar

    1. Dear Mimi, I am very interested in attending you antique workshop 26-28 April 2017. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great weekend. Best regards, Josephine

  223. Hello,
    I live in the U.S. and have loved watching your television programs “La Table de Mimi” and “Les Desserts de Mimi” on Canal Plus online. Are these programs available for purchase as DVDs?

  224. I love your blog and am so glad to have found it. Reading it is like taking a little vacation – thank you for allowing us this peek into your life through the beautiful photos and writing. Taking one of your classes is now on my list of things to do when visiting France. You are an inspiration.

  225. Pingback: Buckets of Lists
  226. Just ordered both of your recipe books and am looking forward to reading about your journey. Thank you for sharing it.

  227. Dear Mimi,

    I’m a 27 Chinese female living in China, I was amazed and happy to have read one article about you last summer and since then you become my role model! You are so beautiful and your kids are beyond cute, I can guess your dishes are so delicious. I like eating always and cooking and I’m into healthy food and living style, I have been to south France twice and the beauty of south France still impress me a lot. Btw I like your name very much ^ ^

    I want to ask a question, may I know your favorite movie(s)?

    Thank you.

    Best wishes,
    A happy fans Scarlett

    1. Thank you for all your kind comments Scarlett! My favorite movies are:
      Breakfast at Tiffany’s
      Once upon a time in America
      The barefoot Contessa
      The Godfather (trilogy)

      Mimi x

  228. Hi Mimi, I am from China. Read about you from one of the Chinese social media and love your style (both living and fashion) very much. Just ordered your first book from the Amazon, can’t wait to read it. : ) Hope one day your book can be published in Chinese!

  229. I love your blog . I try your recepices , the best i taste in my life and easy to do. Thank you for that. Good luck. Best regards.

  230. Hi Mimi! I just discovered your blog today and I am off to order your book! I am from NYC and moved to Paris 14 years ago where I live (& blog!) with my French husband. Your life in the country seems like a beautiful dream come true! We are very excited to be following you and look forward to discovering what’s next… <3

  231. With so much ugliness in the world today, your blog, your books – I stumbled across “French Country Cooking” in Barnes & Noble yesterday; I am transported to wonderful, fairy-tale place where hard work, delicious food and style are written about in a totally engaging manner. I confess, being a photographer, it is the photography than drew me in first. Then I started reading, I am enamored! To the sweet people who ask what camera your husband uses – If you rush out to buy a Canon 5D, you will be so disappointed as the camera, nor will any camera, be able to reproduce his work. It isn’t about the camera, it is all about the artist, the photographer – how he sees the light, how he places the food, his vision. It’s like asking Mimi what stove she cooks on – the equipment is a tool, it is the artist whether it’s a cook, an author or a photographer that creates the magic. Their soul pours out into the work. Your kingdom in the country is more magical than anything I have read about in a long, long time. I look forward to being transported every day. Best and warmest wishes from the American deep South.

  232. Oh my, you are a Goddess.. I ordered your book, French Country Cooking, hardcover. I can’t wait for it to arrive. What a beautiful soul you are, Mademoiselle..

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