Baba au rhum
by mimithorisson
I first discovered baba au rhum (rum baba cake) when I was a child visiting my grandmother in the South of France. Out of all the pastries, I was most fascinated by this one because it was ‘interdit’ (not allowed). Drenched in rum, dressed in whipped cream with a cherry on top, I had to wait a few more years before expressing my food independence.
Invented for an exiled Polish king who thought his marble cake was too dry and who’s favourite book was ‘One Thousand and One Nights’, the baba au rhum is today a national treasure in France. The pâtisserie Stohrer (51 rue Montorgueil 75002 Paris) is the birthplace of the baba. It really is one of the most special pâtisseries in the world.
I like to use a tube baking mold/pan with a ‘swirl’ pattern because it looks old-fashioned and perfect for this timeless cake.
120 grs plain flour
150 grs caster sugar
10 grs baking powder
50 grs melted butter
3 eggs (separated)
3 tbsp warm milk
Cream topping:
250 ml whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla essence
30 grs caster sugar
Rum syrup:
150 ml water
120 ml dark rum
150 grs caster sugar
For coating the cake:
40 grs apricot jam
Pre-heat oven, 180 degrees celsius
Cream egg yolks and sugar. Add the warm milk, melted butter, sifted flour and baking powder. Mix well.
Whisk egg whites till stiff, and gently fold into first batter.
Pour into buttered and floured cake mold.
Bake for 25 minutes. When ready, leave to cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes.
Prepare the rum syrup. On a medium to light heat, heat the water and sugar till it starts boiling. Add the rum and lower heat for 2 minutes. Set aside until cool.
Whisk cream and vanilla until stiff, gradually adding the sugar.
Brush the cooled cake with the apricot jam to create a glossy cake.
Slowly pour the cool rum syrup in the center of the cake and wait till fully absorbed. Add the whipped cream in the center and on top of the cake.
Serve with more rum syrup if desired.
looks great! do you have a secret on staying so skinny regardless of all the delicacies you serve? have a good day!
I hope you can try this recipe! It’s so good and great dinner party food! Regarding your question, I think the secret to keeping a good size is to have small portions, and no snacks in-between meals! I always have desserts! Have a lovely day! mimi
[…] GATEAU AU RHUM (RUM CAKE) adapted from Manger […]
Hey Mimi- what is the cup capacity of your baking mold? I’d love to make this, but I want to make sure I purchase the right size mold!
Bonjour Mimi,
Je découvre votre magnifique blog et je suis ravie de trouver cette recette de Baba, qui va me permettre de confectionner des “mini babas”, que je placerai en bocaux avec du Limocello, délicieuse liqueur de citrons italienne.
Merci pour cette recette.
I have been making this for forty years here in the US. Apparently my recipe is not the original as it is leavened. Thank you for the post I will try the original.
Bonjour Mimi,
j’ai fait ce gateau le week-end dernier pour l’anniversaire de ma mere car c’est son gateau préféré!
encore merci pour cette recette tout le monde a trouve cela delicieux!
jai mis de la confiture de mirabelle a la place de labricot, tres bon aussi!
Oh merci! Heureuse que ton gâteau fut un beau succès. Mimi x