Coconut tapioca pudding
by mimithorisson
This morning, I was in the mood for something different, so I made coconut tapioca pudding. In Asia, tapioca is used in many deserts and snacks. In Hong-Kong, I would often go with my mother and friends to a little ‘sweet café’ (typical desert-only restaurant) and have a Chinese deserts, like a mango or melon tapioca pudding. It’s usually served warm, but cold is delicious too. My kids adore this dish, and they are fascinated by the little translucent pearls. This coconut tapioca pudding is pure comfort food, and so easy to make. I buy tapioca in Asian stores, but they also sell it in health stores and supermarket. In France you can buy Tipiak (Perles du Japon).
400 ml coconut milk
400 ml water
90 grs sugar
100 grs tapioca pearls
40 grs unsalted peanuts, grilled and crushed coarsely
1 sliced banana or mango
Bring the coconut milk and water to a boil, then slowly add the tapioca pearls (stirring fast is important at first so the tapioca won’t stick together). Add sugar. Cook for about 20 mins stirring regularly on a low heat. The tapioca is cooked when it turns clear.
In the meantime, grill the peanuts in a small pan for a few minutes. Take away from heat, let cool, and crush them coarsely.
Serve warm (I prefer) or cold, sprinkle the peanuts and sliced bananas. Pure bliss.
Oooo, I loved going and eating at a sweet cafe when I was in Hong Kong, the mango and tapioca was just delightful- will have to try this soon. Thank you for your wonderful blog, it’s absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks for visiting! I really miss the ‘sweet’ cafés in HK!! Warm regards from Médoc! mimix