Double Fantasy, again
by mimithorisson
Last year Oddur and I had great fun with a little post we did sometime in January, looking back at the year behind us, remembering some of the things that stuck in our memory. Not necessarily the most important things or the highlights but the things we thought might be amusing or useful for you or at the very least not too boring to read about. The curious format we used was modeled after a favorite album of my mother’s – Double Fantasy with John and Yoko, where they take turns submitting their songs rather than collaborate on the same songs. I was John, he was Yoko and while he’s protesting this year – since it’s my blog he’s still Yoko. True to form all his entries seem to focus on dogs, or pasta or Italy but I kept mine a little more local.
As I’m writing this I’m feeling a wave of optimism. After a cold winter we’ve been having glorious weather, the kids are on holiday and we’ve been preparing the vegetable garden for spring, pruning the olive trees in front of the house and we have even lounged on the rooftop terrace at least a month early. Everybody’s got a little color on their previously pale faces, we’ve replanted the rose bushes that the dogs ate (actually we re- re planted them as the dogs also got the ones we planted first) and we’re looking so forward to everything that’s coming our way – not least our new website that we hope to have ready this spring.
Before we get on with the double “album” I wanted to say thank you to all of you who have taken the time to respond to my call to arms. In my last post I mentioned we were looking for help and we’ve received letters in the hundreds. So many good prospects and while I won’t be able to answer you all I wanted to say that no decisions have been made but I’m on it this week and next.
Secondly I have a Manger Workshop announcement: Last summer we announced the 2017 workshops and immediately got incredible response. The most popular workshop this year (and most popular from the beginning) is the “antiques workshop” this April. I think I had to turn away close to 50 people, even after I squeezed in a few extra people to the very full workshop. I completely understand as I love antique hunting myself and there is nothing better than mixing it up with some good food and wine. So while we initially planned to host no workshops after October we’ve decided to add an extra workshop next November 29 – December 1st. These dates coincide with he Quinconces Brocantes in Bordeaux, just like the April dates.
On top of that Oddur, who finally decided to do a photography workshop in May has decided to add another one in September 13-15 but this one will be held in Italy and not here in Médoc. There will be wine tastings as well and good food but no cooking unlike the one in May. He will be revisiting the setting for the story he wrote for CN Traveler this February. As he says himself “this one will be all action – not for the faint hearted, but for those who love an adventure”. ps there will be wine and dogs.
If you are interested please write to and we will send you more information.
That’s all for now, I give you … Yoko
Tajarin – Inspired by Torino
I am fortunate enough to love my work (if it is work at all) and while I prefer above all else to stay at home with my wife and kids and dogs … and wine cellar, I do love a short trip to Italy. Last year I traveled to Torino for CN Traveler (you can read about that here) and fell in love with the city. I’ve always traveled a lot to Italy but Torino had escaped me until last fall. While it would feel repetitive to recount all the reasons why I fell for the city, let me just tell you about this particular pasta dish:
Sometimes magazines like to ask people about souvenirs they’ve brought home from trips etc. But I’ve always thought the most important souvenirs are not objects or even photographs. They are memories, of course, but if you can say after a trip that it has changed you in some way (for the better let’s hope) or that you learnt something, then you have really taken something worthwhile back home with you. And that something will always stay with you and will forever connect you to the place to which you traveled.
I have always loved tomato pasta. I have made a version thousands of times – I guess everybody has. I’m actually quite good at it (and you won’t hear me praise my own cooking very often). But this one is a little different. It has to do with two things: Olive Oil and the type of pasta, the Tagliarini or Tajarin as they call it in Piemonte.
It’s a little warped that I associate this pasta with Torino, tomato sauces aren’t really what the region is famous for. The restaurant where I had it, while old and by now quite Piedmontese is originally Tuscan. It’s called Al Gatto Nero and I spent a morning there taking pictures. It was a fine experience and while the kitchen was not in full swing they offered to make me a pasta dish so I could get some shots. They had tomato sauce ready so they just threw it together with some Tajarin and when we were done the pasta sat there in a bowl, getting cold. I guess Andrea, the proprietor, saw me glancing a the bowl so he kindly asked if I wanted to taste. I did. The rest is … an eternal quest to recreate it. Andrea saw I liked it and gently said, “it’s the best sauce in the world”. Not only was this true but when he said it, is sounded like a humble understatement.
I never asked for the recipe, and I guess it’s more of a technique anyway. I’ve tried to recreate it many times and so far the results are encouraging.
Let’s be clear about one thing – don’t try this at home unless you have Tajarin, dried or fresh.
This is my version of “the best sauce in the world”.
(My wife offered to assist me in writing this recipe. I was proud, I declined. The loss is yours).
Slice one small carrot finely. Slice one small red onion finely. Pour a lot (hell of a lot) of good (but not great) olive oil into a large pan. Sauté the vegetables until golden or translucent or whatever words they use in recipes – about 10 minutes (sometimes I add chili flakes at this point – sometimes I also add a bit of white wine, neither is necessary and frankly the same goes for the carrots). Add one can of the best tomatoes you can find. When the tomatoes start to disintegrate (with the help of your wooden spoon) add about half a bottle of good Passata (you could of course use either just passata or canned tomatoes but this works for me and I’m superstitious). Let this simmer while you get the salty pasta water to boil and make sure the sauce doesn’t get too thick. When you have the right consistency add a good deal of fresh, coarsely chopped basil to the sauce and plunk the pasta into the boiling pot. Set the timer for 2 minutes (even if it takes 3 minutes to cook). Transfer the almost cooked pasta to the sauce (chefs would cook it in a strainer to make it easy) and add as much cooking water as you deem necessary. Once on the plate add some grated parmesan, a very generous drizzle of great olive oil to finish and serve. Hope your guests will like it.
The result should be a pasta that has a noodle like quality, with an oily (but not too oily) delicious tomato sauce, that generously (but not too generously) covers all the pasta.
If all this sounds to vague it’s because it is.
This Tajarin is an idea, a challenge, there is no right or wrong, only results … and they better be good.
The Como Cover
Wow, Yoko can really write a long text about a tomato pasta. But I give her this: it’s very tasty 🙂
While I said my “songs” would be local I can’t start this album with anything other than the most important thing that happened to me last year. The birth of my baby boy, Lucian. He is a mother’s dream, an extension of me still. Motherhood can be demanding but no sooner is he out of my sight than I want him back in my arms. If practice makes perfect then let’s just say I’m mastering motherhood, sort of. Or maybe a better way to describe it would be saying, I enjoy it even more now. I know how tough it can be, but I’ve gotten used to it. I also know it won’t last forever and I want to savor every single moment. He’s my last one. I love him so.
Speaking of moments, this particular one was as charming, improvised and organic as any I can remember. We had taken half the kids to Milan and decided to spend two days in Como. On our first night we had a lavish dinner at our hotel, the wonderful Grand Hotel Tremezzo, and I had dolled myself up for a big night. To make sure Lucian would stay out of trouble I decided to give him a little “drink” before heading down. Oddur came in and immediately went for his phone. “This is too beautiful he said”. At first I protested, I don’t usually allow picture of myself breastfeeding – I guess it’s my Asian private side. But it was a tender moment and I even decided, upon reflection, to post it – after all I think encouraging breastfeeding is a good thing.
Strangely enough, that dimly lit photograph, shot with an iPhone, ended up on Vogue Living as a cover. They had seen it on my feed and while I warned them it was a rather low-res image they still decided to go ahead with it and I’m glad they did.
There are moments of pure, unfiltered happiness. This was one of them.
Back to Turin. I was coming back to Torino after a day spent driving and drinking in the Barolo wine region, about an hour’s drive from Torino. I had set up a dinner date with Mimi at a restaurant called Tre Galli, on my list to shoot and I was racing to catch the last light of the day. As I arrived outside the restaurant I could see it wasn’t yet open, the cooks were all seated together at a long table and at the head of it, a very imposing, well dressed, ruggedly handsome man. I approached from outside and instinctively “drew my camera”. As I entered, without asking for permission, I starting shooting the table, focusing on the man at the end. Finally I did what many photographers do, asked forgiveness rather than permission. I had caught the moment now I had to face the music. The music in this case was a sweet melody, Raimond, as the well dressed man is called, was very kind and even invited me to take more photos. It turned out that he’s just a guy from the neighborhood, friendly with the local restaurateurs and sometimes dines with them. I was keen to take more photos of him, in better light so we made plans for the following day. This time he showed up almost in costume and sat for a few more portraits. When we parted, he wrote down his name and details and even made me a little sketch of a naked woman on the backside of the paper. Raimond is an artist and a philosopher in addition to his refined sense of dressing. There is something very noble and quirky about him, they call him the king of his neighborhood. Less noble was the fact that I lost the drawing and details but I promise to make up for it when I return to Torino. I will bring a framed photo and copies of the CN Traveler issue. Raimond, if you are reading – outside my wife and children you were my favorite subject of 2016.
The Playlist
Last year so many of the people who have joined us for the workshops practically begged me to assemble a playlist with samples of the music we play during our workshops. I finally relented and while that playlist, now over a year old, goes in and out of fashion in this house, I think it’s a good tradition. So here it is, the Manger workshop playlist 2017, I hope you will enjoy it. Some of the songs we’ve been listening to for years, others have been suggested by our friends or workshop attendees. These are the songs that get us in the mood when the Champagne is flowing freely and the night is young.
Yves Montand – C’est si bon
Dusty Springfield – Take another piece of my heart
Raspberries – Go all the way
Gerry Rafferty – Right down the line
Dalida – Paroles Paroles
Charles Aznavour – Les Comédiens
Chet Baker – I fall in love too easily
Frank Sinatra – Days of wine and roses
Gilbert Bécaud – Je reviens te chercher
Peter Sarstedt – Where do you go to my lovely
Lucienne Boyer – Parlez moi d’amour
George Michael – Kissing a fool
Dusty Springfield – Windmills of my mind
John Lennon – (Just like) Starting over
Frank Sinatra – Watch what happens
Click here to get the playlist on Spotify.
Armagnac – A fling in the spring
I keep raving on about Italy but it should be noted that France is my first love but Italy a close second. If we lived in Italy we’d spend our holidays in France and vice versa.
It’s been rather well documented on this blog and in Mimi’s book, how much I like wine. Particularly Bordeaux wine. Particularly old Bordeaux reds from the finest vintages. I also love Champagne (that love is equally well documented). The liqueurs and digestifs and all that stuff is all wonderful but I’ve never really fallen in love with it and for that my liver will be eternally grateful. Having said that I did have a little fling last spring with Armagnac. We were spending easter in Gascony shooting a story on the region, in the company of a bunch of wonderful people. And those wonderful people were all drinking Armagnac. Not all the time, but in the evenings when dinner was over and we had all assembled in front of the fire in the grand red salon. I became very fond of my Armagnac those evenings in Luxeube and enjoyed nothing better than to nurture a glass or two while the more ambitious guests argued over the rules of parlour games they had created.
Armagnac is a type of brandy that comes from Armagnac and it has to come from Armagnac. If you are sentimental about such things, and not too old, you can probably find a bottle from your birth year. Some people make a great fuss about such things (often the same people who are ambitious at parlour games) but the truth is that the best Armagnac often comes from assembling vintages.
I haven’t had a lot of Armagnac since then (remember my pact with my liver) but once or twice for Christmas I broke my rule and that distinctive flavor, quite different from other brandy, is very beautiful and brings me back to that red salon in Luxeube.
Rediscovering Provence
It was a pleasant surprise to be asked to be the face and ambassador for the French cosmetic brand L’Occitane en Provence. I didn’t have to think twice, it’s a company with a good reputation and excellent products that I have always used throughout my life. L’Occitane comes from Provence in the south and the DNA and soul of the company is very linked to its birthplace. In spring I was invited to come and see their origins, the fields where they grow the various herbs and flowers, their aromatherapy insitute and their amazing spa.
Everybody likes Provence but it’s so well-known, much more so than our beloved Médoc, that it’s easy to take it for granted. I hadn’t been down there for quite a few years but an added bonus to my work for L’Occitane was rediscovering this jewel of France, guided by the people who know it best. Walking through the blossoming fields of thousands of almond trees, heavily pregnant and flanked by my daughter Louise was one of the most remarkable experiences of last year. Lucian, who was in my womb at the time, actually went twice. A few weeks after his birth we were back on the road, this time just me and the boys for a whirlwind trip. We had a lovely night at the L’Occitane spa at the ‘Couvent des Minimes’, I walked in the lavender fields with Humfri and then we had a quick stopover in the magical town of Arles, so infused by artistic charm and history.
It’s a reminder to not take things for granted, to rekindle old flames.
Happy hour
(Breaking the rule, still Mimi here – It seems I have more songs than my husband)
It’s very rare, if it ever happens at all, that we don’t have some sort of apéro in this house. Come rain or shine, hell or high water, sometime before dinner we’ll be pouring something into a glass, enjoying something delicious spread out on the kitchen table, the garden table or even, on a clear day, on the roof. Often these moments include sausages and cold cuts, the debatable “grenier Médocain”, the very salty but irresistible smoked duck breast. Radishes with butter, carrot and celery sticks, crunchy duck skin with hazelnut dip, oysters, foie gras. In summer we’ll often have rosé or Champagne or rosé Champagne. In winter we’ll have Champagne or Reds. When Matt and Yolanda are here we’ll have cocktails, then Champagne. Sometimes we go alternative. Deep fried things like sage or pumpkin flowers. Or popcorn. Everybody loves popcorn.
In the morning we love to have boiled eggs and soldiers and sometimes, when we have time, we drench the soldiers in a mixture of salt and rosemary and parmesan. That mixture is equally good when drizzled over popcorn and the kids love it. Oddur loves to make virgin Mary’s with the kids and they adore it.
Something about a virgin Mary with a crunchy celery stick and even crunchier popcorn perfumed by rosemary.
French Country Cooking
Last year I wrote about the two impending births in 2016. That, in part, inspired the title “Double fantasy”. Lucian, of course, was born in June but my other “baby” – French Country Cooking only came out last October.
I have written much on this blog about my second cookbook, which is partly devoted to the pop up family-restaurant we opened here in Médoc in the summer of 2015. In many ways the book wrote itself and now that I have had time to reflect I can say that I am immensely proud of it, happy that we made it all work but mostly happy that the recipes work. I always knew it would be a nice looking book but it’s only after the book is out there that the recipes start to get tried and tested, that the reviews come in. Almost every day I get a comment, an email or even a kind word on the street.
It seems those of you have bought the book like the recipes and for that I am eternally thankful.
ps: Observant readers will notice that this is not the actual cover but a similar one that was almost in the running. When Oddur was shooting John Ray for the cover (which was partly an accident) then Helmut (now Gustave) was also crawling about and got a shot at the limelight. In the end, though, we chose John Ray but here’s to Helmut nevertheless.
The Insta Puppies
Oddur here (enough with this Yoko business).
Last year saw the birth of two litters of Smooth Fox Terrier puppies. We don’t really breed professionally and certainly not for financial gain (it’s a money losing operation if there ever was one). We do, however, have excellent dogs and would happily have many more if
A. Space allowed B. Fox terriers were actually pack dogs and could get along with each other (the males get very territorial). The two litters we had were carefully planned and we meant to keep at least one or even two from last year’s batch. In the end it wasn’t to be. We decided against keeping a male (John Ray who is on the cover of the book and was our choice ultimately left us) as we have three others and while they liked him as a puppy things were bound to get messy. Then we planned to keep a female but fate threw us a surprise in the form of a bitch (the correct term) called Moneypenny who will be perfect down the line for Humfri, our finest dog. Adding two females was sensitive and now they are all gone. But what fun we had, they gave us good memories those puppies of summer. They also messed up the garden but that’s another matter.
The silver lining in all of this is that they are all in great homes. Each of them found a great family, many in NY funnily enough, but we now have agents in London, Geneva, Paris, NY and Bordeaux. And many of them have their own IG accounts.
Here are a few:
Others share their accounts with their adoptive parents.
Our next litter will be in 2018 and by then I hope the balance will allow us to keep one. Preferably one that’s the spitting image of Humfri which is the big idea.
The Chicken Suprême
Last year I wrote that while this was not a traditional post I felt it needed at least one recipe. Oddur already took care of that with his Tajarin but I also have something up my sleeve. I have always loved simply fried chicken breast with sligthly crunchy skin and lately my butcher has started offering “suprême de poulet”, technically a suprême is a breast with the wing bone still attached, I just cut off at the tip. It’s even tastier and juicier than just frying the breast. Lately I have cooked this dish or a version of it for lunch, perfect and healthy for the colder months with nourishing, delicous beans and a crispy spinach salad on the side.
6 chicken breast (with the skin), or in French suprême de poulet
8 garlic cloves, slightly crushed and unpeeled
450g/ 1 pound cannellini or other cooked white beans, rinsed and drained
160 ml/ 2/3 cup white wine
A bouquet of fresh rosemary
Olive oil
Fleur de sel and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 180°C/ 350°F
Drizzle the olive oil over the chicken and season with salt and pepper. Heat a large heavy sauté pan, add more olive oil, about 2 tablespoons. Add the chicken, skin side down. Once the skin is golden, turn the chicken and brown on the other side, about 2 minutes.
Place the beans in the baking pan, drizzle the juice from the pan all over and season with salt and pepper. Transfer the chicken on top of the beans, scatter the rosemary and garlic all over. Drizzle a little more olive oil and the white wine. Place the baking dish to the pre-heated oven for about 8 to 10 minutes, or until cooked through. Be careful not to overcook the chicken or it will be too dry.
Serve the chicken with the beans and garlic, drizzle a little olive oil and season if needed.
The Count of Monte Cristo
This time we have no baby to announce (thank god) although I have had great fun with the hasthtag #babyno9 which sends all our friends and especially my parents into a frenzy.
There will, however, be an addition to this family in early summer.
I have wanted a Bracco Italiano for years and almost got one last summer. Having done much research and many more observations on my own dogs I am convinced that such a dog will go nicely with what we have already. The theory being that a gentle dog like the Bracco won’t mess with the Terriers and that the Terriers, while all action, will be smart enough not to mess with a much bigger dog. My own experience and the experience of others has taught me this.
Once again it will be the year of the dog in Médoc. The land of wine and roses.
I love reading your posts and it is double the fun when Oddur joins in. I will try Oddur’s recipe and now that he contributed one, he may have to make it an annual occurrence. All the best.
Oh yes it is always fun! Enjoy the playlist – the pasta is a must. 🙂 Mimi x
I made the pasta last night and was transported to Italy. Simple and elegant with a glass of wine was enough to create a wonderful evening at home with my husband by a roaring fire. Thank you! The house smelled divine and welcoming. Appreciate your sharing!
It was so wonderful to see that instagram picture of you nursing your son while I sat at home in Canada nursing my own. We have made it seven months and may be done soon as he needs some supplemental bottles, but I have to say it made me feel more glamorous by proxy 🙂 thank you so much for sharing it, I understand how itay have felt quite personal, but how wonderful to encourage mothers in that way.
Thqnk you Josephine. It is such a precious moment to be cherished forever. All the best to your lovely baby boy! Mimi x
I would like to take Oddur’s photography class in Italy September, but I am too intimidated!
I love all the wonderful photographs, especially of baby Lucien on the bed w/ the open window.
Beautiful as always.
Stacey 🙂
Hi Stacey! I am sure all of Oddur’s workshops will be fun, extra fun 🙂 ! Hope to see you soon! Mimi xx
How lovely to read this just before going to bed! And if spring is already there in Médoc, it will take no much time to got it here, in Vexin.
Glad you got it just before bedtime! 🙂 Hope it will inspire you to cook our dishes 🙂 and listen to a few good tunes! Mimi x
Yaaay! A new playlist!! Thank you Thank you! It will play tonight at a meeting for 10 actions in 100 days – continuing the work of the Womens March Movement. Activists can be fabulous too. 😆👸🏼💃
Bravo to you! You are fabulous 🙂 Hope you’ll enjoy the playlist! Mimi x
Fantastic post! Only had time to read through quickly, I will enjoy reading the post more slowly tonight.
Love reading about your life, children, food and dogs. Slowly turning to Autumn where I live, bring on the cooler days!!
I’m down to two dogs now, after my 17 year old boy died. I’m angling for a puppy, but meeting resistance from my husband, who wants to spend more time traveling. I will get my way soon!
Thanks for all your sweet words! And I believe you will get your way, as no one can resist a cute little puppy dog. Enjoy the recipes and the music! Mimix
Such a lovely post to ponder after a snowier than usual Vancouver winter. I’m making a very similar chicken recipe tonight but with thighs.
Now at 65 years of age I can reflect back to your time in my life-filling every second with the things that count in life- family, simple but delicious food and the love of a good dog(s). This is the best time of your lives!
Oh yes it is the best times of our lives! Good hearty recipes like yours and mine are the most comforting luxuries these days 🙂 Hope you will enjoy the playlist! Mimi x
Loved getting a peek into your world today. I’m here in Texas with a houseful of sneezing, coughing children and plenty of good food. And, of course, I enjoyed your second cookbook almost as much as your first. I hope you are planning a third.
Thank you so much! I am always thrilled to hear good reviews on the books, and yes, I am planning a third, it’s written in my head already 🙂 Hope all the kids get well soon! Mimi x
Very clever intriguing us with #baby#9 and “double fantasy, again” title post!! I just finished reading (yes, I read it like a novel) your second book – so delightful! I ear-marked several recipes can can’t wait to make them!! The photo of you feeding Lucien is beyond beautiful!
Thank you Julia! I am so happy about the second book, especially when I get comments like yours, merci! Mimi x
Dear Mimi – your blog posts are mini Mimi books to savor and read over again. And Oddur , erm , I mean Yoko I’m going to attempt the “best sauce in the world ” with my mean little sister . And also Raimond seems a treasure and I hope you meet again very soon . And finally – we have 5 dogs , used to have 7 and 4 were Great Danes so I send many congratulations to you and dear , sweet #babyno9 . Apologies for the lengthy comment!!
Oh I hope you will enjoy ‘the best sauce of the world’! Lovely to hear from a big dog family like yours 🙂 Mimi x
Thank you John and Yoko for another delicious blog. Sets the mind a dreaming!
I hope to attend the end of Sept class. Wrote last week and will await to hear if there is a space. I shall be in Eymet for part of the month so it would fit in nicely if possible!
Making chicken and Tuscan beans tonite!
Thank you Nina! All the classes are quite full, we will get back to you next week. Merci 🙂 Mimi x
I love, love, love your blogs and even more your combined blogs. And of course your books. You two make the sun shine. Sending peace and happiness from New Zealand.
Always happy to share and make one smile 🙂 Thank you Lynne! Mimi x
Mimi, your (and Oddur’s) posts read like dreams. I am very glad that 2016 was a good year for you and your family. I’ll be listening to that playlist tonight
Thanks Lulu! I hope you enjoyed the playlist, it’s fantastic to share our mood via music! Mimi x
Australian Jude here, thanking you both for another dreamy post. I learn something very useful with each. My brother had 2 beautiful smooth fox terriers, so I understand the ‘fisticuffs’ as a natural part of their hierarchy, so the introduction of a gentle breed should calm things. If the photo is anything to go by, looks very docile. May the 2017 adventures continue.
Hello Jude! Little Monte Cristo will surely calm things (fingers crossed!), he does look like an angel! To many more adventures this year! Mimi x
With thoughts like these, you guys are ready for a podcast. Or a youtube channel.
Good morning Mimi, drinking my oolong tea, so in love with your beautiful post, stories, photos, recipes, playlist and wonderful news
I mentioned this before, on my list for 2017 to meet you, and I can’t wait.
Thank you Mimi for always being an inspiration
Best wishes and much love
Rowaida xx
Thank you so much Rowaida – you are always ever so kind! I do hope we will meet this year! Mimi x
What a lovely post. And a big thank you for sharing your stories and recipes. I’ve tried so many wonderfull ones both from your blog and your books and they always work out perfect! Would love to come and eat at your restaurant this summer. Have you decided yet if it will be open? And the workshop photograpy by Oddur sounds so interesting. Would love to join in – are there any places left?
Hello Anne, so happy to hear you enjoyed the recipes – it’s always a pleasure to hear, thank you! Regarding the photo workshop, it’s best to send an email to 🙂 Cheers, Mimi x
Lovely blog- l look forward to reading about your lives in Medoc, and the photos are always stunning! I have my second cook book now, so shall be cooking today with your playlist in the background X
Enjoy the playlist Jane, am listening to it right now! Mimi x
So enjoyed reading your post over breakfast this morning. It’s set me in a lovely, feel-good mood for the day ahead. Here’s to the onset of spring, to a delicious chicken supreme and to the sweet, special petit dernier (I have a 10 month old)! X
Thank you Miss Gallivant! We are anxiously waiting for the real spring to arrive (and the lovely white asparagus!)! Mimi x
A joy to read and absorb the beautiful images
Thank you! Mimi x
Loved this post – made me laugh out loud; especially Yoko’s cavalier approach to recipe writing (i’m the same, but it’s funnier hearing the honesty from someone else!) Thanks for sharing your precious family highlights – a real pleasure to read. Just adore that puppy- hope he gets along well with the incumbent brood 🙂
‘Terriers won’t mess with a bigger dog” That has really made me laugh on a stormy thursday morning. Good luck with that…
Great post though, and the shot of you breast feeding in bed is just beautiful. Such a quiet happiness, often the best kind.
Thank you Catherine! As for terriers and their attitude, let’s just watch what happens! Yaiks! Mimi x 🙂
This has given me a big smile that is sure to last all day. I love the little episodes you and Oddur have shared, and his photos are completely dreamy.
Oh thank you! It always makes me happy to make someone smile 🙂 Mimi x
thank you for this great blog,
i copied your playlist to youtube, hope its OK, naturally gave you credit.
Thank you so much for spreading the good vibes 🙂 Mimi x
Loved this fun filled post. Going to listen to the playlist later on cooking dinner (of course!). Made me remember how much I cherished your posts. I would love to go to one of your workshops one day. Have a great rest of week John and Yoko!
Mary x
It would be lovely to have you here! So happy you enjoyed the playlist! Mimi x
Dear Mimi snd Oddur, I admit to not yet having read the entire post yet.., it’s a little long but not in a bad way- I am a bit rushed at this present moment. Now ‘John” don’t take this the wrong way but so far I have thoroughly enjoyed ‘Yoko’s” recounts! I have to say- I am a photographer and Oddur if it were food/food styling you are my hero and I would want to emulate your style! My dream would be to enter your world for a change of what I normally shoot! I just love what you do and as a team you pair are undeniably a match made in heaven! When I have a quiet moment and a glass of Medoc red I will finish reading the hefty post for which I am so looking forward to love you both xx Corrina
Hi Corrina, Sounds like you might have had a glass or two of Médoc wine already before you wrote this. But thank you very much 🙂 Regards, Oddur
A question for Oddur from “Trumpland” as we will soon be known. We do not have passata, would thinned tomato paste work or would you recommend tomato puree? Only 4 months until I can escape to Medoc!
I’m sure that there must be some Passata in Trumland somewhere, even a really good one. But feel free to use any quality can of whole tomatoes or tomato pulp that you can find. Hang in there pal 🙂 Oddur
A brand of excellent Italian passata I purchased for years in Italy can be found at Whole Foods by the brand ‘Mutti’. I’ve found it on Amazon as well!
Good morning Mimi. I have a question for you. Many years ago, when my husband did a congé sabbatique at the INRA lab in Bordeaux, we attended the Foire Alimentaire on the other side of the Pont de Pierre on November 11. Clearly it was a memorable affair and we have such fond memories of a great day. I wondered if there is still a Foire Alimentaire? If so, do you attend? Would love to hear…
Hi Nicole,
I’m really just not sure, I have not attended but I should they still do it. Greeting from Médoc, Mimi x
Absolutely loved this blog!! You are both so talented and I always look forward to opening my iPad to find your latest adventure and recipes… How wonderful to be able to live the life you have with your gorgeous family, friends, and those cute dogs!
Thank you Susan! Always happy to share 🙂 Mimi x
I finally got your two gorgeous cook books!! what a fabulous treat to just sit with a glass or two of good wine, and be drawn into a collection of mouthwatering recipes and wonderful photographs along with stories to delight the senses! Bravo to you and your family for opening up your wonderful home and sharing your lives . I am always looking forward to your next adventure.
thank you,
Hi Mimi and Oddur, I was sitting down nursing my baby girl when my mom told me there was a new blog post. What a lovely read! Congratulation on Monte Cristo he his just adorable. I will try Oddur pasta sauce tonight. Last year “Double Fantasy” included a little wine section. I think I remember reading on your blog that 2016 had been a good year for Bordeaux wine. For me 2016 was a important year that brought joy but also tears, a year that needs to be remembered. Would Oddur kindly recommend a wine from 2016. One we could buy a case of and hopefully drink in the years to come to remember 2016.
Cassandre x
Hi Cassandre, Firstly regards to your mother! 2016 is a very good year so you’d be safe with just about any. But by all means get some now. We just tried the 2016 vintage of Lafon Rochet, the wine is great and so are the people making it. So you can safely go with that one. Best, Oddur
Thank you for the wine suggestion Oddur, it’s kind of you! x
What an adorable pup, how could anyone resist that gorgeous little face! Gun dogs have such an amazing temperament. As my husband says, they look into your eyes, and are happiest when they’re doing their job, and make you happy. I enjoyed this double post. Many years ago, an Italian friend cooked us a simple supper, a delicious pasta with tomato sauce that contained carrot, and I have always regretted not asking him for the recipe. This could be it, thanks Oddur! I think you’re wise to go easy on the armagnac, too 😉
Yes a new cookbook! I’m hoping it will be translated in dutch! Liked your previous one so much!
I hope so! Will update asap! Thank you, Mimi x
I really love your first cookbook! Will the second one be available in German too someday? I hope so……
Hello Heike! Yes I believe it will be in German – just waiting for the dates! Thanks for asking 🙂 Mimi x
Dear “John”, thanks for this super post stuffed with so many of my favorites. I’ve read Happy Hour twice – so good!! Your incredible second book belongs side by side with your first, it’s such a natural expansion of your story. Your beautiful books are family albums with recipes and you’re such a good story teller. Just like Oddur’s (I mean, Yoko’s) criteria for what makes a good restaurant, your books are more than the sum total of their recipes. I was disappointed Vogue USA did not use that gorgeous cover portrait of you with Lucian for that issue. I know they try to appeal to their market in each country, but they missed the boat on that decision. Thanks for the recipes, that chicken fits my pantry perfectly today. So does Yoko’s tomato sauce which I’ll start with: grate a carrot, well, maybe, maybe not….XXOO- Linny
Hey Linny! So lovely to hear from you! Thank you for making my day with your thoughts on our book! I am so happy you’ve enjoyed it and it makes it extra-special that you came here and sampled the goods 🙂 Enjoy the recipes and the chicken suprême! Big tip: be very generous with the olive oil for the pasta! 🙂 Mimi x
Mimi and Oddur,
What can I say that I haven’t said before? Your life is TRULY a Fairytale. Not only do you live in “timeless beauty” but you continue to surprise me with your ability to share wonderful posts about a “way of life” that is such an unique blend of old and new. I love your ability to surround your readers not only with history but that endless charm that encircles the Thorisson family. Thank you for a French inspired HAVEN we all can enjoy!
PS The picture of Mimi and Lucian on the Netherland Vogue Cover is my ALL time Favorite Cover EVER and I ADORE your French Country Cooking Book.
Mimi, the picture of you and Lucian is beautiful! The moments you have breastfeeding your children are so special and amazing! thank you for sharing
YOU TWO are going to BE SUPERSTARS!!!!!!!!This POST was BRILLIANT!I hope to meet you ALL one day!I have sent a young girl to you in her twenty’s who is 100% Italian but speaks FRENCH………SHE LIVED WITH ME FOR A SUMMER and I call her the little CONTESSA in TRAINING!PLEASE take a look at her resume…….better yet have a SKYPE session!She is in FRANCE right NOW!!! I think the ENTIRE FAMILY would ENJOY or I wouldNOT be SO PUSHY!!!!
Loved reading your post! I am going to make “the best sauce in the world” soon…I am going to compare it to my father’s who has been making the best so far!! Hope to be able to join one of your workshop one day. Just listened to your playlist while working, just perfect, So I send you, from Iceland where Winter is in a really, really bad mood today, I’ll Be Seing You featuring Françoise Hardy & Iggy Pop. Bon week-end…Góða helgi.
“In winter we’ll have Champagne or Reds. When Matt and Yolanda are here we’ll have cocktails, then Champagne. ”
And wine with the meal, presumably? Much as I would love that every day too, I’m afraid I can’t keep up, and daily drinking, never mind mixing, does not agree with me anymore ☹️ For special occasions only now, must be getting old, lol!
I loved this post and I loved following along with you guys over the past year. You have a lovely family!
Thanks a lot for this wonderful playlist! Uta
Absolutely LOVED this most recent post….they transport me to wonderful places, thank you so much! Waiting to see and hear more about The Count of Monte Cristo!!!
Made the sauce tonight. It was very good. Threw some black olives on at the end, thought hubby might grumble if served plain tomato sauce on pasta, but he enjoyed it 😉 A keeper, thanks!
Thank you Mimi for agreeing to post a picture of yourself breastfeeding (and what a funny stroke of luck that it ended up on Vogue Living??). I think it helps many women who want to/need to breastfeed in public but worry about whether it’s acceptable (how unfortunate that it might be thought of as unacceptable?!). I hope when I breastfeed one day, I will not be made to feel ashamed.
This is such a lovely, generous post, as ever. After the success of making the simple vegetable potage from your second cookbook, I’m planning on making the potato and chard galettes tonight!
Thanks Mimi for your new post! I’m your fans from Hong Kong. I bought your first cooking booking in chinese addition and love it very much! I’ve tried many of the receipes in the book and it tastes really good! I would like to ask will your new book have chinese addition this time? Thanks!
Bonjour Mimi!!!,
I do like these post when you two collaborate. Always great fun!!! I’m entertaining on Friday night Mimi. Three of the dishes will come from A kitchen in France. Tuna Rillettes, Stuffed Mussels and the Garden Pea Veloute. I haven’t made the soup before, but as we’re expecting a hot evening, I thought it would be lovely and refreshing…..oh, and that beautiful colour. May even do your Creme Fraiche Chicken and serve it just warm with a rocket salad. If you can think of something better…….let me know. It’s all so good Mimi.
Vous souhaitant tous les meilleurs.
Anita xx
What joy to read, you both have brought a smile to my face; and I expect a trip to Turin via Lyon. Best wishes to you all, including the dogs. Nx
Love your Blog and would like to purchase the featured March issues of French Vogue and especially Vanity Fair but being in Pittsburgh, PA this appears to be imposible, Can anyone help me? Thanks
Hi I Mimi. Just luv your newsy blog and fabulous photos. Thank you so much for sharing.
Where can I purchase your book from – I live ini Perth Western Australia,, Australia.
I look forward to your reply.
Thanking you . Chez
Hi please ignore my request as I have just answered my own question. I have just contacted Book Depository.
Very best wishes to you and yours
Hi Mimi –
I am very excited to be coming to the Medoc region 21-24 June. Any chance there will be a “pop-up” restaurant during that time? How do I find out that information? Thank you so much and Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to Lucien.