Jour de Fête


Choices, choices
On the last Saturday in July I was standing behind a table lined with rows of vegetable tarts and meringues, little delights that I had made and was now meaning to SELL! “How utterly odd” I thought to myself, after years and years of going to markets, buying delights, to be at the opposite side of the table presenting people with my own little creations. And how fun! Growing up this was not really a scene I could have imagined, nor was having 7 kids, countless dogs or basically anything that’s happening in my life today, including writing a cookbook. I was recently reminded of how unpredictable life is, how the wars we prepare for are not necessarily the wars we fight. This reminder came from an unlikely and, frankly, a rather unwelcome source – but it did serve its purpose, at least I am writing about it now. Some person left a comment on one of my instagram photos, one where I am coming out of a pastry shop with my two daughters and a dog in tow. It’s a beautiful green storefront with the most sumptuous pastries on display and I’d like to think we all look very content. The comment (which I deleted – but now sort of regret having done that) said something along the lines of this: “You promote childbirth and cooking but women should be in boardrooms making important decisions as CEO’s”. One has to wonder if the commentator thinks that CEO’s never buy pastries, even on weekends, or perhaps that they don’t have children. Maybe just that they’d look miserable buying strawberry cakes with their kids because they’d much rather be … in the boardroom. I suppose a top CEO would have a nanny, and a personal assistant for buying pastries but let me go on record and say that even if I was the president of France I would still buy my own pastries. My life was always filled with food and cooking but being practical I did actually prepare myself for the boardroom. I studied business and finance, I worked in business development. I am quite sure that had I persisted I might even have made it to the boardroom. Now I am not saying that there is anything wrong with the boardroom, it’s a perfectly acceptable room. No worse in fact than the kitchen, the little shop, the atelier, the classroom or any other room I can think of. I guess what I am getting at, is that this little comment reminded me of how grateful I am to have had a choice. A choice that my grandmother and great-grandmother perhaps didn’t have. They were never destined for the boardroom, they didn’t get the chance to choose. Choice is freedom. Finding something you like to do, something you are, hopefully, reasonably good at and then having the chance to do it – that is the path to a good life, the path to happiness even. So to the person who left that comment I’d like to say this: “I understand where you are coming from, thanks for the input – but your comment would have been more appreciated had it been less aggressive and more polite. Sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it.”

p.s. Since I am opening a little table d’hôtes/ chambres d’hôtes, with cooking workshops etc I guess I am technically the CEO of that operation. I will still be buying my own pastries though.






Meringues at midnight
I had originally planned to make duck burgers for my stand at the Fête de village in St Christoly. But there wasn’t enough time and we didn’t really have the facilities to fry burgers at the square. Next time! This time I just wanted to make something light and tasty that everyone likes and could be made in advance. Tian tartlets seemed to fit the bill, all the ingredients are in season, they are easy to make, lovely to look at and so tasty with a sprinkle of salt and olive oil. The real challenge was making a hundred meringues with one oven. Meringues take more than an hour to cook and as I wanted them as fresh as possible most of the“meringuing” happened after midnight on Friday night and then in the early hours of Saturday. The whole family helped out (some more and others) slicing vegetables, carefully arranging them on top of the tarts. Thorir went on an excursion deep into the forest to gather bunches of fern that we meant to decorate our table with. When we decided not to use them (mainly because we ran out of time) he contemplated selling them but as Médoc woods are 50% covered in fern he realized there wasn’t really a market for it. We had a small worry that all our efforts would be in vain, what if nobody wanted tian tarts and meringues, especially since they were waiting for duck burgers. The small queue that waited for us when we arrived was most encouraging and I am happy to report that everything we had sold in under two hours. We had our share of little mishaps, I sprayed creme chantilly over a woman who was very gracious about it and Louise fell and got herself a bloody nose, her first ever.




In the end we ran out of cream, out of sauce, so we started giving the meringues for free. The two tian tarts we gave to a lovely couple, readers of the blog who had come all the way from Bordeaux to have duck burgers. Hudson and Louise, ever competitive, were mesmerized by all the money that we put into an old biscuit box. Hudson even embarrassed me by counting it from time to time in front of everybody. The best thing about that box though was taking money out of it and using it to buy food from all the other stands around us. We had the tastiest duck sausages from one stand, Moroccan biscuits from another. Oddur bought some wine, the kids some candies. I can’t think of a more fabulous, old-fashioned experience than staying up late, making little “plats”, then taking your efforts to the market and trying out what the others have to offer. It is country life at it’s best.
I love writing this blog, cooking and communicating, reading your comments and answering them. But meeting people face to face, your neighbours, some readers of Manger, old faces, new faces – that’s even better. That’s what I hope to achieve with my cooking workshops. Meeting people, enjoying food, sharing stories. I may be going out on a limb here, and we are behind schedule, but I am determined to get started with the workshops later this year. All roads lead to St. Yzans.





That Saturday night, exhausted but happy, I made an old-fashioned veal roast with summer vegetables. It wasn’t supposed to be a blog post, it was just something I wanted to make and thought could be delicious. Hudson kept asking me how big his share of the proceeds would be. “Gunnhildur did the most” I said, “So don’t you think it’s fair she gets the biggest share?” I asked. He wasn’t sure about that. In the end we settled it all amicably. Bigger efforts got bigger rewards. That box still stands on a shelf in my bedroom. It’s empty now but for a cheque of 12 euros that someone used to pay for meringues and tarts. I think I’ll keep it as a souvenir of a good day. Sometimes a cheque is worth more than the number that’s written on it.





Tian tartlets (for eight tartlets)

These pretty and rustic tartlets look like small bouquets, perfumed with thyme and bay leaves. the trick is to slice the vegetables as thinly as possible to create a pretty tartlet.

230 g/ 8 ounces x 2 shortcrust pastry/pate brisée
1 small eggplant/ aubergine, sliced finely
1 zucchini/ courgette, sliced finely
2 tomatoes, sliced finely
2 cloves garlic, sliced finely
A few springs of fresh thyme, leaves picked
Olive oil
Coarse sea-salt & freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 200°C/395°f.

Grease with butter 10 cm/4 inches wide tartlet pans x 8
Use pastry to line base and sides of tartlet pan. Trim excess pastry. Using a fork, pierce pastry base.
Slice zucchini, aubergine , tomato and garlic finely. Line slices alternating zucchini/aubergine/tomato to create a rose-like pattern until you reach the center. Slide in 4 garlic slices between the vegetable slices. Drizzle with olive oil all over, sprinkle salt, black pepper, fresh thyme and 1 small bay leaf (see photo).
Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until vegetables are golden. Leave to cool for 5 minutes before unmoulding.


Old-fashioned summer veal roast

This delightful summer veal roast is so easy to prepare and has become a family favorite for dinner. The tomatoes stand out in this recipe, and the sauce mixed the vegetables and pancetta is heavenly with mashed potatoes.

1.3 kg /2.8 pounds veal shoulder roast(preferably with bone, but rolled is good too)
60 g/ 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 onions, sliced
230 g/ 8 ounces pancetta, sliced finely into matchstick size
2 cups/500 ml dry white wine
80 ml/ 1/3 cup veal stock
3 small carrots, sliced finely
4 garlic cloves, unpeeled
2 celery branches, sliced finely
15 plum tomatoes
1 bouquet garni
Coarse sea-salt & freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 160°C/ 320°F

In a large cast-iron dutch oven/cocotte, melt the butter and sauté the onions until soft but not browned. Add the pancetta and continue to sauté for 3 minutes, then add the veal and brown the meat on all sides. Add the carrots and celery, season with salt and pepper, and throw in the bouquet garni. Pour the wine and mix all the ingredients together. Bring to a simmer, add the tomatoes, veal stock & unpeeled garlic cloves. Cover the pot.
Transfer the dutch oven/ cocotte into the oven and cook for 1 hour and thirty minutes to 2 hours, until cooked through and tender. Cut the veal into slices. Serve with mashed potatoes and pour the gravy with vegetables on top.


Vanilla meringues with peaches & cream

Simply irresistible – this dessert literally sold out within minutes!

For the meringues
(for approximately 8 meringues)

6 egg whites (at room temperature)

260 g/ 1 1 1/3 cup caster sugar

50 g/ ½ cup icing sugar

1 teaspoon cornstarch (maïzana)
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
A pinch of salt

For the ultra-easy coulis

For the raspberry
230 g/ 8 ounces raspberry, 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Blend together in a mixer.
For the apricot
230g/ 8 ounces apricots, 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Combine pitted apricots with the sugar in a small saucepan. Heat on a medium heat until they are soft and the sugar is melted. Process in a mixer and leave to cool before serving.
To garnish:
1 cup/ 250 ml heavy cream, for whipping
8 yellow or white peaches (count 1 peach per person) – peeled and sliced

Pre-heat your oven 140°C/280°F.

In a large glass bowl, whisk the egg whites on a high-speed until frothy. Add the cornstarch, pinch of salt and sugar/ confectioner’s sugar (1-2 tbsp at a time) gradually. Add the vanilla essence. Continue to whisk until stiff and glossy. Transfer mixture to a piping bag and pipe meringues (about the size of a medium-sized orange) on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
Bake in a preheated oven 140°C/280 F for 25 minutes, then lower heat 95°C/200 F and continue to bake for 1 hour (2 hours if you prefer them slightly crunchier). Switch the heat off and open the oven door. Leave the meringues to cool in the oven.
 When the meringues are completely cooled, whisk the cream in a large bowl until stiff. To serve, tap the meringues to create a little nest, add a few spoons of whipped cream, scatter the sliced peaches on top and drizzle with the coulis.


319 thoughts on “Jour de Fête

  1. Mimi,
    It looks like y’all had such a wonderful time! Everything you made looks absolutely divine.

    As a woman who turned down a position at NASA to pursue a career in the kitchen, I completely agree that life takes you places you never thought it would whenever you follow your heart, darlin’! So proud of you…


    1. Hello Amber! Wow Nasa – isn’t life amusing, taking you to so many surprising places? I am glad you pursued your career in the kitchen 🙂 You do it beautifully! Mimix

  2. I’m not one to leave comments often, but I must say this was The Best you have ever done!!!! Love It !!! so fun to see a beautiful family having a wonderful time!!!! Keep it Up! Bravo!

  3. I WAS in the Boardroom, now I choose the kitchen. In life you are always exactly where you are supposed to be.
    Look forward to your Cooking workshop.

  4. What’s wrong with childbirth and cooking? Surely everyone has to eat – and without children to carry on boardrooms are a waste of time.

  5. I get bored in a board room!! It’s our choice to do what we do and we love doing it. You love what you do and you do it beautifully! I am glad your fete went well minus a couple of minor mishaps. I would love to come to your shop and cooking class and will put that on my bucket list. And the peaches reminds me of the peaches I have here…gorgeous and ready to eat. Big hugs xo

    1. Hi Mel, Oh the fête was wonderful and I will certainly keep you posted on any developments regarding the workshops. We are making big advances this week and I hope that the works will really get started at the end of the month, after that we have to see how fast things go 🙂 Mimix

  6. Mimi,
    What you promote is serenity, beauty, energy, and contentment. Regardless of gender, things don’t get better than that.

    There will always be people out there with agendas, quite convinced that they know how the rest of the world should live. If I were to write what I think of them, THIS post would be deleted, too.

    Feel free to change NOTHING about yourself and your blog.

    Thank you, as always, for a fantastic article.


    1. Thank you Joe for your very kind and uplifting words, I’ve been very lucky and had such few negative comments. That one didn’t particularly get to me but it made me want to discuss things and I am so very pleased and happy to see how many of you have joined in the conversation. Merci, Mimi x

  7. Not sure what could be more fulfilling than growing children but I sense a bit of jealousy in the comments mentioned in your post. I am a longtime reader of your blog which is something I can’t say about many others. It is beautifully photographed and the food is magnifique! Looking forward to adding your new book to my collection.

  8. I love what you’ve written so fiercely, Mimi. It becomes so strange when women who follow their hearts to a more “traditional” role find themselves having to justify not wanting to pursue those boardroom ambitions — I think you’ve identified so articulately that what we strive for in this thing called feminism is the freedom and beauty of having a choice, not pressure for all of us to follow a certain, new path just because we weren’t able to before. It’s not being a mother and a homemaker that is negative, it was the restriction to not be able to do anything else.

    Anyway, more importantly, so happy for you and this gorgeous booth! The meringues and the tartlets (and everything else) are just sublime as always. Thank you so much for your gorgeous food, for thought and for everything in between 🙂

    1. Great and exact point, Cynthia! It’s about having a freedom of choice, and not being questioned about it.

      Beautiful post about surely beautiful day (and hard-working night before! :D). dear Mimi. I actualy remember that what brought me first time to Manger were your meringues. I was mesmerized by a pictures of them I found somewhere, and I looked for the source. Love at first sight! 🙂

    2. Merci Cynthia, it makes me truly happy to hear from all of you and judging from your comment you and many others seem to have perfectly understood what I meant to say, I was slightly worried that I wasn’t being clear enough. Phew 🙂 Mimi x p.s. I really could have those peach meringues every day!

  9. Actually I feel pity for that POOR woman who left the sour comment – and applaud you for the gift of life and love you have chosen. Raising the next generation to be productive, functional adults is a huge ‘job’ compared to running a ‘successful-in-the-world’s-eyes’ company. Still dreaming of being a part of your workshop one day – off to make tian tartlets in the meantime!!

  10. This is all so lovely.. the simplicity of the dishes, the freshness of the ingredients, the smiles …beautiful!!

    As for the comment you remarked on, earlier on in your post on instagram..I just believe..we all get too judgemental in life.. life is about making choices, whatever that maybe , that make you happy because when you are at peace with yourself, you’ll make everyone around you happier!! Just my little thought…

  11. Stunning photos, creative recipes and a spot-on response to a thoughtless comment. Your blog is always loving and inspirational.

  12. Mimi, Your blog in inspiring and beautiful. You share your life and family with passion and wonderful pictures. Always feels like I stopped by for a visit. Thanks so much!

  13. Hello Mimi, quelle joie de t’avoir retrouvée devant ton stand magnifiquement décoré avec tes beaux enfants et avec toutes ces jolies choses colorées et appétissantes à déguster. Bravo encore pour tes envoûtantes comptines. Merci Oddur pour tes sublimes photos immortalisant le bonheur et la joie de vivre. Vivement l’ouverture de tes nouveaux ateliers et à très bientôt. Gros bisous à toute la tribu.
    P.S. N’oublie pas de nous prévenir pour la date de la prochaine fête !

    1. Coucou Anne-Marie! vous étiez si jolie dans votre robe rouge 🙂 Avez-vous remarqué que vous étiez sur la photo derrière le stand du salon de thé Artemis? Je pense qu’il y aura une autre fête fin août/début Septembre. Je vous embrasse et un grand bonjour de la part des enfants! Mimi x

      1. Coucou mimi, c’est formidable de répondre aussi spontanément et gentiment à nous tous, quel boulot ! Oui bien sûr j’avais repéré la photo devant le stand d’artemis mais je n’ai pas osé y faire allusion sur le blog et vous remercie tous les deux pour cette gentille attention. J’espère que tout va bien pour vous , que les travaux avancent et que les enfants profitent bien des vacances, je les embrasse bien fort, il me tarde de les revoir avant la rentrée. Audrey May a dû bien changer. Gros bisous à bientôt. Anne-Marie xx

    2. This is a beautiful blog you have here! I came across your story in Vogue magazine and had to take a peek! I too love cooking, photography, traveling and French culture, so this is perfect to me : ). I’ve been in a cooking rut lately and needed new recipes to liven up the routine! And btw, I don’t think there is anything wrong with buying pastries, cooking and taking care of your children. Women are given the freedom of choice these days, and if that is what they choose, then more power to them because being a Mother is too often overlooked, and yet it is such a selfless duty that lacks much recognition or praise in our society today. The people who criticize must be unhappy with their own lives and must be so busy that they cannot buy their own pastries, now that’s a shame! Keep doing what you are doing, I believe it inspires other women such as myself.

  14. J’aurais adorée t’achetée 4 tartelettes ! Deux pour mes enfants et 2 pour mon mari et moi! J’ai beaucoup aimé l’atmosphère qui dégage cette petite fête 😉
    Audrey Mai a grandi beaucoup, elle est si mignonne !

    1. Merci Eva! Comment se déroulent vos vacances en Espagne? Il y aura d’autres fêtes – nous avons tous passé de bons moments. Nous revenons de San Sebastian, que de bonnes choses à manger! A bientôt, Mimi x

      1. Les vacances en Espagne sont fini depuis hier. Maintenant en est dans le midi de la France, dans la montagne Noire, plein des choses à découvrir!
        J’ai envie d’aller à San Sébastian un de ces jours, il pareil qu’on mange tellement bien!!
        Merci Mimi et peut être à une prochaine fête dans le Médoc!

  15. laisser un tel commentaire~
    C’est une question d’envie.
    Elle envie tout ce que vous avez.
    C’est vous la plus riche.
    That baby in white so cool looking w/ little legs ..beautiful as are all the children.
    Wonderful genes.
    I love that you are so appreciative of everything you have.
    Grasp it firmly with both hands and never let go.
    Il n’y a rien au monde comme notre famille.

    1. Merci Monique! L’important, c’est de bien s’expliquer, de se faire comprendre – inutile de se fâcher! C’est fantastique que nous puissons avoir le choix de nos décisions – pour moi, c’est ma famille et la cuisine 🙂 Ma petite Audrey may se porte bien, elle grandit si vite! Profitez bien de l’été! Mimi x

  16. When will you open your d’hôtes/ chambres d’hôtes? Medoc was my favourite and would love to go back.

    1. Hi Hayley, We are starting works this month and believe me I am eager to start, I will keep you and everyone else who is interested as up to date as is possible. Hope to see you soon! Mimi x

  17. Every blog post you write, food you prepare, and picture you take are manifestations of your true nature. I am hard pressed to think of another blogger who is as genuine and unpretentious as you. As a long-time reader, it seems clear to me that you are living the life you *want *to live. You and your family are inspiring and…just lovely.

    1. Hi Amy, it is the life I want but I didn’t always know that. It is humbling to hear from so many of you that what I have done with my life, at least in some small way, inspires you. So many people have inspired me in my life and it feels good to pay some of it back. Mimi x

  18. YOU are the CEO of everything you do!Please try and forgot that ugly comment and you did right by making it vanish!That comment came from pure jealousy!!!You can read it in the words……YOU have a beautiful life with beautiful children and a Husband who ADORES YOU.I love how he calls YOU HER on his IN.Love how the children helped collect ferns and counted the profits!THis is what its all about….FAMILY.You my dear have the recipe down pat.Don’t change a thing.Waiting for that cookbook!!!Making MIMI chicken Sunday for guests the one with the creme fraiche!XOXOXOXO

      1. Yes, that would be the perfect riposte wouldn’t it?! I am the CEO of my own life and the HQ just happens to be at my home address where I am working most days in the board room (atelier/studio/kitchen/office) or rather playing actually because what I do every day I do with passion and love and therefore it’s hard to call it work per se.

        1. Besides, what’s so wonderful about being the CEO of a corporation? A lot of what is wrong in today’s world could be traced back to corporate practices… Small, preferably local, family owned businesses is where we should strive to spend our hard earned money. It’s wonderful that you chose to do what makes you happy, Mimi. YOU go, sister!!!

    1. Hello Dear Contessa, Now it’s Monday night and I am making the crème fraîche chicken myself. And who for, my dear Aunt Francine (taty) who was such an inspiration to me as a little girl when it came to cooking. As I said in the acknowledgements of my book – I might never have started to cook without her. Such a pleasure to have her around these days but sadly she’s leaving tomorrow. As I said to a reader earlier, that comment didn’t bother me that much but I felt it was a worthy topic nonetheless. It’s always the best way isn’t it, to try to discuss thing intelligently rather than type them down anonymously in some sneaky corner. Yes, family is BEST! Mimi x p.s. hope the chicken was alright 🙂

      1. Mimi please dont worry and be you only Iove your blog how is and is like you:
        Im agree with Contessa !:))
        And your posts always make me happy:)

  19. Your Farmer’s Market stand of gourmet delights looks so fun and delicious! Your little girls with the darling matching dresses ( I had that two with my sister, home made from my Mom). I like that you include pictures of your charming, like the sweet nuns.
    In my own life I work a challenging executive job yet I love making jam, gardening and cooking and simple life pleasures. Thank Goodness!
    Your blog is so wonderful inspiring, thank you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Sarah, it was all very fun. And of course there is more to all of us than just the job we do for a living – that was one of the points I was trying to make. Executives do make jams don’t they! Mimi x

  20. Thank you so much for sharing your insights in your first paragraph. I have always tried to teach my daughters to become self-sufficient and responsible using their full potential. Yet, being happy, and doing something you care about is paramount. Thank you again for your perspective. (I did share this with my girls!) P.S. I never have been to France, hope to visit your beautiful area someday!

    1. Hi Sylvia, You simply must come to France soon and of course include Médoc in your trip. We have five daughters and what you said is very much along the lines of what we try to install in them. Of course most of them are so young still that they don’t really understand but then you are never too young to listen to a few well spoken words of wisdom. Mimi x

  21. I loved this post so much! It could be because I’m in a state of euphoria since I finally had my baby gir too, but I think It’s more so because I have that exact feeling of, “how did I get here? Doesn’t matter because it’s perfect!” So excited to try these recipes too. They sound devine to a hungry momma 🙂

    1. Congratulations!!! I know all about being a hungry mom 🙂 So happy for you and thank you for this and all the other comments. Here’s to ending up in the “right” place. Love Mimi x

  22. Such sweet pictures. Those little tartlets look so cute!
    Not every woman is the boardroom type, and not every room is the pastry-making mom type, and that’s ok! I say celebrate the differences! Women need to stop judging each other & share the love.

    {Teffy’s Perks} X

  23. You are the CEO of your family and as important as any boardroom CEO. Your posts bring a sense of serenity and love to us the readers, a rare commodity in this day and age. Thank you.

  24. You have nothing to apologize for. Every time I read your post I am in awe of your industriousness. Life is long. You are young. Who knows what business enterprises might lie ahead of you. You’re just getting your “business feet” wet, again. I wish for you much success, a lot of luck, and the good fortune to take advantage of the luck when it comes your way.

  25. Mimi, your talent enriches all of our lives. You are a renaissance woman who inspires me, one of the ones who chose the Boardroom yet marvels at the gifts that each and every woman has.

  26. je suis en admiration devant tout ce que vous faites , et je trouve que vous etes une jeunne femme extraordinaire, qui aime les bonnes choses et qui surtout a le desir d en faire profiter toutes les personnes autour d elle.Vous avez une petite famille adorable et les photos de votre mari sont superbes. Mais malheureusement je ne lis pas l anglais couramment!!!!

    1. Mimi, as so many have said, your pages give inspiration and pleasure to your readers. Your internet friends come visit you precisely because you have chosen this charming path of family and a life dedicated to the highest human values. The world has too many boardrooms and not enough charm!

      Perhaps you have heard of Janne Matlary, the former Minister of Foreign affairs for Norway….and a woman who has been in many board rooms on various high level subjects from European defense to petroleum development to emerging forms of government. She has four children and wrote about the need to “fight for political and social recognition of the importance of motherhood, which in my experience is the most important form of work, and one specific to women.” Mimi, at heart we all know why boardrooms exist– to solve problems and devise programs or policies that lead to a more secure life so that we can go home to our families and the pleasures in our communities. If all the talented competent women are in boardrooms, rather than homes, schools, floral shops, restaurants, markets….there will be no charming homes and communities to return to once the board meeting is over. What a sad, sterile vision that would be. You have chosen well, rejoice in your wise choice, do not let that an envious woman tarnish your happiness. And …Baby Audrey is gorgeous!!

    2. Merci cher Nicolas – je suis si touchée par votre commentaire! Oui, l’important c’est de suivre ses passions, de partager tout avec bonheur! Bel été à vous, Mimi x

      1. j ai envoyé un petit commentaire car je suis une amie de Francine , et que c est par elle que j ai connu votre site… Continuez ainsi , c est super de transmettre tout ceci … Bonnes vacances a vous tous. Desolée de ne pas tout comprendre….

  27. Mon dieu!
    I cringed when I read what the person wrote to you. Perhaps it was just sour grapes? I appreciate all you do, and feel fortunate to have a glimpse into your life. It is very generous of you to share with the world the way you do.

  28. Amen Mimi – you go girl! I love your blog and Insta feed. I am a wife, mother, gardener, homemaker and software trainer. You can guess which parts of my life bring the most joy. I will always buy my own pastries too.

  29. Hey Mrs. CEO, one can’t be everything to everyone. I’ve come across some negative comments in the past few years too. Sometimes people are jealous and sometimes people (mostly 13yr olds) are angry because I have the same name as a favourite YA author and she killed off her heroine in her last book. It seems like the more popular one gets, the more people feel like they have a right, an investment, or perhaps part ownership in one’s life. Oh well, what can you do except live your life to make yourself and your family happy and fulfilled…and full of yummy goodness. I love meringues! This July, meringues and fruit and creme fraiche was my “birthday cake”, and it was the best ever. Big hugs to you, all 7, and especially Audrey; who is growing so fast! 😀

    1. Hi Veronica, Gunnhildur our 18 year old was not too happy about that death either, for a brief moment, while reading the comments, she made the same mistake. Your birthday cake sounds amazing – a birthday cake should be exactly what one craves – it sounds like you got what you wanted. Mimi x

  30. What a little beauty!

    About the instagram comment, there’s so much judging going on lately (maybe it’s always been there?) but I think that often those kind of remarks are a reflection on the commenter’s inner challenges. Instead of basking in the joy of beautiful photos/words, they find solace in criticism to make themselves feel better.

    Anyway, your meringues sound perfect, especially with the coulis. Like miniature fantasy islands. Bon weekend, Mimi!

    1. Hi Linda, the web is a remarkable tool that can be used in so many innovative ways. But we are still in the early stages and maybe one day people will realize that all communication requires a certain amount of politeness and sensitivity. We can’t just all be polite and proper in person and then lash out anonymously on the internet. Not a lot of elegance in that. Mimi x

  31. Dear Mimi, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time but this is the first time I’ve made a comment.

    I think anyone who does what they love and do well deserves respect and encouragement, whether it is in the boardroom or kitchen. I was very touched by your words.

  32. You are a beautiful woman inside and out. I look forward to each post because of your inspiration, creativity and and joy for life. The person who made a judge mental post is obviously unhappy in her own life. you, are obviously happy in yours. Thank you for your uplifting posts.

    1. You are welcome, it’s such a pleasure for me to do these posts, I always feel very excited when I’m about to publish a new one and all your comments make it so worth while. Merci, Mimi x

  33. Bonjour Mimi! I think it’s wonderful how you so elegantly responded to the comment from whomever posted it on Instagram. I think your blog, your story, and your passion for the way you and your family live, eat, and enjoy life is not only inspiring, but beautiful. Being the CEO of a boardroom is great, fabulous, and wonderful for the person that wants to pursue that type of life. But choosing family, food, and beautiful life experiences are just as wonderful and beautiful. I think people looking to criticize may just be unhappy with their own lives or jealous of yours, either way, that’s none of your concern. Continue inspiring us through your words and delicious recipes. I know your workshops are going to be phenomenal and I can’t wait to attend. I’d hoped that I would be able to make it to France just for your workshop this fall, but unfortunately, I have to have surgery later this month and will not be able to fly (even for work, which I do weekly) for about 2 months. I assure you, I will definitely be in attendance next year!!! 🙂 Please know and remember always that you are AMAZING! You have touched the lives of many women around the world and showed us that being domestic is beautiful, chic, fabulous, and so beautifully rewarding!!! xoxo, Dana

    1. There are so many different ways to have a beautiful life and we each have to find your own. I’ll reserve a place for you next year and wish you all the best for your surgery, thank you for your kind words Mimi x

  34. I really liked this “the wars we prepare for are not necessarily the wars we fight.” How true! Life is full of surprises 🙂

    1. It is, and when you think you’ve got it all (or most of it) figured out, life throws you a big surprise. Funnily enough when I wrote that I thought it was pretty good and wondered if I had read it somewhere else first. Google doesn’t seem to recognize it so maybe it’s mine. But how very true indeed. Mimi x

    1. I can think of a thousand things, eggs are after all my favorite ingredient. But my husband often nicks them and gives them to the dogs. In this house dogs are royalty. Mimi x

  35. Love your blog. How dare anyone diss a woman who is able to stay home and raise her children. Seriously, if you are going to have children, why would you want anyone else to raise them for you. You are amazing just the way you are, and I can’t wait to see the progress on the new home. Your “plate” is wonderfully full.

  36. As someone a few short weeks away from expecting her first child, who works full days managing a team at a tech company and then comes home to enjoy the indulgence of cooking, can I just say you’re a lovely inspiration when it comes to choice.

    You articulated choice well. It’s not what’s more valuable — my (enjoyable) role at the company or my time enjoying fussing over the perfect meal last night. It’s happiness and fulfillment. And I personally want the choice to change my mind or my road whenever I stumble upon a new happiness — be that in the kitchen, with my family, in my career or some other yet-undiscovered adventure. I want that choice for my daughter as well. And for the men in my life.

    Bravo for living authentically. We can only ever live vibrantly when we are being true. I think you are a great example of that.

    1. Veronica, I absolutely agree with you. It’s not only being able to choose that’s important, it’s also important to realize that you can choose again. Having the guts to change your mind can be key. Good luck with your baby, Mimi x

  37. Mimi,

    Congratulations on your market debut! I’ve followed your IG account for some time but this is my first blog visit, and I am hooked 🙂 I cannot wait to get my hands on the cookbook as well.

    I spent several years in a corporate boardroom (eating mediocre, often subpar, sandwiches for lunch as everyone’s eyes glazed over endless PowerPoint presentations). But now I am quite content being CEO of my kitchen and nourishing my family with yummy eats. Bravo to the choices you get to make, and have made.

    The tian tartlets look divine. Like a two-bite ratatouille gratin piece of heaven. Can’t wait to try making it.

    IG: eurocheryl

  38. PS: I’m heading across the pond next week, to Switzerland and also a cottage near Dijon. So looking forward to all the marvelous food and photo ops.

  39. Wonderful post and allows for me to see another side of the world. Love the pic of your German wirehaired, wonderful breed.

    1. Hi, that one is not ours but I agree with you, they are adorable. We have a shorthaired German pointer who is the most amazing dog anyone could have. Maybe one day we’ll have a wirehaired. Glad you enjoyed the post, Mimi x

  40. Dear Mimi, you are your own CEO! Und das ist wunderbar so…und es ist für mich immer eine Freude und Inspiration “manger” zu lesen und anzuschauen. So even you can’t read German, be sure – a big compliment and a big hugh from Stuttgart! Hilde Frey

  41. First, an enchanting beach adventure dressed with fruit and octopus. Then, a rich and colorful market filled with family and fun. Every time I visit your blog I end up with a smile upon my face. I am not surprised that your treats sold out fast. I could almost taste their rich succulent texture all the way in the United States behind this cold computer. I WILL make it to your area soon to partake as it is on my list! Also, what a treat to see baby Audrey’s sweet and beautiful face. What an angel ^_^!!! Your family is so beyond precious. Even the little bumps and bruises (poor Louise 🙁 ) and tiny arguments lead to cherished memories.

    Oh, this bring me back to the open markets of Charleston, South Carolina growing up amongst home made cakes, overflowing carts of fresh seafood, and freshly cut flowers bursting out of their baskets. Not to mention fighting with my sister over who got the bigger Praline (our sweet treat in the South) Those fights were serious. I wanted the perfect Praline darn it! (as I am sure you can relate) Haha such pleasant memories all pricelessly valued. The perfect example of what your family has experienced here.

    Family….you can’t put a price on that. You can’t put a price on love. At the end of all things, that is what this is all about.

    I could think of no better career than being CEO of your hopes, your dreams, and your family!

    May all negativity from any source run off of you like water upon a ducks back
    (My mother said this to me often growing up! ) because you, with a sharp mind, a strong will, and a warm and open heart will always be triumphant in the end.

    For the record, your instagram spreads joy all over the world and your positive and honest outlook upon life inspires me to paint. I’ll be opening my own business this fall full of hand painted beauties. All because I myself have decided to be CEO of my hopes and dreams and the profit from that exceeds monetary value.



    I am sorry this comment was so long >_< ah!

    1. I love your long comments Tiffany so don’t worry about that. Thank you for all your kind words. It’s funny to hear about you and your sister. You see I was an only child and never knew what it was like to have a sister to love and compete with. Sometimes I find the kids getting too competitive with each other but I guess that’s just normal … right 🙂 Mimi x

  42. What an incredibly stupid comment to make. This person has basically understood nothing, or as you’ve assumed, the person is frustrated and bitter. You’re not promoting anything, but even if you would. The best part of having equal rights is exactly what you’ve said, we have the freedom of choice. To be and to do what we want. How great is that. But people get so frustated, when their predjudices do not get not fullfilled. I had many of these discussions myself, about how to live as a cripple. It is ridiculous. Today I am mostly at peace with such situations. It seems some people get actually scared, by the freedom of choice, and I’ve decided a long time ago, maybe we can help them to lose that fear, by doing what we love most. Your blog is nothing but beautiful and filled with passion. What greater gift could one make to the world, but to share what you love most and to live a life that makes you happy. And apart from that, when it is about food, it is even better. xo

    1. Thank you Annton, I am very happy to share my love for food and feeling that it’s appreciated is the best reward. I hope you have the time to try out some of the recipes 🙂 Mimi x

  43. Dear Mimi, thank you for this new post, for being what you are and bringing joy all over your readers and giving your chidren a beautiful childhood, which is the best gift a mother can give!
    I also made the choice to work part time or not at some periods of my life to be here and watch them grow, what a wise choice and a full life! and a luxury… Bravo!
    Love this last post, soo sorry to have missed this Saint Christoly fête being so close in Arcahon… Love these recipes. Sharing your life with us conforts me in my own life choices! Love your white dress. Keep on going like this even if it is not the most popular choice here in France… but your world is far wider… Cécile xx

  44. When I say the title of your post I immediately thought of Jacques Tatti in the film “Jour de Fete”. One of the funniest films I have ever seen !

    I have made several of your excellent recipes, and enjoyed them all; but I enjoy reading your blog best of all. Thank you, it makes an old man very happy.

    1. Hi Keith, You are right, the title came from that film, I love it too, so funny. I am so glad that the blog and recipes make you happy, that’s what they’re there for 🙂 Mimi x

  45. Bonjour Mimi!

    Thank you for another wonderful and timely post. We inevitably question our choices from time to time, such is human nature. I left a marketing job at P&G to become a cabin crew and see the world, though it was a decision très mal vue par mes parents et les gens autour de moi. Add to that leaving a bank which I later joined, to marry and uproot to Paris made me go through again the process of making difficult life choices!
    But in the end, i think we make choices which we deem to be worthy at the time of decision.

    And honestly, between writing a cookbook, hosting a TV show, taking care of a family and home and now, des ateliers and des chambres d’hote, your life is full of passion and achievements you can be proud of, and which few even accomplish in their lifetime! So… CHAPEAU! 🙂

    J’espère trouver aussi ma propre voie en France:)
    À bientôt Mimi!

  46. Sorry for the long post, but I felt very compelled to respond. Mimi, everyone else has said it and they are dead on. That Instagram comment came from a place of pure envy. I’ve had it happen to me as well…in person by a very bitter woman, while I was a guest in her home no less! Like you, I’ve done the hustle and bustle bit. I’m ex-Enron and I loved my job. I loved the corporate life, but I was single and I worked 12 hour days. It was my life. After the company fell on its face, it forced me to re-define my priorities. I decided I wanted something that was for me. I had met my now-husband and wanted time for him and his kids. I knew I didn’t want to climb the corporate ladder anymore, so I started my own business, just as you have with your blog, cookbooks, shows and workshops (add to that being a mother to seven!). Like you, I love what I do and find it personally fulfilling. I can be as busy (or not) as I’d like. I can make time for my garden, my husband, our friends and my kitchen (By the way, I’m making your Tomates farçies ‘à la Provençale’ and Potato galettes with sautéed asparagus with fresh peas tomorrow  ). You’ve made a beautiful life for yourself and your family that anyone would envy. The love of what you do and your gratitude for the life you’ve created comes through so sincerely in your words. I love that you did a market stand! I also love how you write about meeting people in person. That really spoke to me. When I do trunk shows, that’s my favorite part as well. It’s a lot of work to set everything up and stand on your feet for several hours, but normally, I never meet the people who wear my work, though I feel like I have a personal connection with them through their choice to do so. Trunk shows offer me that opportunity and it means so much to me.

    Lastly, while I was at Enron, I had 2 ½ hours, one on one, with my CEO as we drove from Austin to Houston. He asked me, “Amy, do you like your job?” I responded, “I truly do and I’m not just saying that because of who you are.” His response, “I have to tell you, I hate my job…absolutely hate it. I hate coming to work every single day.” and went on to tell me how little time he gets with his kids and to do what he loves (and he resigned four months later). Just goes to show, happiness isn’t at the top of the corporate ladder for everyone…even men.

    Keep doing what you’re doing, Mimi. You generously share your life, family and food with us and through that, you make the world a more beautiful place. Your blog inspires me to slow down and make time for what matters.

    (Have pinned the recipes from this post and can’t wait to try!)

    1. Hi Amy, It’s so interesting to hear other people’s take on this subject, hear about their experiences. I thought the story about your CEO was quite hilarious but also illuminating. You must have been stunned sitting in that car. Talking about life’s choices and priorities, we have two teenagers, 17 & 18, who will soon have to make some choices of their own. Oddur, my husband, has been discussing these things a little bit with them and I like his approach. He always says (something like this). Think about what you are passionate about, what makes you happy – think about the day you want to have every day of your life. You wake up, you have coffee and then you go where you WANT to go. Is that place an office, a cockpit, an operating room. Is it a little store, do you want to be in the fields or the forests. Whatever you do, do it well and with pride and passion. 🙂 Mimi x

      1. It really has been interesting. I’ve enjoyed following the comments and how nice that something negative has us all engaged in such a positive way.

        Yes, the experience with the CEO was QUITE illuminating…especially when he left the company four months later and then the company fell to it’s knees the following December. Talk about hindsight being 20/20! You’re so right about choices. Said CEO is currently sitting in prison (greed took him down). I’m sure you can deduce who it was.

        Oddur’s advice to your children is so spot-on. Like I said, I really did re-prioritize after the company collapsed. I work harder than I ever have now but I’m so passionate about what I do. Yes, pride and passion are everything. Isn’t the addage, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life?” My two stepchildren are 19 & 21. Amani, the oldest, finishes university in May. I hope she can find her passion. Kyle, the younger, is about to start his second year of university studying computer science…which he’s very passionate about. I don’t think he realizes himself how much direction he has at a young age.

        I’m so glad for this post because it brought me back into the conversation. I’ve been so busy that I’ve just been skimming your posts (at least the recipes if time is especially short!) but haven’t been interacting as much as before. I love your blog and it made me sad that I didn’t spend as much time reading as I’d like!

        P.S. The Tomates farçies ‘à la Provençale’ were absolutely delicious Sunday evening (paired it with the potato galettes w/asparagus & peas…also delicious). We both loved them! 😀

  47. Hello Mimi
    I can’t wait to make those tians. They look delicious! I so agree with your response to the comment poster although I’d imagine such people tend not to be interested in another’s opinion really. I once had a conversation with someone who was absolutely adamant that more females should be engineers and seemed to think that being a hairdresser was the lowest of the low when it came to occupations! She had a point of course, people shouldn’t be discouraged from doing a job because of their gender. Though it’s one thing studying something and working when you don’t have children and another trying to balance motherhood with it. It doesn’t always work in more traditionally male dominated settings. Anyway, I replied that I thought people – male of female should just be encouraged to follow their hearts. Whatever is women’s liberation about if it doesn’t mean following your passions. And more so, what crazy advice to give to anyone. Who cares about filling quotas just for the sake of it. By all means be that CEO or an engineer if it pleases you. There is always a way to make it work, but how can I be less liberated if I follow my heart and study hairdressing for instance? Surely that is true freedom and power and a life well-lived in terms of all its facets. And in my clearly not very humble opinion the best advice you can give anyone wondering about careers or indeed life. Anyway, my rant is over now. Your words hit a nerve clearly! Bon weekend Mimi! You inspire as always. It’s just a bit sad that anything that isn’t overtly male dominated and seemingly powerful in that sense isn’t seen as equally worthy by some people. Just goes to prove we still live in a patriarchal society I guess. But things are changing as more and more of us insist on just following our dreams, not someone else’s. And that is where personal happiness and power does too.

    1. “Whatever is women’s liberation about if it doesn’t mean following your passions. … Surely that is true freedom and power and a life well-lived in terms of all its facets.”

      Well said, indeed, Mary. (Clearly this touched a nerve with me as well! 😉 )

      1. I agree! One of my favourite comments I have ever read online. And I love all the support other women have given here.

        I have a Pinterest board for inspirational women and you, Mimi, have been on it since day one! xx

    2. Hello Mary, Sometimes I say to my husband “I am so glad I am a woman and not a man”. If I were reborn it would have to be as a woman – I am all woman. But I have always felt, and continue to feel that both sexes are completely equal in every way. Women, of course, have needed to fight more to have that equality acknowledged (and still do) but for me that has never meant that they needed to be like men, or “beat men at their game”. Women should play their own game, make their own rules, non? 🙂 Mimi x

      1. Thank you for replying ladies. You’ve all made my day! I’ve loved reading the comments as well as the blog post that inspired it. You have attracted a wonderfully supportive community Mimi. I feel like we’ve been sitting around a table drinking coffee and chatting – in your lovely kitchen Mimi, naturellement 🙂 Vive la difference et l’egalite, eh! x

  48. Dear Mimi,

    I read your blog when I find time at the end of a long day in the boardrooms.

    I have just had – literally 2 days ago – a second medical procedure done to deal with a second-in-a-row miscarriage. I am 38. I own a small company and work at an investment bank. Work fo me is not a choice, it’s a necessity, to not think about the fact that the things I want the most – like children and family – haven’t happened yet, and may never happen. So here’s a little yelp from the boardroom. I do not know if I am a rule or an exception, but from the bottom of my heart, you are blessed with a beautiful family and doing things you love, and the only emotion that this shall elicit is unbounded happiness that it’s still possible in this world.

    1. Dear Maryanne, I am truly sorry to hear about your painful experiences. But I salute the way you look at life and that you can rejoice in the happiness of others, to be able to do that is not a small thing. I met my husband 10 years ago, by pure chance (or fate) and had I not things might have taken a very different turn. At 38 (incredibly young in my books) who knows what is waiting for you around the corner. Life can be so unpredictable. Whatever happens there are so many different ways of having a rewarding, meaningful and happy life and if you keep your positivity I am sure you are destined for something good. Thank you so much for your touching comment, Mimi x

  49. Your posts continue to be something I really look forward to in my inbox. I love your writing and how it is always so positive and inspiring.

    I really appreciate you addressing this person that made that comment. Women who make other women feel inadequate is why so many of us are insecure and self conscious. There are so many roads to choose in life and mine happened to be at a publishing company where I wouldn’t dare mention that I’m trying to get pregnant because of how I would be treated differently. It’s my dream to live in the country with animals and kids. My husband and I are always scheming to figure out how we could swing it.
    I also live in a place (Utah) where women get degrees just to stay at home and have a lot of children. I’ve heard many people say how useless that is. I think it’s great. The search for knowledge and bettering yourself could never be useless. Neither is having children and being domestic. To each their own.

    Your life is beautiful as are you. Keep up the good work. Love, Amanda

  50. I walked away from the boardrooms of NYC to live a simpler life in France. Foolishly believing that your mark on the world can only be left via the corporate workplace is naive at best.
    The ‘important’ decisions she mentions will never be credited to her in the future, the ones you make daily with your little ones will.
    We all make choices based on where we are in our lives. I would bet a lot of meringues and baguettes on the odds that she will be escaping to a place far away from those boardrooms at some point in the not too distant future.
    Here’s to those that have bravely faced a different path.

    1. Talking about THAT comment I am sure it came from someone young who is lacking in life’s experiences. And yes I am pretty sure that the commentator might rethink her values at some point in her life. Youth vs experience – what would they do without each other 🙂 Mimi x

  51. Sometimes I think you are the personification of Mother Earth, herself, when I see the love in your eyes towards your children and all those pups. Sometimes you seem like a Sprite who casts a culinary spell with a pot of stewing veal or a pile of peaches & cream. How perfect that your title “Choices, choices” appears directly under that alluring bowl topped with summer peaches. My grandmother used to say, life is short – follow your dreams. Women come in many “stripes” and Gloria Steinem fought, she said, for women to have to right to fulfill their own personal potential – no limits on where that leads us. I think it’s probably fair to say that we are, each of us, allowed to make a perfect jerk of ourselves one time, like the dopey cluck who left that instagram comment. Hopefully wisdom will be forthcoming as that person learns and grows in life. Your posts make my day a better one every time they appear. I love your photos of this outdoor festival – they capture the feeling I remember in French country towns. And wonderful recipes again ! I’m going to love making these !!

    1. Hi Linny, Funnily enough we were just discussing this theme in the comment directly above. Of course I hold no grudges and what a silver lining and pure privilege it has been to engage in this conversation. This person, unwittingly did us all a favor. She doesn’t know it now but her stance will soften – such is life. I am so glad you liked the photos, we had a smashing time, so good in fact that we are thinking of doing it again in September. Please try the recipes, the meringues, a variation on what I’ve done before, the tian tartlets so simple and seasonal and the veal with the tomatoes worked so well that we’ve done it three times since already. As always, thanks for your comment, Mimi x

    1. … and thanks for commenting, this post was such fun making, from being there that day, to writing it, cooking it all and now witnessing the overwhelmingly interesting and engaged commenting. At it’s best the internet can be quite wonderful can’t it 🙂 Mimi x

  52. Responded to an ugly comment so gracefully! Thank you for championing the beauty of being yourself. That indeed is true freedom and I believe brings equality, not a certain job. Bravo!

  53. I love your blog and your words are incredible about choices. Keep living your dreams and your life and you will never be bored! Blessings to you and your family.

  54. Chère Mimi,
    J’adore ton blog. Et j’adore la France.
    Je ne connais pas bien le Médoc, mais depuis que je lis ton blog, je rêve d’y aller. Alors, comme je suis seule, en Norvège, avec mes deux fistons, je mets de l’argent de côté, dans une boite à thé, et l’été prochain, j’espère pouvoire nous offrir une petite semaine dans ta belle région. Merci encore de nous faire rever, Mimi jolie<3

  55. Mimi,
    You’re my inspiration! Keep doing what makes you happy. That’s what life is all about. That commentator is just jealous they’re stuck in a boardroom instead of in the garden/kitchen surrounded by laughing children, cute doggies and delicious fragrant food.

  56. Dear Mimi,
    People who say things like that do not realize that feminism’s original goal was to allow women choice, not to shove them all into CEO positions for which, frankly, most of us are unsuited. You are making a beautiful thing of your life. Your children are a blessing from God. So many women end up unhappy and unfulfilled in careers because they have not given themselves the time to pursue the relationships with people that are the heart of life. You seek a balanced life that makes you happy, and that is what’s important. And you have left yourself open to new things rather than following a rigid, prescribed path. I admire you so much.

  57. Mimi, I truly love your blog which is the only one I follow. Regarding the comment about women, boardrooms and cooking I see life as a garden with many different types of flowers whose beauty lies in diversity. Wouldn’t it be really boring with only one variety ? May women fill boardrooms, kitchens, gardens and wherever their passion leads them !

  58. What a beautiful and interesting post, Mimi!!! Love what you say about being a woman today… And I note that you open a Chambres d’Hôtes : what a wonderful idea! Hope to go there on day! (live in Paris)… Congrats!!!

  59. If women will not support each other, who will? We fought for so long to have the right to choose and are still fighting the fight. Fighting for the right to decide how we want to live and to be able to make those decisions. What are we supposed to do? Subdue the desire to raise children or cook or garden because it isn’t what emancipated women are supposed to do?
    Mimi, you are an inspiration, as a woman, mother, wife and lover of life. Keep doing what you do and I hope so much to attend one of your classes 🙂

  60. Mimi, sorry for the nosy question but is your daughter Mia away somewhere? She hasn’t been in any photos for a while, so I was just wondering.

  61. Honesty and passion ! That’s what makes this blog SO attractive. Thank you, dear Mimi:-) .
    On another note, will you announce subscription for your cooking classes on your blog or should we look elsewhere to be enlisted? Merci. Your sorrel friend 🙂

  62. Dear Mimi,
    I so look forward to your blog! I was especially touched by your tielle story, my mother’s family is from Gaeta and we have tielle every Christmas, but made with squid! I forwarded your blog around to my family members for their review and we can’t wait to try it with octopus, the tomatoe coulis in the dough is also another variation. We use a pizza- type dough with currants mixed in with the squid.
    As for that very aggressive comment, it made me sad. I married at 38 after many years in business. If only I had met my husband sooner! We have a lovely country life filled with food, friends, family, and little scottish terriers, but no children. I often read your postings and wish we had started earlier! You have quite an operation now, and a big exciting adventure ahead of you. I can’t wait to read all about it!

  63. Excellent post and one of my most enjoyable blogs that I read regularly!!
    Ordered your book 🙂

    I especially liked your statement:

    ‘but let me go on record and say that even if I was the president of France I would still buy my own pastries”.

  64. I eagerly look forward to your posts, and there is good reason I think that this one inspired so many comments. I admire and enjoy your style, creativity, and appreciation for the beauty and simple pleasures. I echo the comments of your ‘Manger’ community — you are the CEO of your life, dreams, family and businesses. And I think you manage it all with such intelligence, vision and love.

    P.S. I’m not ready for meringues in my tiny NYC apt., but the tarlets, I think I can…

  65. Dear Mimi, so many comments – it is all said. But anyway, I want to tell you that I understand you so well – this comment on Instagram possibly injures a hidden nerve in a woman like you, like me – you and I both know too well, that leading a life together with so many children consists of so many wonderful moments as well as of so many sorrowful and stormy ones. We know, as we are experiencing it every day. But then, there is a woman inside this mother and loving wife, who wants to release all the energy and commitment for poetry, passion for food and its preparation and for storytelling. Everyday’s work keeping us busy, but still there is some outer aim – some important station in our life we have to reach. And it is possible to combine both. Is it? Possible, but a lot, a lot, a lot of work!
    But still, Mimi: The most important is the raising of our children (may the others say what they want) – time flies.
    I am with you and would love to have the possibility to visit you one day. Lots of love and god’s blessings to you and to your whole family!

  66. You are an inspiration. We all need to be true to ourselves. Others may mock, but a life well lived and loved will always prevail. I am looking forward to our 3rd trip to France and a chance to meet you and your lovely family.

  67. I am a 44 year old woman who chose not to have children because I believe there are already too many, and I was too busy traveling the world as a Military Police Officer in the Marines, and currently am a career woman in a field where there are not many women. I am proud to say I am a feminist. I am also very feminine and love to cook and decorate and keep a beautiful home and nurture my man and my pets. The art of the home and raising children is sacred. You have a beautiful life and I enjoy being able to share in it and live vicariously through others who have different lifestyles than my own. That ignorant comment strikes a nerve in me also. I am sorry someone would say that!

  68. Mimi….so loved your blog this week. The serenity in your soul comes through in your beautiful writing and your love of preparing beautiful food.
    I have never seen a woman emerge from a boardroom with the look of peace and serenity I see on your face. Thank you for letting us be part of your world.

  69. Hello Mimi,
    Love your post as always. This post really touched my heart. I am the CEO of my company. I go to many meetings and I travel alot- I have a important job- but I also love to have choices. I love to cook, I love to go to markets and by pastries, I love to garden, I love to shop for old dishes. I admire and embrace all women because women regardless of position shape the world. My mother stayed at home and raised six children and believe me she was a powerful woman with a incredible business sense. I am here – my being is because of her. Mimi, I look forward to everyone of your posts. It enriches my soul -trust me you are powerful. Your words touch people all over the world and I am so grateful that you are here.

  70. I have enjoyed your blog since i first stumbled upon it by accident. As a francophile, the arrival of each post gives me a frisson of pleasure. The photographs and the recipes are treasures. I feel that i’m in the country with you, in the market and in the shops.You engage all of my senses. Mouth watering.

    As a practicing pediatrician whose days are filled with mothers, fathers and their children,today’s post struck a nerve. The challenges that parents face today with work and their children, are enormous. For women to still be singled out for having made the choice to stay home over trying to puncture the glass ceiling of the boardroom, is patently absurd. Instead of knocking someone down for their choice, celebrate what they are able to do with whatever combination makes sense to them…and if that yields a happy home with parents and children who are well nourished both physically and emotionally, it’s a win-win for everyone.

    Ultimately, the goal is to keep the entire family on track, and to that end, i dispense travel advice and recipes too. To me all of that is part of the “good life” we should strive for.

  71. I totally ageee with you about women having a choice to be who they are. It is said how feminism and modernism have driven women to lose the femininity all together. I also worked hard in the past to prove myself to men, having pressured by western ideas about gender equality, which only resulted in a tragic breakup. I work and I get grump.
    Now I am happier living in a society where being girly isn’t frowned upon.
    I was hugely encouraged by Salty Seattle before you came along. The woman had many blackmails from haters, which she shared with readers. Your story reminded me of her.
    I wish I could have many kids and just indulge in the simple beauty of life. You are one lucky woman. Congrats!

  72. Wonderful post Mimi! Makes me crave a summer fete in a village. In regards to that comment, yes women should be CEO’s in the boardroom but they should also be amazing cooks and mothers like yourself, and they can be both too at the same time. The brilliance of feminism is it gives women the choice to choose what they want to do, whenever they want. Not that long ago women didn’t have this freedom and we should be so grateful that we have the freedom of choice.

    May I also ask where you got your beautiful dress from that you’re wearing? I love your style and the way you dress your children too.

  73. Mimi, I love everything about you. So glad you took the road to happiness for you. We all benefit from you and your love and recipes. Thank you! I wish I could of been there. If I was I would of been happy with your meringues and a bottle of wine. Your new baby looks adorable and like your other girls beautiful like you. xo Patti

  74. Lovely Mimi,
    I want you to know how much I look forward to, enjoy, and learn from your blog postings. They are not only uniquely designed and presented, but also descriptive in a sophisticated, yet
    unpretentious way. Our creative gifts are given for our own pleasure and to share with others. Yours are beautifully manifested. Being a present, committed, loving parent to her children guiding them to be responsible, honest citizens of the world respectful of others is the most important action a human can do with their life. The impact parenting has on our child or children ends up impacting many thousands of people they come in contact with in their lifetime far more then running a business with the sole purpose being to make money and build ones ego. You clearly have not bought into the secular money ego driven values that many people have. Enjoy and celebrate the life you and your husband have created.

  75. Happiness is being content with what you have, and enjoying your journey thru life. To bad power and money hungry CEO’s never are content, always wanting more, except making their own pastries.
    My husband has enjoyed many of your recipes that I have tried. I travel in my mind after seeing your great photographs.Joy and continued blessings to your family.

  76. I also had to comment (for the first time) after having read your blog for a couple of years. I can add to all the previous comment! Even as a young feminist, not being sure if I want children at all (27 and single), recently graduated with big ambitions, from time to time I dream of a life like this! So far I’ve been travelling a lot, learning languages, meeting many interesting people, and I am more and more getting the feeling that the “big plans” are not that important, see where life takes you! I’ve been thinking of a career in the diplomacy and friends (who know how I love to cook) are telling me “you know you won’t have any time for cooking, you will maybe even have your own chef” – well, I hope whatever I do I’ll always take time to do things like these! Keep on! Hope to visit someday! (and as a Norwegian who lived in France I was always amazed with, and miss, the food culture, the markets etc) – Enjoy it and keep making these inspiring posts! Bisous

  77. Bravo Mimi!!
    Hope that remarks about CEO will further encourage you to continue doing what you do BEST! Absolutely right, the most important thing is to have a Choice.
    I share your sentiments and your love of cooking. Hope to visit and attend one of your classes next year. Merci.

  78. Dear Mimi,
    Thank you for addressing the fact that “it is not really the message, it is how it’s delivered”.
    While I suppose that everyone is entitled to an opinion, I think that the individual who commented must long for such an echanting life such as yours.
    Thank you for living so beautifully, you inspire the best that is in me and in others.
    Your blog has created a sacred realm for myself and reminds me of what is truly important.
    Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

  79. Bonjour Mimi:
    I love all your postings! I find your life fascinating and love reading about it and oh! the photography. What an interesting family you have. I hope your creations do well at the market! Looking forward to reading about all your adventures!

  80. Dear Mimi, to me, you’re great. Clearly there are a lot of us out here who are enjoying your work very much. So please stop the writing that almost sounds like an apologie. We all have to choose our own path and choose for ourselves how we want to take that road. Please don’t stop or change anything in doing so. I love it very much, you always put a smile on my face, water in my mouth and your husbands photographs are pure eyecandy. Thank you, kind regards from Holland, Mieke

  81. I’m old enough to have been around in the early days of the women’s lib movement. I always believed in our liberation but never understood the branch of feminism that wants us all to conform to their idea of what that means. Like you, I believe it’s about freedom to choose. If I have to go from obeying men’s rules to obeying feminist’s rules, I feel I’ve just changed one cage for another…
    I think people who want conformism to their set of rules are fearful. I just try not to pay attention or let their fears affect me. You’ve created a life that looks lovely and as if you live completely true to yourself. That’s a real feminist to me!

  82. I wonder if the commented wishes that they (she?) could do something that her life has not allowed for — I hope she is able to find happiness nonetheless.

    Love the photo of the religious sisters and of course of the food. Summer is always so wonderful for zucchini, tomatoes, and peaches. I made peach nectar last weekend and zucchini bread is in the oven now. Thanks as always for great reading. 🙂

  83. I spend my work hours in a “boardroom” and have raised three amazing children, but it is my time in my kitchen that keeps me sane. Whatever choices you are able to make that result in your happiness and make the world a bit better are good choices.

    I made the veal roast recipe with a pork roast, easier to find in the US, and it was lovely!!!

  84. Hi Mimi,

    Thank you for so intelligently and so confidently defending your choices. Ever since I found your blog, I have looked to you for inspiration. As a young female student at an American university, I’m often surrounded by women who believe they must hide their femininity to compete with men for respect and for work. Well, I think it is even more powerful to be comfortable with who I am and to still earn the respect I deserve. I feel a kinship with you because I think you have a similar sort of attitude, an attitude I would like to embody.

    Food, family, and friends are things all people need and enjoy, even those in the boardrooms, so we should celebrate the women (and men!) who elevate these basics to beauty.

  85. Mimi, you articulated perfectly that choice is most definitely freedom. We should all be so lucky to pursue our dreams.
    I look so forward to seeing a new post from you. I fall in love with your stories and the charming life I imagine you live. ( Isn’t it funny how we imagine how someone lives just by reading their blog….)
    anyway, I love Manger, it makes me want to create special meals for my family and live a beautiful life in the French countryside. It really is a pleasure to visit you here.

    Sarah xo

  86. Greetings Mimi, I am so excited about the workshops. Do you think they may be starting in November? I am planning to be in Cannes and would love to plan to attend.

  87. I happen to think that you are a modern expression of a successful woman. Not only do you love motherhood, but you get to excel in something that a lot of women love to do. If anything, you are an inspiration to many young girls including your daughters. I am quite frankly more upset than I expected to be by such a comment in the 21st century. Needless to say, you and Martha Stewart; among others, prove that a woman can be considered a success doing “feminine things”.
    From those of us who appreciate what you are doing, here is a heartfelt thank you for your refreshing lovely family-centred blogs.

  88. I feel sorry for those people who think being in a boardroom is the ONLY way to make ‘important’ decisions and have a meaningful life. Anyways, please do keep buying pastries (and take pictures of it). 🙂

  89. What can be better than family time all working together AND having fun! We all know you would kick butt in a boardroom as well, but why deal with the hours away from family AND the stress. Yes, we are lucky to have a choice and what is better than raising seven boardroom CEO’s (possibly) in-the-making. Viva women in the boardroom AND in all other rooms of their choice!

  90. As Mireille Guiliano, one time CEO of Vueve Clicquot, said in a podcast I listened to today regarding negative commenters about her book(s), they most likely come from a place of deep jealousy and it’s best to pass them on by. They are not worth your time. You are wonderful by the way. Please, please keep on doing EVERYTHING you are doing.

  91. I’m a long-time reader but I don’t comment. This time I had to! I loved your take on choice. So true!

    I love how put-together you are all the time, despite a huge family & the responsibilities that come with it.

    Although I’m not a meat-eater, your photographs are beautiful & there is a lot of serenity in your web space.

    Wishing you & your family much success and happiness from India!

  92. Dear Mimi!
    How talented and very inspirational lady you must be!:)))
    Great talent and passion in one!
    So glad to meet you here:)))

    Hugs from Holland

  93. I am so grateful you did not choose to be in a Boardroom! I truly believe the world would be a much better place to live in if more people stopped to breathe and enjoy the simple things in live. Your work is beautiful and inspiring – thank you for sharing a part of your life with the rest of us.

  94. Of course, female executives have young children and shop for pastries! Sometimes when I am in the boardroom, I am daydreaming about cooking with my husband and kids on the weekends. This is the beauty of being a modern woman, which is what I see in your blog and your followers. We celebrate all aspects of our jam-packed lives. The moment where we are enjoying time with our beautiful families and good food make for much better photos though!

  95. I love your response to the ‘comment’! I think people believe social media has no rules of engagement. It is fine to speak ones truth but not okay critcize with the intent to advise where advice isn’t asked for. Bravo to you to address it. I love you posts! They inspire me. I hope one day to master enough French to join one of your workshops! Thank you for sharing your vision of a beautiful life.

  96. I think a successful life is when a person does what they LOVE. Most people don’t get that luxury — or the don’t TRY to pursue it. They unfortunately stay pigeoned holed in a corporate job they are bored with. The beautiful thing about life in 2014 is that we have decisions to live how we choose. I am stuck in a boardroom and am working to get out and open a tavern. I will get there! I so admire you Mimi you are already there!!!!! Maria

  97. Hey mimi i love your style of cooking and style of life really! I always keep an eye out for you, knowing if i hang out long enough in a market or harbour cafe i will get to see you one day, ha! I would absolutely love to drive through for your cooking classes! Especially for some education on using all the lovely sea food in the south west. I’m based in Biarritz. Keep on enjoying your life, its beautiful and anyone making such a comment like that is just jealous! A

  98. you’re pure inspiration, mimi. from someone who works in tech in sf — and teaches yoga, i am constantly amazed at the women who give so much of their lives to the office. through yoga, i know these souls and see how they are so ambitious and beautiful but subtly aware of what they are giving up; and scared to show that part of themselves. thank you for what you do…

  99. Your post is beautiful as always . We have choices, we make them every day, sometimes every minute but we make them. The person that wrote the nasty comment made a hurtful choice she has to live with. All of us reading and commenting reflected on our own choices and most of them came from a caring and thoughtful heart. You turned a negative situation into a positive one. Thank you.

  100. ‘Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life’. As someone working in corporate law, maybe aiming for the boardroom someday, sacrificing aspects of my personal life, I have to say I find your ability to combine your passions and your family life and to build a business from that very inspiring.

  101. Hi Mimi, First time commenting on your stunning blog which I’ve been absolutely loving for a while now – compelled to comment by your insightful comments on feminism.
    Women must stop tearing each other down if we are ever to get what we all, surely, believe in: equality. Yes, we need more women in the boardroom – but that means we must clear the path of obstacles for those women who want to get there. Not all do – others choose other lifestyles, and that’s every bit as valid. Perhaps the person who commented doesn’t read your blog properly, because from where I’m standing, you are an absolute powerhouse of creative business energy, channelled into an amazing new cooking empire you’re creating with all the authenticity that comes from someone doing something with passion, not because society dictates it.

    Rant over – keep doing what you love, I’ll keep doing what I love, and we’ll all get along fine 🙂

    1. Yes, I agree. Surely they do not think you are doing this all… unconsciously, or without an ounce of strategy. The cooking and family life are rewards in and of themselves, but I definitely see you building a business and new branch of your career since you started on the path you illustrate through this blog. And all the better! I love seeing people forge professional achievements out of personal passions. You are an inspiration to me that you have embraced this new path fearlessly after already having had children. Sometimes I feel like it’s too late to start things… but I’m probably half your age and it’s a silly thought! You make me know that.

      Aren’t the assumptions people make incredible? You responded completely, comprehensively, thoroughly, sensitively, but most importantly very assertively and I applaud you for that. Yes, it is about CHOICE first and foremost.

  102. Mimi I loved reading this post (although honestly, I love all of your posts). It takes real courage to stand up for what you believe in and you did it with such grace and eloquence. I agree completely, the greatest thing to come from the feminist movement has been the choice that women now have to do and be whatever they want. Before, women were limited by what society dictated they could do. Now women have the freedom to choose. I see now more than ever, that men too are being given the freedom to choose. We are losing our predefined gender roles and earning the freedom to do whatever makes us happiest and healthiest in our lives. I am proud to say I am an educated working woman who dreams of staying at home and raising a family while managing my own businesses based from the home. It’s a dream I can achieve with the full support of my family, friends and colleagues. I thank my parents often for the work the did during the women’s movement and the possibilities they opened for my sister and I.

  103. Mimi, your blog brings such joy – beautiful photographs, gorgeous recipes… I love reading about your family adventures as well. You are right, we are women in the lucky generation that has choice, so please keep on doing what you love to do. 🙂

  104. Hello! Thank you for the delightful and inspiring gift that reading & looking at your posts always is.
    I do feel sorry for the silly ‘boardroom comment’ person, they sound so tight & stuck, & would probably be less abrasive if they could flow freely & see the beauty in the simple things in life.

  105. Tell that commenter that women aren’t “supposed” to do anything in particular. We are supposed to do whatever we choose to do! I would hate working all the time and spending all day in boardrooms!

  106. Gee, a TV show, successful blog, several published books all while raising a family of SEVEN is just not empowering enough for some people…what to do? lol…

  107. PS …having the gift of children changed my perspective on how I wanted to spend my days. I strongly and heartfully chose to stop my work as an Architect & Designer & to be at home with my children. When my youngest started school I worked part time while they were at school but soon found that my architecture & design work felt shallow and did not satisfy my spirit the way being involved with my children did.
    So I made another conscious choice to follow my heart so I would be available to be available during the week to be involved in school activities & trips, & to have enough energy to help with homework in an un-hurried way & to cook with love, not convenience. I quit architecture & now work on Saturday & Sunday mornings at our local Farmers markets. The balance is wonderful & both my children & my husband enjoy helping on my stall. following your heart is everything, money is merely a tool.

  108. Hello Mimi,

    I am Korean, far far away from where you live. I hope you know that there are many even in this far away place who enjoy your work. Looking forward to have your cook book!

  109. Mimi, I work in an executive position and am quite often in a board room. That is my job but not my inspiration. The true satisfaction comes from my creative outlets and time with my family. Soon I will retire at 55 and am counting the seconds until I never have to go in the board room again! I am envious that you can spend time with your family and they can join in with what you love! That is something to be envious of not ashamed of!

  110. First of all, I am smiling at all the positive comments in response to your CEO story. Bravo.

    Second- this post brought back such lovely memories. My older sister and I always baked for a small Saturday market to earn our pocket money. Butter tarts, lemon loaf, sticky buns and many more treats were on our table and I remember well the feeling of satisfaction.
    Your story was delightful, as were the images. Thank you for sharing!

  111. Your story-telling and cooking are beautiful and inspiring! As your audience grows bigger, there are always going to one or two absolutely infuriatingly ignorant and hateful people, but don’t let them get to you! There are always going to be more good, sane people rooting for you, and they are probably not going to be as loud and obnoxious about it. I am a female currently in medical school and I hope I can be as talented and inspiring as you one day. Can’t wait for your cookbook to come out.

  112. Mimi,
    Good for you! What a polite response to such an unfounded, negative comment.
    I think your lifestyle is wonderful, as you are truely living and enjoying your wonderful family. Simple pleasures and small moments are so often overlooked in our fast society.
    Life is but a moment.

  113. As they say in the classics “who unleashed the hounds?” One of the most admirable traits of a truly successful woman is never feeling she has to justify what it is or is not doing! I always ask a woman “if she works outside the home”. Many CEO equivalents, but without the PA, the corporate credit card ….
    And, as they also say in the nuvo classics (yes I made that bit up) – “Mimi – you rock!” Why do I expect our sad subject is unlikely to fill that description?

    Another fabulous post – a real insight into the village fete. Only 3 weeks until the Southern Hemisphere’s calendar says it’s Spring! Spring Fairs abound, although I see merit in the ‘after solstice’ pattern adopted in France – here, (Jervis Bay Australia) it’s not until late September/early October that the bud burst really jumps. I’ll be searching then for a Robina tree from which to gather flowers for your Black Locust Flower cake.

  114. such fun to read as usual- too bad about the ferns – would have been lovely- next time. that adorable shot of the back of little Audrey May with her baby-spikey hair – what is it that’s so melty about baby hair???

  115. Ghandi said, “Be authentic, be congruent and be your true self”. I’m proud of you for the way you have chosen to live your life. The way you have chosen to live your life is a gift to your family and to those of us who follow your blog. Your response to the critic was kind which is a reflection of your character. I’m looking forward to your cookbook!

  116. Hi Mimi,
    You are right to take exception to an ignorant comment like that. And probably made in Jealousy because thats where most negativity comes from in my opinion. But its in the minority – thank goodness – all other comments come from a good place as people appreciate your talent coming through. And your beautiful family that you are good enough to share with everyone. Beautiful pictures as always. I made the merangues yesterday and they were fabulous x Thank you for sharing

  117. Hello Mimi.

    Je crois que la seule chose qui importe, c’est de faire de ce que l’on aime vraiment (et ce n’est pas toujours facile de le savoir).

    Heureusement que l’on ne souhaite pas toutes être CEOs !

    I decided to move from Paris to Bordeaux and give up my job because I needed more space, more countryside, more calm. Some of the people I know think I made a mistake. Of course Paris would have been a better place for a successful career in a big law firm but this is not what I am after.

    Keep doing what you love most Mimi. Et n’écoutez pas les jaloux 🙂


    PS: y aura-t-il une présentation de votre cookbook chez Mollat ?

  118. Thank you for sharing the story about that comment. I can certainly imagine reading such a comment and the frustration that it then spreads. However, I can’t imagine a smarter or more eloquent response than what you’ve written here. It is all about having a choice and supporting women who make different choices. Those choices are hard enough to make without the judgement of strangers. So thank you for creating a positive space here on your blog and for celebrating those different choices.

    And those little tartlets – I must make them before summer ends!

  119. Quel beau week-end au marché! Si la cuisine et la famille vous rendre heureux, alors que c’est exactement ce que vous devez faire – ne laissez jamais quelqu’un vous faire sentir mauvais pour vos choix

  120. I feel pity for that woman who wrote that comment, how narrowed minded! Who is to say that is the life, living the grind day in and day out and then before you know if you realize you haven’t really lived. You have the most beautiful family! What a lovely treat it must have been to stumble across your stand 🙂

  121. Mimi – as a 22 year old about to enter four more years of higher education, struggling with the choice of dedicating myself to a career that will leave very little free time for the next decade or returning to my agricultural roots, I can’t tell you how much having that choice means to me. Having strong female role models that have embraced a wide variety of lifestyles, yet never demean each other for their choices – that is priceless. Your blog is both a source of beauty and a source of inspiration in my life, and I’m certain that others feel the same way. Thank you for your eloquent response to such a misguided comment, and thank you for continuing to share your life with us. xx

  122. How lovely to read one of your blog posts that we were a part of! It was wonderful to come along to St Christoly and meet you and your charming family, and of course to get to taste your fine cooking first hand. the tian tarts that you so kindly gave to me and my husband were just delicious. And once we’re back home in Bordeaux after our summer holiday, I am inspired to finally get down to cooking some of your ever-tempting recipes. Fabulous to have met you, and good luck with the book, etc. 🙂

  123. The line of judgement is so thin. Even for me who is open to different kind of other people choices. Bureau work affects my feminine side and sometimes I become unisex. When I’m a warrior who’s fighting all the paper wars, I can happen to act arrogant. Of course, it’s not polite and we need to learn the balance between ourselves and the world where only numbers and productivity counts and no place for our own feelings. But I see that the comment present the difficulties of a women in our society. How harmed had to be the woman to judge other women’s happiness.

    All the best for you, Mimi! I think that you have find a good place for your entrepreneurial skills, creativity and passion for catering, family and beauty.

  124. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Wonderful post (as usual), and wonderful comments. I have a dear friend in her 70s, retired after a long career as a college professor. We’ve had many long, lovely conversations about food, gardens, design, children, and pets, and one short one about careers. She summed it up very succinctly by saying, “Honey, can you imagine how boring this world would be if we all chose the same path?” Mimi, you responded so beautifully to that negative, ignorant comment, and with much more grace than I would have! I look forward to each and every post you make–your smiling face and those of your children (not to mention the photographs of your amazing culinary creations) are proof positive that you have chosen the right path FOR YOU!

  125. Any judgemental comments made by someone to you are 100% about them, not you – the only thing to feel is compassion for them.

  126. Wonderful post! Yes, we have a choice. Our grandmothers did not, our mother’s….not so much, but we do. Choosing to raise a family, staying home with the children is work, hard work and very fulfilling work. We’re making good citizens for the future. I love that you commented on that post and you made it into an inspiration. I have yet another reason to admire and respect you. Thank you!

  127. Yes yes yes. I believe there is power in choice- and choosing what a large amount of women do not choose makes our choice even more powerful. Thanks for this post, and for your sweet view on motherhood and beautiful writing. I will always be a fan.

  128. Rarely do I comment on blogs… though I am a regular follower of yours. Your response to the comment noted was well said and graciously delivered. Love to read and see all you offer… so beautiful and inspiring. There is also “choice” in whether to partake or not (as a reader)… more for those of us that so enjoy your content!

  129. Dear Mimi,

    I have in the past commented on your IG.
    Small words of appreciation or congratulating on your new daughter and home. You have never seemed to notice, but I do hope you read this.
    I am myself 50, a wife and mother of 5 children, a dog , 2 cats and a frog also .
    I quiet often come across people that asked me “what else” do I do or if I have
    “studied”, as a indirect ( or just plain impolite) way to voice their pre conceived ideas. What I came to realize is that mostly this people are themselves unhappy with their own choices or achievements and wether they had careers or families of their own, they were basically voicing their own frustration in my direction and so on a bad day I just dismiss this kind of negativism, and on a good day, I try to understand “where” is this person coming from and be supportive, understanding. Sometimes our own contentment will not necessarily shine on everyone who comes across us, but might cause discomfort, even sadness or a myriad of other feelings.
    Proust wrote, that we are moral when unhappy. I think the person who wrote that comment on your IG was just having a bad moment, dismiss it ( as you indeed did) and go on …..go on in the wholesome, brilliant way you live your life, and yes, next time you come across, someone like that, dont delete them, on the contrary, give them more pastries,and and more children blossoming, and dogs, and pans, it might just rub it on them, it might just be, that that person in a moment of bitter sadness, starts to feel better, to see that behind every CEO there is a man or a woman who was once a child who cherished all the little things that you share with us …..forgive me if I wont edit this, but I must bring my youngest to bed now… wishes!


  130. I am so happy you wrote about this in your blog. I am in my mid 40’s now, but when I was young I did not finish college and always wanted to be in the boardroom. I did work for a very large international company and was always working many, many hours overtime. At the time, I was thrilled to be speaking with someone from Singapore one day and France or Brazil the next. However, now I would not want to be anywhere near an office everyday, all day.
    My life has taken many turns and one turn that I appreciate is that I was the one that took me from working too many hours in an office to work from home with my family and children.
    I love your blog and pictures. Cheers to your success; however you look at it!

  131. Bonjour Mimi,

    If you start posting photos of financial statements on Instagram, I may have to stop following you. 🙂

    I loved reading everyone’s comments about “the comment”. It certainly struck a nerve with me as well. When I am at work my mind wanders to what I am going to feed my family, and I don’t want other mothers and or women judging me. I just think we are all trying to do our best. I also read somewhere that only women’s posts receive such vicious responses. When a man posts, there are never comments like that.

    I really love the photos of the people in the fair. Especially the nuns and the lady in the red framed glasses with the green print dress. Very nicely done!

    I wonder what Gunnhildur wants to do as a career?

    1. Just a follow-up, I did the summer pot roast, and the tomatoes did add a new twist! I was a little confused with the garlic cloves, I did peel them, I think you said to leave the thin layer on? Anyway, it was a big hit in our home, thanks Mimi. Can’t wait to have the beautiful book to reference when it arrives.

  132. This post definitely inspired me to finally comment on your blog, where I have been lurking as a silent reader for quite a few months now. You’ve really said it beautifully: Success and happiness comes from the heart and doing what you truly believe in. Maybe some women have found this in the boardroom, and good for them, but for others, these things can be found in many other places such as a kitchen, a garden, a classroom… anywhere. It makes me smile to see that you have found what makes you happy and so grateful that you have decided to share your stories with us.

  133. I always love reading your blog posts and the stories in them and seeing all the lovely, lovely photos. Once I’m back in my own kitchen, I will definitely be working my way through your recipes. 🙂

  134. How strange that someone would be so one sided that they can’t consider the possibility of a woman wanting to have a choice. This is no better than people who feel the only place for a woman is at home cooking and having babies. I was an executive in a major financial institution, and that was the right choice for me. I would never say all women should choose only this route. You appear to love what you do, and you also appear to be a wonderful wife and mother! Good for you, and shame on anyone who would try to deny you that right. I love your blog, and look forward to each luscious post. How boring it would be for people like me, if there were only people like me! Good luck with all you have coming up.

  135. Hi Mimi. So pleased for you that your big day was such a success, and so enjoyable. I love how you promote the best things in life. Raising kids with good humour, creating food memories is quite an achievement in my book!

    1. Reading through the interesting comments that this post has generated reminds me of how privileged I feel to have been able to make similar choices to you, Mimi. There is always a pang of guilt that I should or could have done more, and the occasional person who knowingly tries to make me feel apologetic about my choices. Your ‘boardroom’ commenter was likely one of those. I know amazing women who manage to combine successful working lives outside of the home with the exhausting demands of mothering, sometimes singlehandedly. Would I have been able to juggle as skillfully? Probably not, and I am enormously thankful that I have been able to tread my own path, whilst having nothing but admiration for women who choose differently. We all need to support each other. Thank you for showing so beautifully that all choices are valid ones! X

  136. You handled the comment/response with class. I wonder if that person can claim to be as content with her choice as you are with yours? In the end who cares? If it’s working for your family…if it ain’t broke..don’t fix it!! Congrats with all the new and good luck!

  137. I just wanted to share with you that my sister in law and I had a food booth this past Sunday. Our town had its annual Fish and Seafood Festival, and we and other people went, representing my brother’s cooking school. Our peers all had wonderful things to eat -and sell. We made Marlin Quesadillas, I don’t know if you are familiar with those. This is Mexico, and a beach town, so we sold a lot of the quesadillas. I also made my lemon bars and my carrot cake hearts, with cream-cheese frosting. Sadly, they didn’t sell. It was terribly hot, and people would rather have cervezas than desserts. Oh, well. Money-wise it was good, and we had so much fun counting the money out of the box, while we soaked our tired feet. I am so glad that you sold your beautiful goodies.
    Your children are beautiful.

  138. Bonjour Dear Mimi,
    Squirting cream over customers, Hudson fighting over his profit share and Louise with a blood nose, not quite the premiere market stall you imagined……but a sell out with those delicious vegetable tarts and meringues 🙂 Audrey Rose looked as if she was taking it all in her stride. Market stalls are great fun but exhausting stuff hey!!!
    Mimi, I just noticed you mentioned your table d’hôtes/ chambres d’hôtes . So you’ll have rooms too, this is fantastic to know. Looking at coming to Bordeaux in August but I think it will be September 2015. We will spend time in your beloved Gironde and probably drive on into Spain. So looking forward to hearing your project is completed as I’m sure you’re anxious to have the work all done. Thank you too for the other book recommendations. I have one for you The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce…..its a gem. xx Anita p.s. Love the photo of the Nuns’.

  139. Brava, Mimi!

    Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your beautiful life. It always feeds my soul to see your blog.

    I wanted children and a life like yours, but never married. I find myself happy in good and satisfying work, but it is fate, not choice. Still, I have to echo your sentiments: how grateful I am to have the freedom to take what life has given me and make something beautiful from it… freedom to go where my talents lie, and to mother and nourish in perhaps less tangible ways. It is this spirit that truly encapsulates the feminine genius, I think. Whether it is in the difficult, sometimes isolated moments of motherhood, or the challenges of the boardroom, we bring beauty there, and coax it out from where it hides. We name it, nourish it, and set it free. What could be better work?

    Viva Beauty!

  140. Dear Mimi
    Always surprise me with such beautiful photographs.
    Imagine your happiness around this table, full of delicious recipes.
    What a day that must have been. And your princess, is already so grown up!
    Fond of one day to visit your castle, your wonderful kitchen and the small town you live, looks so magical.

  141. Great piece! I love your blog, the food, stories and photographs are truly inspirational. I work fulltime in a corporate job but I am also a wife and a mother to a gorgeous little boy. I was raised by a stay-at-home mother to believe that either path is perfectly acceptable so long as the end result makes you happy x

  142. You always take me somewhere beautiful with your blog and of course so delicious. I truly fallen in Love with you and your family. You inspire me as a mother and your blog and stories always have a magical touch to it fairytale like.. Thank You Mimi. XOXO

  143. I think your blog is outstanding! The recipes are wonderful, the photos so beautiful and the joy with which you capture it all is refreshing and inspiring. I agree that our mothers and grandmothers did have “choices” as we have and sadly there are women all over the world today who still are not free to choose a path toward happiness. Hopefully that will change someday and they will know the joy of that type of freedom. So those of us who have choices should not be ashamed of making them and to each her own. Cheers to you!

    1. Of course I meant to write that “our mothers and grandmothers did NOT have choices”. oops should put on my glasses

  144. Always a pleasure to read your blog.

    Is it necessary to pre-bake the pastry? If not, what prevents the bottom from coming out soggy? Any tips would be appreciated!

  145. I was somewhat amused by the woman who posted, apparently blasting you for not being in the corporate world. I have had the same experience, the latest last fall. I was asked what I did, or did do as I am way past retirement age, and answered I was a stay-at-home mom of 3. The woman was appalled and went on to imply I had wasted my life, etc. I was appalled and annoyed at her being appalled and I told her I had the most important vocation in the world. She wanted to go on with this, but I walked away.

    CEOs and other corporate types may or may not buy their own pastries, but they have to retire at a certain age, as the corporate world is not fond of older women. Moms never retire; it is an ongoing condition, sometimes good and sometimes not so good, but always there. Beside, there is a big bonus – grandchildren and, if one is lucky, great-grandchildren. CEOs retire; MOMs don’t.

  146. Dear Mimi,

    Touché…Very elegantly put. I feel that people sometimes get lost in placing nametags on everything and everyone. And they lose site of what is important.

    I agree with you. It was not her point, but rather the person´s lack of education in placing her point across.

    I enjoy your blog so very very much.

    All the best,

  147. “You can be the ripest, juicest peach in the world, and there’s always still going to be somebody who hates peaches.” Dita Von Teese

  148. Oh Mimi, how I love your blog! I eagerly await each new post, because I know it’ll just be fantastic. For any random negative comment you get on Instagram, there’s literally hundreds of people who find your work inspiring, myself included of course! Your posts just make me feel joyful about food, family, and life in general. I for one, cannot wait for your book! Can we pre-order yet?

  149. Oh so well said..”freedom of choice”. I’m cheering you on every time I read your blog which is often. I love food, cooking and children and am grateful for the choice as well 😉 Your photos and words are always a pleasure.

  150. Beautiful in every way, as usual, which inspires me totally, but I am somewhat taken back with your comments re CEO and such…(I remember the comments) and your reply. Granted we all have a different way of expressing ourselves, not always right, but I don’t think the comments of this lady were anything unusual….its cyberspace! Not everybody appreciates the life you are writing about, but that’s okay imho……I love it!

  151. Hmm. That comment of your reader is interesting. I wonder if you had been a man, your actions may have been interpreted differently. I wonder if you may have got complimented on using your intelligence & skill for building your little business enterprise, as you are doing at the moment. In other words: had you been a man, your actions may have been interpreted through preconceptions on ‘manliness’ (ie: a man builds a business), whereas now your actions are interpreted through preconceptions on femininity (ie: a woman has children and cooks).
    I don’t know. Just thinking out loud. The comment implies that your talents are ‘wasted’ because they are not applied in the board room, which I think is very odd and a fairly ‘board room-centric’ way of thinking.
    Merci a vous. In my view your blog is a little life line to the little specks of magic that matter in our society – the joys of fruits bursting with sunshine, the warm sand under your feet on a beach, the giggles that pets and kids bring us, the threads of narrative that tie families and people together. I could go on…

  152. Mimi, What I love most about your blog is the gorgeous pictures and text that teaches all of us that everyday can be a Jour de Fête! All the best, Rié

  153. Mimi, I think it was so brave of you to speak out about the comment off your Instagram feed. I admire what you do and I completely agree with you that what makes woman today different from the past is that we have freedom. Freedom to choose what we want to do with our lives. And if you have chosen the life you love and it makes you happy and fulfilled, nobody should say other wise. Thank-you for what you do and please never stop doing it! You brighten up so many peoples days with your witty writing, beautiful photographs and delicious recipes. I appreciate you and what you do so much. Thank-you for always inspiring me.
    Kindest regards,

  154. La politesse et le savoir-vivre au quotidien se perdent à mon immense regret. Bravo et merci d’avoir mentionné ce commentaire et comportement irrespectueux sur Instagram.
    P.S. Suis fan de votre blog et de vos recettes, MERCI :-)) xxx

  155. Dear Mimi, it is so good to have children, to cook and to live the self chosen way.
    In between 5 years I have born 4 children and at a dinner party with some business friends of my husband, a CEO-woman, who knew about my family, asked me what I was working!!!!! I told her that she couldn`t imagine how much and hard I was working and how important this “work” was for me and the children. She wasn`t able to understand and looked at me as an alien. Well, that`s life, and I am glad after all to have chosen this way. Now all four children are grown up, live in different cities spread over the continent, but we meet regularly and have such a good relationship. I think, this is also the result of having spend time in all ways together, and they all give me good feedback. So Mimi, carry on, it is your way and it is the right one.

  156. Oh, Mimi, I really hope you don’t take cowardly comments like that to heart. You have an incredible enviable life!

  157. What an inspiring post!

    You have a powerful voice to defend a choice of your own so adequately and elegantly, bravo Mimi!

    It’s a shame that we live in the 21st century and yet there’s someone who haven’t read or understood the adage that “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” written by a male poet (William Ross Wallace) in the 19th century.

    Even though I am a working mother and a Director of two companies, I would choose the kitchen over boardroom on any given day; in my book, mothers are the CEOs of the household and will mould and shape the future destiny of the children, nation and even the world!

    I would like to echo the sentiment that we should celebrate the freedom of having a choice of our own and not be bound by rules/gender stereotypes set by our society.

    Now, those tians and merigues look absolutely delicious. Thank you for giving us a tour of the festival, it look likes so much of fun!


  158. How funny it is that we think important decisions only come from board rooms and suits…..even more fascinating that the “person” was following you on instagram. People are funny little things. All my best to you and your family! xoxo Allyson

  159. Of course women should be in boardrooms making important decisions and they should also be in kitchens and shops and classrooms. Women should be everywhere they choose to be and not so narrowly defined to be only in boardrooms. That would turn back to clock where we can only be one thing.

    I am almost 70, have run a few successful businesses. I am an author and a mum and grandma. And my favourite place? The kitchen. Keep writing your gorgeous blog so we can see your beautiful life. And good luck with your book. xx

  160. I don’t understand how women who enjoy domesticity are many times viewed as being anti-feminist or against modernity. For the record, you are the quintessential modern woman in my eyes. You are a chef, a business owner, and a successful blogger, all while having a beautiful family and home. I know your sons and daughters will grow up proud of the accomplishments of both their father and mother (even if she isn’t in a boardroom).

  161. Hello!

    I really admire your blog I have been secretly reading it for a couple years. I wish I could live in France!

    I was wondering if you can make a blog post about your daily life. Go through the day with you, when you get up, breakfast, chores, lunch, etc.

    I just want to know what someone who live in the countryside does from day to day?

    EIther way I wish you all the best!

    from a college student

  162. Sorry to hear about that unpleasant comment, personally I daydream through your photos! Thank you for sharing them. I wanted to mention that I noticed today that my library has pre-ordered 5 copies of your upcoming cookbook per my request. Yay!!!

  163. J’adore votre site, vos recettes, et votre choix de vie ne regarde que vous, continuez à nous régaler avec vos recettes et les photos qui les accompagnent.
    Merci Mimi

  164. Dear Mimi,
    I have been following you since a lovely trip to the Medoc a few years ago. Like you, I completely fell in love with the villages like St Cristoly and St Yvans. I am so excited you are staring up your own place there. Reading your blog brings back such happy memories and the photographs are so beautiful I often just stare at them! My family and I have just planned a last minute trip to Gaillan-en- Medoc at the end of the month. I see you commented you are doing another fete? When and where? We would love to meet you and sample some of the delicious food! Oonagh x

  165. Chère Mimi,

    Quand est-ce que vous ouvrez vos chambres et table d’hôte?
    Et les cours de cuisine ?
    Je serai ravie d’avoir de vous nouvelles!!
    À bientôt, Beatrix.

  166. Thank you for a glimpse into your life. I love your photography and recipes. I am trying to change careers from finance to a more creative field… it is certainly challenging past a certain age!! I also love your clothing, especially that black stripe and cream colored dress! I assume you shop mostly at french stores, but I’d love for you to share your style inspirations and places you love to shop.

    Greetings from Washington DC

  167. bonjour
    pour moi cuisiner pour ma famille et ceux que j’aime et un plaisir que je ne laisserai à personne.
    dans la vie, il faut profiter de toute les petites choses c’est précieux!
    j’adore toujours réver c’est mon carburant
    et vous avez raison il faut dire les choses gentiments tous passe mieux
    merci pour ces moments de plaisirs

  168. Once again I made one or two of your inspirations for my family’s Sunday dinner. Last night I made the “Old fashioned summer veal roast.” As I was putting it together my wife (of 34 years) wanted to know why I was making a winter dish in summer. I explained that Mimi says this is a “summer” roast” so it must be! And it was superb! The house still smells wonderful this morning. I made a single large vegetable tart rather than the tartlets but credit the inspiration to you. Thank you for your blog, your recipes, your drive to do things your way. You are an inspiration for us all.

  169. Dear Mimi,
    everything about you and your family is so lovely.

    I’m so happy that you made a “kind of vegan recipe” (Tian tartlets). I can’t wait to make them.

    Thank’s for sharing your precious moments with us.

    Hugs and kisses,

  170. … and here I am, absolutely envying you that you capably and patiently turned your love of cooking and great food into a career, first the little blog, then magazine articles (I discovered you when you were featured in Bon Appetit), a cooking show, a cook book and soon a restaurant… You are amazing. There are many “CEOS”. Very few people like you. Go Mimi!

  171. You are simply amazing! I adore you more and more each time I read your post. I will visit your village one day, and hope I can meet you in person.


  172. Hi Mimi
    I was very amused to see my arm and hand with a five euro note in it in the picture of you and the three girls at the Jour de Fete. I was reminded of the perfect meringues with peaches and cream and what my wife described as the perfect day in Medoc as we drove back to our hotel past all the scenic delights that you had recomended.

    1. Hi Terry!

      Yes that was your hand in the photo! It was such a pleasure meeting you & your wife – you both seem like happy ‘bons vivanst’! 🙂 I hope you had an enjoyable holiday – please visit soon! Mimi x

  173. Dear Mimi,

    I love your blog and very much enjoyed the latest post about Choices!

    I AM currently in a Boardroom, heading International distribution for a very well-known co. And the Truth is, I really can’t wait to be in a position to leave all that behind! Can’t wait to be “in the kitchen” full time and living the life in the countryside I’ve been dreaming of and planning for myself for some time now. Your blog is a breath of fresh air and keeps me focused on carrying on with my own path.

    Much love to you & yours x

  174. Oh, Mimi, I realize this may be past the point where you’ve stopped reading the comments, but I wanted to say something because this post was so beautifully done. I just love your response to this impolite commenter. I love that you made it bigger than that comment, that you put it in the perspective of having a choice and making one that made you feel great and allows you to live the life you want to live.

    I have a regular 8-5 job in the USA and I read every word of yours. I am newly married, and I live in a very rural place (where we can wander in the woods and grow a big garden!), and we are thinking about children soon. And when I read your blog, whatever part of me that is anxious or nervous about having children and being able to cook for my family (which is a choice and something I love to do!), just melts away. In some ways, the corporate workplace is almost an easier choice. It’s a given. There’s structure, there is a work culture, it’s acceptable, it’s respectable. Some people are good at it, and that is great. But a life against the grain of modern ambition, one full of children and cooking and following your dreams is a wild and unpredictable (and rewarding!) thing. And sharing your life the way you do brings a lovely warmth to your readers (speaking for myself!) that somehow just makes life so much sweeter. So a big MERCI from a reader in rural Tennessee. I hope to visit you one day when your chambre d’hôtes is open to guests, perhaps even with my husband and future children! -Laura

    1. Hi Laura, the point where I stop reading comments never happens, even when I don’t have time to reply I still enjoy pouring myself a cup of tea and reading them all. This week we’ve been so busy working on an article about Médoc for Condé Nast Traveler that I’ve had less time to respond. But I will catch up, promise. I so appreciate all of you sharing your views, thoughts, dreams. Having children can of course be challenging and when I had my first one I was probably a little anxious about motherhood, if I was ready, how would I cope. It turns out I coped pretty well and by now it comes so naturally to me. But then I’ve had a lot of experience. It sounds to me like you are all set to start a beautiful family – I wish you good luck with all my heart. Thank you for your comment, Mimi x

  175. wow… it amazes me that a person can post such harsh words without any sort of real understanding at all. it has taken me awhile to post here, mainly because i’ve fought with myself to figure out the best wording. i guess, with all the internet & blogging, that we (as the reader) seem to feel that we might have some sort of ‘knowing’ to the post’ee, and therefore write words as such. but my goodness, just visually looking at this one post – and all the colorful fullness in both life, career, love and family that are included in the vibrance of rainbowed hued photos says more than any words could type about the type of person you have become! you are truely an inspiration to me, and i only hope that i have the ambition and the actions to simply DO a mere 1/2 of what i’ve seen you post = thank you for making my life, and my dreams, more colorful! blessed-be! -jo

  176. What a silly thought that being a CEO makes you more important than raising children… Also, what an ignorant thought that this isn’t an opportunity for business! Surely, the woman behind this blog markets her brand, anybody with a keen sense should be able to see that. As far as children, quite frankly, I don’t think it’s anybody’s business what one decides to do, or how many children one has, whether 1 or 8! Mimi, thank you for your beauty and lovely pictures, food. I enjoy it!

  177. Mimi,
    This seems like a a superfluous comment- the others have said it so beautifully. Yet another of your admirable creations is this community. Community leaders unite people from all walks and make them feel welcome and hopeful. You do that. I save your blog posts for my cup of tea moments. We’ve just moved back to the US after 12 years living in France. The “rentrée” hasn’t been easy… but your blog takes me home again. Every detail in every photograph and every nuance of flavor in your recipes touch a memory. I feel the cool of the tomettes under foot and smell the sweet scent of the ripe apricots from the garden. I read the comments from your French neighbors and friends and it reminds me of how life takes on a new flavor through another language. I wish we had an adequate english translation for partager, profiter.. .there is a richness to life in France that your readers feel in your words, touch in your photos and taste in your recipes. I miss it terribly and can’t thank you enough for sharing your life.

  178. I am SO sorry that this person left this comment and you felt you had to explain yourself. You and many other women are working as hard as one does in the boardroom AND more besides. Your kitchen is the boardroom, your cookbook, shows, blog, children’s welfare, cooking, cleaning, putting band aids on boo-boos and even feeding the dogs!!! Why oh why must we be told that we are not doing enough…. when in fact we could do with a little less…. but most of us do it with a smile on our faces, dust ourselves off and keep going.

    I love your blog, I’m truly inspired by all that you do. Keep up with the good work and don’t let people put you down.

    Wonder if the boardroom exec that left the message has a nanny, a gardner or actually comes home, puts on an apron and cooks those pastries or maybe she goes to the lovely green storefront and buys them from the shop owner who is laughing all the way to the bank because they own a fabulous pastry shop, interact with lovely ladies and their kids and actually enjoys going to work!

    I could go on and on….



  179. I agree, we need more Chicks Eating Oreos.
    But jest aside – you have very maturely and eloquently responded to that comment, showing wisdom and a kind heart. Great with food, AND with words. Cheers, belle fille!

  180. Hi Mimi. I have always wanted to comment on either you blog or Instagram to compliment you on such inspiring posts. I don’t look at it and feel like you are letting the female race down? I look at it and respect what a wonderful life you and your husband are providing for your family. I don’t work in the boardroom, in fact I am a nurse. My husband however does work long hours in the boardroom and travels a lot for his job. One of his biggest pleasures is to cook, shop (food/wine- nothing else mind!) Our weekends are spent together visiting the local delis, butchers etc planning our meals. He then spends hours preparing delicious meals for us and our son. I am with you in appreciating these little things, not what size house, salary, car etc we have but what we as a family enjoy and relish. Because, despite what some people think you can have your cake and eat it!

  181. Dear Mimi,

    I’ve been struggling for a while to find my place in the professional world and loved your comment that said, “Finding something you like to do, something you are, hopefully, reasonably good at and then having the chance to do it – that is the path to a good life, the path to happiness even.” It inspired me. Now I’m off to do what I love and it too is not in the board room. And for what it’s worth, I’m a guy. Why does everyone think the end all is the board room? Bon Appetit!!

  182. Dear Mimi, Some women can be just so jealous, you are right, that some of us are lucky to have the choices, there are so many ways she could of said what she did, with out being so rude, but that goes to show you the anger some women have to see others glow…You go on, be beautiful and creative, I love your blog and I can’t wait to receive your book, from passionate cook, baker and shoe lover here is to you…

  183. First let me mention how wonderful of you to be grateful for having choices and for standing up, quite politely, to a judgmental and rude commentor.

    Next, may I mention I think you are a most excellent CEO of JOY. By your blog, your photography, your food, your cookbook, your cooking classes, you share your love of life and joyous experiences with others.

    Also I need to thank you as you have inspired me to return to my own blog which I have abandoned for quite some time. I will clean out all the rude anonymous comments and reclaim what I should never have let become spoiled by others.

    1. Bonjour! Thank you so much for your kind words. It gives me such joy to share a sense of “joie de vivre”, living a simple & good life, filled with love and generosity. And I am so happy to hear you are returning to your blog! Have a lovely day, Mimi x

  184. Like a dream. Beautiful pictures, nice reading… My sunday is far away from the french countryside but we will gathered with my family for an ASADO ARGENTINO. I will try your meringues for dessert! Have a nice day Mimi!

  185. Dear Mimi,

    I have been thinking about this post and all the encouraging support and comments it has generated for a long time, it seems it is a very poignant issue for many of us.

    I am now a stay at home mother of two (although my husband calls me a go-around-all-over-the-place mother), and I left my culinary career to cook and bake for my family and I have fond memories of my “single”, carefree life… but I am completely happy at home with the kids. We are caring for the next generation of boardroom beauties and surely it is women, like you Mimi, that are fostering goodness into this world. And the Dad’s too.

    Mostly, and I think this is the best part, I am reminded of a quote I wrote down many years ago, I don’t know who it is by but I think it is the perfect answer to the you should be in a boardroom quip….

    “the hand that rocks the cradle, rocks the world”.

    Many thanks for your wonderful blog Mimi and Oddur’s gorgeous photographs. 🙂

    Much love, erica xo

  186. Dear Mimi,

    Ironically, your life is so much more happy, enchanting, full and enviable than any life in any boardroom. In fact, I pity women who think that the only way to success and happiness is via a career in the traditional sense.

    We each have the choice (yes, these days we have a choice for the most part) to make something out of our life and live it as we wish. Being able to chose what makes us truly happy and follow our heart is so much more interesting, joyful, and fulfilling than following what others think we “should” be doing.

    Congratulations on what for me is one of the best blogs or maybe just THE best blog out there, which I actually take the time to read because I enjoy everything you share. And congratulations on the cookbook and your other new ventures!

    xo Debra

  187. Dear Mimi,

    Ironically, your life is so much more happy, enchanting, full and enviable than any life in any boardroom. In fact, I pity women who think that the only way to success and happiness is via a career in the traditional sense.

    We each have the choice (yes, these days we have a choice for the most part) to make something out of our life and live it as we wish. Being able to chose what makes us truly happy and follow our heart is so much more interesting, joyful, and fulfilling than following what others think we “should” be doing.

    Congratulations on what for me is one of the best blogs or maybe just THE best blog out there, which I actually take the time to read because I enjoy everything you share. And congratulations on the cookbook and your other new ventures!

    xo Debra

    PS: not only “all of the above”, but also you inspire many of us and fill our lives with dreams. Can the CEO say that?

  188. Hey, i’m following your blog about more of a year now. its amazing with great pictures. it gives me a lot of inspiration. sorry for my english but i’m a belgian womon whose addicted to food and the kitchen. when and where are those workshops. bisous

  189. Mimi: It always surprises me when some women think it their duty to tell other women what they ‘should’ be aspiring to; don’t they understand that their way is just as bad as the old-fashioned attitudes? Women are free to be whatever they want to be; I am almost 70 years old and I’m so glad I lived long enough for this day.

    I look forward to reading your blog and I can’t wait to see your new cookbook which I have pre-ordered. Please continue to do what you love!

    1. Listen…you included feel the need and duty to tell your mind here….I love to hear about Mimi’s life, its fantastic , inspiring and of a kind type dream, wonderful for her, but I had enough of all the ladies in here ranting against the person who had her own FREE will….enough….get over it and start looking forward to the cook book!

  190. Well said Mimi, and I could not agree more – about your thoughts on being a woman and being grateful for having a choice. Thank you for expressing it. Meadow

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